In 1682, the Ottoman Empire made its third and final attempt to seize the Habsburg capital of Vienna...

In 1682, the Ottoman Empire made its third and final attempt to seize the Habsburg capital of Vienna, which would have thrown open the center of Europe to the Turkish host. The Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha led an army of 170,000 men to march on Austria. Siege of the city commenced on July 14, 1683. Vienna was protected by substantial walls, but only 12,000 men garrisoned the city and as all food supplies were cut off, near famine conditions began.

Meanwhile, the Polish king Jan III Sobeski prepared a relief army. Jan was not motivated by mere Christian fervor to drive off the infidel, but also entirely practical reasons...if Austria fell, then Poland would also be exposed to the Ottomans. Some 80,000 Poles and Austrians marched to relieve the beleaugered city, with Jan Sobeski, already renowned in Europe as a battlefield tactician, in overall charge.

The relief army had to act quickly to save the city and prevent another long siege. Despite the binational composition of the army and the short space of only six days, an effective leadership structure was established, centered on the King of Poland and his heavy cavalry (Polish Hussars). The Holy League settled the issues of payment by using all available funds from the government, loans from several wealthy bankers and noblemen and large sums of money from the Pope. Also, the Habsburgs and Poles agreed that the Polish government would pay for its own troops while still in Poland, but that they would be paid by the Emperor once they had crossed into imperial territory. However, the Emperor had to recognize Sobieski’s claim to first rights of plunder of the enemy camp in the event of a victory.

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On September 12, the battle was joined. With most of the Ottoman artillery facing Vienna, the troops confronting the allied army were left almost without any artillery support. After an infantry clash early in the day, the Polish hussars began their attack. With the Ottoman army surrounded on three sides, panic began to set in. In one of history's greatest cavalry charges, 20,000 allied horsemen, with Jan Sobeski personally leading his elite "Winged Hussars" in front, the Ottomans dropped their weapons and began to flee, the troops besieging Vienna reluctantly following behind.

The battle was described in contemporary Ottoman histories as "one of the worst battlefield defeats in our history" with at least 35,000 casualties and another 5,000 men taken prisoner. Allied casualties numbered about 19,000. It was the beginning of the end for Ottoman imperial dominance, and the dawning realization in Europe that their long-feared nemesis was not invincible. Over the next decade and a half, Hungary would be liberated from the Ottoman yoke, and the Treaty of Pressburg in 1699 confirmed these territorial changes.

This has been a completely random history trivia post. Hopefully it was education for you, Sup Forums.


>Hhhey gguise my country is totally irrelevant now but lllook at this battle we won 400 years ago.

>muh relevancy
Shut the fuck up you stupid fat yank

No need to be rude my dude.

>yfw the Ottomans were actually the good guys

During the Irish potato famine, the Ottoman Sultan had originally intended to send £10,000, but British diplomats requested that the Sultan send only £1,000, so as not to donate more than Queen Victoria, who had sent £2,000. He is also said to have sent three or five ships full of food. The British administration allegedly attempted to block the ships.

How did we end up becoming enemies anyway, Poland? We're so cool together.

You kraut bastards are inherently evil, so you moved against us

If only Crimeans didnt betray us. Giray Khan was supposed hold Jan Sobeski. Instead he fucked off backed to Crimea,refusing the Sultan's order. Look at Crimea now they are a minority in their own land lmaoooo fuckin shitters.

True. We should have join turks and wipe kraut menace off the face of Earth.

well played polan buddy


Well we're also inherently clever so clearly there was a good reason for that.

>His cunt has a short history that nobody except for Americans care about
>People from around the world are fascinated by European history

Besides, Ottoman Turkey never acknowledged the partitions of Poland and kept a Polish embassy in Istanbul all the time. They were assholes to balkanlar, but in the Balkan wars of independence, Balkan Turks (mostly city dwellers, educated white collar workers etc) were ruthlessly exterminated in one of the lesser known genocides in history.

Removing the Ottoman Empire from Hungary was a mistake

G*rmans and Austri*ns are far worse than any Turk.

oh shit, looks like I pissed off the wrong l*af

Should we cry about muh genocide?

>>The Khan sent envoys to Saint Petersburg to sue for peace. During this mission Catherine II met Şahin Giray and wrote of him: "The Crimean Prince is the most gentle Tatar, I have ever seen. He's very talented, bronze-colored, good-looking, circumcised and writes poetry. He wants to see and learn everything."

