Yuros invade the rest of the world during colonization

>Yuros invade the rest of the world during colonization
>Get surprised when the same happens to them
>"W-why are they coming here?"

>euros force their culture on the people they colonized
>protest against immigration because the immigrants are too culturally different from them

>Sharts exploit their neighbours for centuries
>Get surprised when they illegally immigrate now

What has Greece done to them?

Delet this

But you do exactly the same thing.
>Trump elected
>The wall

> Russia's pretty nice
> Russia's pretty great

Explain Canada

Can I come to USA? I am sand nigger Muslim, but I have a degree in mechanical engineering and I am very hard working.

> speaks Spanish
> Catholic majority
> distinct culinary tradition
How have we forced our culture in Mexico? If anything, we've plundered their culture for our own, just like we do to everyone else.

what a retarded argument

help your own country
we are full

Yes, Germany colonized the shit out of the world



>it's another "Germany pretends they didn't participate in colonialism because they lost their colonies during WW1" episode

>I am sand nigger Muslim
How would you vote on laws regarding the following things:
> free speech, including the right to cause offense
> women
> gays
> apostates
No memeing, pls

too late senpai I'm going to Boulder, CO to get my masters next year

Are you talking about the USA?


You forced your "maquiladoras" into Mexico, the stuff you did there strangely looks like colonialism...

Probably proxy but don't die friend

>implying Europeans are living somewhere in Africa and beg for their financial support in their home countries

I don't remember invading Romania, China, Bulgaria or Senegal

> Muslim in Burma

Stay safe user, good luck

The only downside is that European countries that had barely any colonial empire are fucked, too.

It's like when Saudis killed 3000+ Americans, so America bombed Afghanistan for harbouring bin Laden and then Iraq for the lulz.

> forced
That implies the use of violence. What factories have we used our military to install in Mexico?

We forced them to cede 1/2 of their territory to us after they lost a war. We did not force them to sign NAFTA.

To be fair, just a few euros invaded the world. What has sweden done to the middle east?

it's not that bad here, people call me racial slurs sometimes, that's about it.

They sold iron ore to nazis. Gusts what they tell them in school


>That implies the use of violence.
No. You can, as a powerful country, impose your will to your weaker neighbors, by using your economical and political powers.
France (gov) do it all the time with it's old colonies in Africa (we name it "Françafrique", if you want proofs).
I don't throw the rock at you. It's just that saying Europeans are exploiting other countries, but not the US... Well, It's just false.

>it's another "non-white American figures out how to use a computer" episode

i didnt even know Saint Martin existed

Yes, Italy colonized the shit out of the world

Western Europe was your colony

Gib reparations now pls

Aren't american not exactly those occupying a continent which they actually don't own?

How so? How is the USA any less legitimate than any other government?

Imposing one's will is not the same as forcing an outcome. They can just ignore us. Cuba did that, and it worked out for them just fine.

>It's like when Saudis killed 3000+ Americans

Literally what happened in Angola and Rhodesia

You kind of did in Libya and Ethiopia

>a Saudi-born person and his couple dozen lackeys represent the will of a country
>even though he was operating out if another country
>and was banished from Saudi Arabia and disowned by his family
Fuck the Saudis anyway, though

Okay, people from former German colonies should be allowed to immigrate here.
That means zero Arabs or Turks

Why? We have never enslaved them or anything. We did fair trade. In fact they are proud of the past and still learn German in thier countries.

>We have never enslaved them or anything.
Just a little genocide or two

German is right
2nd reich was bretty peaceful, too bad wilhem ruined it

Two wrongs don't make a right. Also, what did we do to deserve all this suffering?

Danke, bruder.

>colonizing and taking shit over by force is the same as letting shitskins in

>it's another "Europe is one country" episode

We dindu nuffin

>sjw's think the European conquest of the world was evil
>but the conquest of Europe is somehow not

>immigration in democratic countries is the same thing as conquest

You live on the french side then? Dutch side shows a different flag

It's not the same -we never populate those places.
Once this era came to an end we came back to our nation and it was over.


The EU certainly tries to pass stupid laws as if it were one.

>worked out just fine for them

>638 assassination attempts and a botched invasion.
If something similar had happened in Mexico and you'd had a land border with them they'd be back to throwing commies out of helicopters, massacring students and privatising water like in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Honduras, Guatemala, Bolivia and everywhere else in Latin America that has elected an anti-american left wing leader.

Yes I'm still waiting for non whites to come here and structure my country and stop my family from starving and even introduce my family to life saving medecine and new technologies.

How are those famous Rwandan hospitals doing?
