You travel back in time and meet the child Hitler

You travel back in time and meet the child Hitler.

What would you do with him?

Hand him a big book about everything that happened from 1918 to 1945.

I would give him advice and try to help him. It would probably be in vain, but still.

Would tell him about his strategic mistakes and prepare him for WW2

>child hitler

Didn't read that. Absolutely retarded addition OP, why not Hitler in 1930 or something?

Make your own thread then.

I wouldn't mess with anything desu, unless I somehow were immune to time paradoxes.

Don't go seeking for answers where there is none.

Teach him art

Don't want to hog up the board.

Teach him how to draw properly, so he won't fuck it up this time.

Whisper in his ear:

get him hooked on JAV

Educate him about the superiority of the Finnish race.

Show him how much lebensraum there is in South America.


Give him a few books on things like computing, nuclear science, machine-guns and jet-science as well as everything you may find on the American, UK and Soviet Secret services from 1933-1945.

This desu.

Dress him up like this and fuck his ass while reciting the American Anthem.

Show him to truly fear the burger

Mutilating him would just make him hate you even more.

>Showing patriotism is mutilation

Bully him of course.
All writings about him say that he was an autist.
No wonder Sup Forums loves him so much; they have someone just like them to look up to.

I meant Molesting, fuck.
And Duterted got molested by an American priest and now he hates America.




Oh right, there were a couple Polish mathematicians involved too.