gave you mum the sauce last night edition
Other urls found in this thread:
it's literally punching scotland
me on the right
new janny here
Fuck Mo Farah
literally shaking rn
And if it's not HP™ brand sauce, what then?
poortherners, such an interesting breed to study
Hello ama I"m Tim
sauce is literally just sugar
if you don't realise this meet me and I will squeal with joy as i uppercut your nose-bone into your brain
Can't fathom how the runts prefer their teas without sweetners.
thread theme
>unironically being 190kg
Whatever brand it is then you cretin
then its still HP sauce
it's like how a hoover is still a hoover even when it's made by a different company
>there are ''men'' who unironically pay for used female underwear
not a huge fan of this anti-northerner sentiment
t. southerner who likes northerners x
youre clearly the runt here
>ywn speed down the southern french countryside in an executive german car
In which case, I believe this is checkmate
Business idea: buy womens clothing and sex toys and dress up all girly in my private time for sexual gratification
Maybe the shit sauce you have
Ketchup>'tomato sauce'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'red sauce'
i've been doing this for about 2 years
it's a good feel
chat shit about my sauce again you will get these hands my friend
ah yes, a runt without a proper keyboard.
enjoy your cancer and shitty flavour in the meantime
loose leaf = patrician
if you have to use teabags, blend some flavours. anything else is tepid and shit
>So called friend calls £10 a monkey
Ah yes, Essex cockney who thinks he's from West Ham
already invested in this
If the Irish ''''race'''' were an animal they would be an earthworm. Absolute grubs.
Ketchup>Tomato Ketchup>Tomato Sauce>[the final option would never ever pass my lips]
business idea: turn the north into a reality tv show
Down to around 7,000 teabags, lads. I am going to OD on tea before long.
Get a load of the teamaster lads, bet he loves a good old teabag here and there.
You're probably gagging for a good old teabag right now aren't you?
work tomorrow
my mum always has dozens of boxes in her cupboard whenever I go around
i like them loose
Why does /brit/ hate brit/pol/ so much? Is it because you can actually have a discussion on there and debate things that require you at least be able to type out more than 10 words?
love a dollop of yellow sauce now and again.
Yeah, but she probably didn't accidentally purchase 7,200 of them.
Your sauce is so shit that you get refills from the bathroom
literally can't see a downside to this
the profits raised can go into investing back in the north, turning it into a prosperous part of the UK again
doing everyone a favour
>runtoid "politics"
>yellow sauce
Runtish behaviour
>Why does /brit/ hate brit/pol/ so much? Is it because you can actually have a discussion on there and debate things that require you at least be able to type out more than 10 words?
because leftycucks have infested Sup Forums lad
*walks away and talks to someone else*
Don't take the piss m8
>/brit/ is one person
Going to have black sauce with my roast later.
I was thinking of buying a pair of legendarylootz' used pants...
I'm not even gay but something about crossdressing just gives me a massive stonking erection
190kg master race.
*moves a single foot out in front of you*
haha where you off to mate? thought we were having a good chat
ye alri my lads
caffeine overdose is 200mg/kg of body weight
each cup of tea has 11mg of caffeine
that's 77000mg of caffeine
if you wanted to overdose by drinking all of these in one day and die on the last one, your weight would be 385kg
you're a big guy
i assume because Sup Forums is full of over-zealous half-wits whose only semblance of cleverness is inhereted from the same 5 minute video clips and innate discussions that those mouth-breathers vomit into eachothers mouth incessantly all the while considering themself truly woke while at the same time using black memes
bit gay
Tart Water is what your mum sprays on before a night out.
>Is it because you can actually have a discussion on there and debate things that require you at least be able to type out more than 10 words?
Really think the 'shan't be reading this' gimmick has really ruined the good old lengthy argument post. It makes runts think of a few buzzwords to create an affect.
Mindless runts, the lot of you.
May as well be. You all parrot the same shit-tier humour and gimmicks.
one of the best posts of 2016
when are we gonna have a vote on the TERMS of brexit lads. doesn't seem very democratic to have all these decisions made for us by a distant elite
Hearty chuckle
wish she would go back to shaving the lazy cunt
shan't be reading a word of this garbage
>i assume
Stopped reading there.
People read the posts, decide they disagree and then say that they "shan't" be reading it.
All that confirms is that you trolled someone so successfully, they ran away and cried rather than face you intellectually.
>distant elite
funny innit
earthworms are pretty important though
Who the fuck do you think you are lad, the gimmick police?
if you actually come to Sup Forums to have discussions about things, you are fucking retarded. theres no one here with an IQ over 6
full of turbororkes. Don't care about the politics ,they're just unpleasant people.
Proud to lay claim to this gimmick and happy to see it end you autists going on back-and-forth arguments with literal essay-length posts
full of stupid plebs
Spotted a Rasheed, lads
have an IQ of 6 lads
*considers the length of this post*
*takes into account the flag above the post*
no, no i think 1 letter of this post soiling my eyes would be 1 letter too many
Yep. We got a problem here, lad?
>People read the posts,
can't believe busted made a new album
year 3000 was the jam
my mate's going to get his copy signed next week
Shall be reading this
Really want a gf
Bit stuck though any advise?
Shall not be reading a word of this
>have to have a family meetup next month for our grans birthday
>look up my cousins on facebook
>the older male cousin is a deano
>the older female cousin is obese
>the younger female cousin is a slut
>and the younger male cousin is a tranny now or something
oh this is going to be fun
I think I'll just get drunk and hope that everyone ignores me
both of you seem like you'd enjoy brit/pol/
why dont you bugger off to brit/pol/