Thinking we have anything but the finest cuisine

>thinking we have anything but the finest cuisine

Don't even pronounce the word "cuisine" please, it's unfit to describe the "food" you british ingest

Fucking beaners

The food really reflects how both of your peoples think


that looks good desu


You eat snails and frogs mate.
I eat fish and chips.

You're the freak here

I approv

dat loox tasty

you are so gross

this is ironically good

just need pickled patisson and 9/10


Beat this britbong

>JFs will NEVER experience this
It makes me kinda sad in many ways

Your sandwiches are pretty good


I've never eat a crisp sandwich though (bread plus butter plus crisps).

mash and bangers are actually pretty good, but come on, no gravy?

I just add soy sauce (because eurasia).

How to Americanise a dish: substitute taste with fat, sugar and salt.

Honestly, besides fish and chips, are there any other good dishes in English cuisine?

apparently their breakfast of hot dogs and beansis pretty good

sandwiches, cider, beer, potato chips

Indeed, It looks tasty.
>Eggs plus sausages and meat
put the strange beans out and this plate is perfect.

Snails and frog legs are both unironically delicious. I love bong food too though. It really is underrated.

fish and chips isn't a good dish

my brother is a post phd at oxford, even there the food is shit tier

the strange beans are good though

Bangers and mash, pie and mash. Anything with mash tbqh.

>Good cuisine
