How do I make peanut butter + jelly sandwiches?
Should I aim for more jelly or more peanut butter?
I will try to use both equally but I want to know the safe way to err.
How do I make peanut butter + jelly sandwiches?
Should I aim for more jelly or more peanut butter?
I will try to use both equally but I want to know the safe way to err.
Step 1, take jelly, throw it in the trash
Step 2,use a little honey instead
Step 3, have a glass of milk nearby(whole, not skim), peanutbutter is sticky as fuck and fat soluble, so water won't do shit to unstick it from the roof of your mouth
fuck honey
Please, please answer OP
No jelly. Just peanut butter sammich.
Dip it in your chili.
>How do I make peanut butter + jelly sandwiches?
with your hands
Fine stay pleb, overload on peanut butter, there should be a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of more peanutbutter than jelly
Peanutbutter never falls out of the sandwich, jelly thicker than a few millimeters falls out in gobs
more peanut butter than jelly is the safe way to go
lol excellent
>Not with your private chefs hands
Stay poor fag
Why is this so popular in America anyway? It's a really meh bordering on disgusting tier combination. Is it because American "bread" is actually cake?
1. put it in the trash
2. use nutella
It's what poor white trash feed their kids in the trailer park when they're not beating their wife or voting for Trump.
Real parents give their kids soup and a lunchmeat sandwich.
if you use too much peanut butter it will be too dry, if you use too much jelly it will be too messy. the only way to find the right proportions is through trial and error. the second pbj is always better. also, you should spread the jelly first otherwise you'll get peanut butter in the jelly jar.
It's because peanutbutter is Uber healthy(depending on the brand of course) because it's basically just a fatty protien paste
Also it's and easy 1 minute lunch to make for your kids to eat at school
You don't need much jelly. Also, both sides of the sandwich should have peanut butter with the jelly in the middle.
>also, you should spread the jelly first otherwise you'll get peanut butter in the jelly jar.
>Not using a knife for peanutbutter and a spoon for jelly
Cross contamination works both ways
>mixing jelly knife into peanut butter instead
how about 2 different knives, fool
jelly doesn't stick to the knife like peanut butter. the excess can easily be wiped off on the bread or rinsed off.
jelly is sticky. I'll just take 1 more second washing the knife when I do dishes later so the peanut butter stays pure.
I'm sure the jelly bacterias in your peanutbutter jar thank you, even if they never grow eccentric enough to make you sick