"I'm Danish!"

>"I'm Danish!"
>do DNA test
>50% Iberian

Other urls found in this thread:


>inb4 90% sub-saharan african

she looks more portuguese than danish to be honest.
Did she really hought she was 100% danish???
She has soft/round features, plus brownish/green eyes, hair is obviously dyed



She's still a cutie patootie.

>"I'm Finnish!"
>do DNA test
>50% mongol, 50% alien

>"I'm Dutch!"
>do DNA test
>65% water and 50% herbs

BLACKED.com when?

Her face is definitely moorish, she is still qtie tho

>"I am Greek"
>do DNA test
>50% olive oil 50% WE

Anglos: The Great Down Syndrome Mud Defenders

I would never guess shes Danish t bh

>"I am Hungarian"
>do DNA test
>100% pure mongol genes
really makes you think

Fun fact: when Churchill was stationed in Palestine, his sister wrote him tearful letters asking him not to convert to Islam, since the family had heard rumours.

holy shit im culture shocked desu

>"I am Romanian"
>do DNA test
>100% hungarian genes
makes me wonder why

I culture shocked you're mum desu lad


>Lauren Sulista

She's denying the test in the video


would you a Lauren?

excellent post "desu lad"

she is so cute

we'll her last name is Southern, and Nordics are Northern

She's 100% qt.

So just regular finnish then?

there's just one race, the human race

Sounds like you're Hungary for black cock.

isn't she like 15% iberian?
and that hair dyed btw


unnecessary BBCposting

She dyes her hair and doesn't look nordic at all.

>if you were smart enough to ask your conservative family about you're makeup of race you would've known this

you probably need to gb2 canada, eh?

>I am Turkish
>Do DNA test
>%50 Greek %50 Armenian.

Can you please decode this for me.

She looks just like a girl in my class, just that she has green eyes instead of blue. So it's not that far out to think she is nordic.

Also she should try diffrent DNA test companies. They are not that reliable.

You done got genocided. I mean you didn't. I mean...

100% turkish then?

come home /hellenic/ man

>I am French
>Do DNA test
>50% Moroccan 50% Algerian

qt hedgehog.

good post

we're different ppl "bud"

>be pure Filipino
>is actually a Spaniard rapebaby


Lauren looks like a much plainer Kirsten Dunst so I was pretty unsurprised when I heard she has Danish ancestry

I have no clue how AncestryDNA assigns % so I can't give any opinion but 50% Iberian definitely points to something genuinely Southwest European (unlike the very low %s she got for British Isles which are probably just shared Danish-British DNA)

I do love the anxiety white identitarians feel when they look at these test results without exactly knowing what they mean. is that an yggdrasil pendant she's wearing btw?

also damn, Sup Forumsacks are retarded

I really hope my DNA test comes back somewhat nonwhite so I can identify as nonwhite.

>do DNA test
>100% Polish
Does this mean i'm rightful kinf of Poland? From what i heard nobody gets 100 percent of one nation.


ahahaha BEANED

I bet she feels dirty now

guess there's something genuinely southwestern in her ancestry, then. I don't recall coming across any pure dutch scoring that sort of Iberian on 23andme but I could be wrong

>I don't know what I am
>DNA test is 100% loss of €200

fuck, nevermind. that's still AncestryDNA, the similar layout confused me

and of course, I meant Danish, not Dutch.

Brits and Irish seem to get Iberian on AncestryDNA so maybe she's quite a bit British/Irish

it's impossible, since Poles are a mix of various european people.


That's what i'm talking about. My friends did those tests too and they all got some german, czech or even russian but not me. I literally got 100 percent polish. Am i King of our country?

You're the potato master of onions.

I did a DNA test and the results were

I am Greek

>"I'm Serbian!"
>do DNA test
>20% Greek, 60% South Slav, the rest is scattered shit like 5% Scandinavian and even some West Europe (France)

How in the fucking hell?

This meme that she looks non-white is triggering me a lot.
She looks like a generic Ameriburger.


>Why is my DNA not restricted to one politically confined area?

Well Slavs did live very close to scandinavians and your ancestry does go back thousands of ears.

>your ancestry does go back thousands of ears

I think the Byzantines preferred cutting off noses


Slawish people are the last people to leave Africa so they never made connections with the Scandinavians


Slavs came from the east, Hans kun.



Are you retarded or just a Jew/Turk?

He is Greek

wrong, Scandinavians are subhumans too

Does this mean i can guilt trip white wimminz to suck my bbc?

Look in your face Pyotr, do you not see the similarities? For me it is absolutely obvious that Gemanics were the first race to leave Africa. They settled in the North. Second came Iberians who lived in the South. At least, some 3.000 years ago after the fall of the Egypts a lot of African tribes moved northwards and settled in what is now called Eastern Europe. Due to the low sunlight their skin got lighter and their facial structures changed and their body adapted.

Basic biology, do your research.

European peoples have been around for centuries, do you really think they didn't intermingle at all until modern times?

Anglo here

>t. proud nationalistic Turk living in germoney


Do people on here unironically give a shit about non-northern European ancestry?

Guarantee you most Sup Forumsacks have admixture with people they'd consider subhuman.


No, it's just the Scandinavian and French bit that caught me off guard. The Greek thing isn't a surprise. I was expecting something like Bulgarian and Romanian to pop up as well due to our proximity, but it didn't.

I would like to do a DNA test but my grandfather on my mother's side was from a German minority in Romania and I don't want to find out I have parts of tracish DNA.

>t. I am greek

What are this man's thought patterns? Do you think he craves raw meat?

not as much as you, gay boy

more like raw bananas

It doesn't mean anything. These tests are designed for Amerilards who are 3/6 Irish and 1/5 German and so on.
When their program encounters something it's not calibrated to analyze it just gives silly results.

>Greek "bants"
Shouldn't you be fiddling with little boys so you can find a dick that's actually smaller than yours.


that's what I'm doing right now with you xD xD

Reported to the IBCA.

>"I am southern Brazilian"
>100% white genes direct from God Thor

She doesn't even look German

She looks German/Spanish.

Nah, you are jealous because she was born in whitest land on earth

she looks perfectly German. I'm starting to think the pale NEETs on here have forgotten what tanned people can look like

she's not a natural blonde by the looks of it and has dark eyes so not surprised


She looks mullatto man