Warsaw vs Moscow

Why is Moscow so shit?
Is this site reliable?

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>Is this site reliable?


It's the biggest/second biggest city in Europe, Warsaw is 8 times smaller. Sure it has a lot of problems of big cities such as traffic, pollution, high property prices.

>Site says soda in moscow costs 50 rur

Why are Nips so interested in Eastern Europe?

proxys. proxys everywhere.

we're the lost tribe of japan

>50 rur
what does that mean in real money?

2L Cola probably costs like that.

Oh ok, thanks.

>No stats that say we're bad are reliable, it's all work of western capitalists
t. Putin

But it's lying in everything

Purchasing power in Warsawa is only 6ˇ% higher than in Mumbai, India :D :D

polacs are india tier poor


India is cheap as fuck. You can eat like a king for pocket change, it's unreal. Makes Eastern Europe look like Norway.

pic related

So moscow has no pollution? How much is the average price of a m2 of a flat? I got a friend from moscow and she said her rent for a 50m2 apartment is 1000 isd.

Moscow>>>>>>>>>>> irrelevant Warsaw
I bet that in one day you visit al. The """ important""" places

far from centre middle tier 1000$ m2

Well that's a ok price. But I wonder if there's a mediana
I'm asking not out of spite but curiosity.

I've been to both, unlike you, and both are shit. There are far better cities in poland and russia than their capitals.

Only St. Petersburg for Russia.

Spb is worse than Moscow.

t. Maseychuk

still safer than Sweden

Purchasing Power Index
Helsinki Very High 115.65
Copenhagen High 108.80
Stockholm High 105.64
Oslo High 104.74
Makes you really think.

we have arrmed with assault rifles patrols every 100 meters

hmmm really makes you think!

>Check Helsinki vs Malmö
Feels batman.
But at least it is safer.

Purchasing Power Index
Finland 120.10 Very High
Sweden 111.66 Very High
Norway 109.11 High
Denmark 109.73 High
How is this even possible?

o'ou. Denmark should be before Poorway.

Why are Swedes so violent compared to Danes?

>higher purchasing power
That's because you can buy cheap petrol, booze and cigarettes in Russia and Estonia.


Liberal media propaganda.
There are lots of nazis in Poland.
Typical Polish citizen can't find a job, so they move to Britain, where they steal, rape and sell drugs to chavs.
Furthermore Ukrainian ragules come numerously to Poland. They are thiefs, rapers and drug dealers too.
If only the soviet Union hadn't fallen apart, we'd keep a tight rein on these bastards.

If no proofs were a poster it would be (((YOU)))

lol u serious ?