What did she mean by this?

She was a known degenerate

>Even great Empresses prefer cut dicks

Wallachia was cooler desu.


el americANO

very nice, I rate it Kielbasa/10






>this could be us but you playin'


went to a 'time travel' museum in vienna the other day and learnt about this
only time I've ever heard Poland having any relevance in history that isn't getting utterly BTFO


you sound like a dumb person

check this one, it's in short and a blog. but it's basically a timeline of polish history


I did already know a bit about the ottoman empire and Vienna but the emphasis they put on the polish help surprised me


It depends. Are you Armenian or Jewish?


For a woman who was used to fucking her horse, it is an improvement to get laid with a Tatar.

German porn, not even once



Is there actual evidence that she fucked horses? Always thought that was a rumor

It's propaganda

Cute, but we did the same 100 years before :^)

That was pretty cool, thx user

>They were assholes to balkanlar, but in the Balkan wars of independence, Balkan Turks (mostly city dwellers, educated white collar workers etc) were ruthlessly exterminated in one of the lesser known genocides in history.

A really tiny fraction of urban Balkanic Muslims was actually Turkish. It is the exact reason why those mujahireen changed the looks of many Anatolian cities after 1878

these is a certain mutual respect between the polish and turks

i hear from polish that they respect them from using honorfull tactics in battle, just as the turks do

im pretty sure that turkish sultan soap opera is very famous in poland

turks also did not recognize the partition of poland

in a better world the poles and turks would have teamed up and split europe between them, cause fuck europeans

t. Turk
>Fails to mention that only 20,000 of the 80,000 were Germans

100 Russian soldiers = 5 German soldiers = 1 Polish soldier.


it's true vanya.

We rekt those Turks good eh

No gzegozh, your soldiers dont cost 100 russians, and you dont have nuclear weapon and strong ar,y

History says otherwise.

Russia just throws their "people" like fucking garbage.

1 milion army against 200k on the opposite site? Fine
What? They all fucking died? Let's send another 2 milions.

1 Finnish farmer = 500 russian "soldiers"

why are Polacken the most immensely butthurt people in the world
Commonwealth was a incapable and failed clay of shit and you know it

I'm sorry, but you're the one butthurt here.


>timeline of polish history
>no mention of sweden

>Commonwealth was a incapable and failed clay of shit and you know it
t. "Holy" "Roman" "Empire"

not even comparable, try again m8

>be russian
>get noscoped by a Finnish farmer
>kdr 0:500


You're right, one was a country and the other was a embarrassing mess of city states.

Commonwealth also enslave Ukrainian peasants. Polish nobility whip us rob us and draft us to fight their wars. not defending what Bandera did but you should understand rage Ukrainians felt.


Commonwealth was the best time for Ukraine if you consider all of your history.

If it wasn't for the cossacks chimping out, Ukrainians would live much better.

funny then how some embarrassing city states managed to get a king of the throne of """Great""" Britain :^)

I don't recall Great Britain losing to Napoleon and collapsing :^)

And sack Rome and take the Pope as hostage. Can't get much more Roman or holier than that.

>every single state fights with each other
>gets brutally anally raped by France every century
>gets majority of its population genocided in a religious war
>can't unite even in a face of a common threat
>doesn't matter at all, except inbred Austrian family
>shitty army, can't even fight off Turks

>religious tolerance: Islam, Christianity, Lutheranism, Judaism - all welcome
>no religious wars
>no discrimination
>women are treated with respect
>can actually unite when facing a common threat
>important for stability between West and East
>best cavalry in the history of Europe
>allows HRE to exist

"Every noble, even the poorest one, had equal voting rights as everyone else. That was one of the main reasons PLC fell apart by the way.
And Lithuanian nobles polonized themselves on their own, without anyone forcing this on them, because their peasant language didn't even had a writing script at the time. It was kinda like with the English and the Normans.
Forcing polonization, Lithuanian national identity, squabbles over Vilinus and all that crap happened much later, when Poland recovered after partitions and Piłsudski (who, by the way, was born right under Vilinus, so he was basically a Polish Lithuanian) believed restoring the Commonwealth (the Intermarium project and the concept of Prometheism) will help the Central/Eastern Europe survive the incoming war and push back the Soviets again.
But every old region of the Commonwealth already had its own brand of memenationalist retards with the foresight of a braindead toddler and as a result all of us got utterly fucked in every possible sense and we are still recovering from the damage done by communism."