is cheating and being dishonest in general common and socially acceptable in your country?
here in Brazil it is.
is cheating and being dishonest in general common and socially acceptable in your country?
here in Brazil it is.
I'd say it's common but it's still not considered acceptable
Why so disillusioned about your cunt bruh?
would you befriend someone who cheated on her/his bf/gf and not say a word about it?
would you accept such person as you gf?
would you be friends with someone who steals shit or backstabs other friends?
Because it's true, and not only in Brazil, everything is about money now, no trust, no honesty, no loyalty, no principles, we really need to go extinct
also would you vote for someone who steals shit, as long as this person defends your political interests?
What we need is some forgiveness to go along with the condemnation.
Don't pretend it's normal or okay to be a cheating slut, a greedy scammer or a ruthless backstabber, but do offer such people chance to redeem themselves.
I could hang out with people that's done things like that and be nice to them, if that's what you mean, but actually giving them my trust? Fuck'em
Yes. Why are Brazilian women so slutty?
My mother cheated on my father three times before they divorced and she later told me I'm someone else's kid so I didn't care because most of my friends have been through the same thing.
>Yes. Why are Brazilian women so slutty?
don't make it look like men don't cheat as much
In Canada it is acceptable in business but not in everyday life
It's only acceptable if the lover is a strong black man
Brazilian women cheat 3x as much compared to Brazilian men.
That's why so many Brazilian husbands murder their wives.
men don't cheat as much
>parents have been married for 42 years
Jesus, dude... Why bother getting married if they're going to be like that.
There are TONS of answers to that question, but yeah, it's always shitty
are you dellusional
Just lived in the scene for quite some time to know it by experience
Well, what's fucked up is a lot of the people pulling shit like that claim they can't get divorced because they're Catholic. Talk about totally missing the point...
literally all Americans do these
this is also accurate for america
I wouldn't if I knew that person was openly doing such things
It isn't socially acceptable but it is common