Japan explain this please

Japan explain this please

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my waifu

It's in our blood for centuries ever since our ancestors found beauty in the gender-neutral role in historical plays
Nothing new, nothing wrong

It's 2016 dude

Two nukes were not enough



>handsome and brave white man in Japan

>in 2016 peoples still not wearing kimono and not slicing gaijin with katana

I'm waiting to this guy having his own manga

At least he can grow a beard.

Samurai dug their young apprentice's ass, so did the monks
Homophobia is such a peasant thing

Anglos aren't white.

that ass though

I laughed.
And I feel bad for it.

It's a weird looking ass.

How can we go from this...

...to this?

I prefer the 2nd one.

Is that a male?

Sup Forums once told me that it's male

So it is normal to become a fking faggot because "its 2016"? In 2020 we will be all pedophiles, right?

Are you gonna give him the BJC so he doesn't start shilling for other races?

>fighting off three cops while naked
Pretty brave honnestly

Buh...but why doesn't he just run the other way???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :^)