Show me your country's parade

Any parade is ok.
This is pokemon parade in Yokohama, near Tokyo last month.

Other urls found in this thread:


Our newest tradition


Victory parade of Sumo wrestler




this is a turkish parade in tokyo with some navy soldiers in the area attending






that is fucking spookey jesus christ

Ok, you got my attention. What's that?

14th of July parade

What's 14th of July to France?

the day jeanne d'arc got her first period

National day

It's national peasant cake eating day



how can you not post your best one?


we have slut walks not penis festival

25 de mayo

I thought it was 15th.

come and join

>tfw I'll never get to see the Macy's baloon parade live, while having a hot dog and a Pepsi, and feel American

dicklet parade

whats with mexican religion and bowler hats?
they look retarded

There's no link betweeb¿n our religion and bowler hats, these are based on the work of a alte 19th century illustrator called Posada, they're meant to illustrate different social classes in that context. His most famous work, catrina, was meant to be a fashionable lady

What does it say on the guys shirt? I know the Hebrew Alephbet, but I know fuck all words.

jórvík viking festival

biggest in europe

Itzik the Clown


gay parade in Russia