Dumb things europeans say

Dumb things europeans say
>"everything is bigger in america"

Other urls found in this thread:


but it's true

It's true tho

> you don't have healthcare
No, you not having insurance doesn't affect my ability to get healthcare.

>Noam Chomsky is a great philosopher
>Michael Moore is a great documentarian
>America is the primary obstacle to world peace
>Like, why don't you guys just abolish the Electoral College and the Second Amendment
>There's figuratively nothing wrong with Hillary Clinton
>America is Israel's puppet
>America will collapse any day now
>You just found out the NSA is spying on all of you, why aren't you guys rioting in the streets?
>I'd be safer walking the streets of Warsaw than I would New York
>America has no culture *sips coke*
>Saddam had nothing to do with September 11

>"you guys are really fat"

except for benises

>I'd be safer walking the streets of Warsaw than I would New York
this is quantifiably true though

Food Wise anywho it's very true.
We of all people should know since you're practically our colony.

free healthcare


>Hillary Clinton is the best candidate ever. You're a misogynist if you didn't vote for her.

>all of you only have 10 days of vacation
>you are slaves of your cars and dont dig our awesome overcrowded public transport system full of poor sweaty people
>you receive a 10K ambulance bill that you have to pay in cash
>your education is shit because it is not free
>your life is too comfortable and we hate you because you don't care about out beautiful planet

Why the fuck are you so butthurt about this? Most people don't give a toss so of course they just say whoever whoever seems to be the least objectionable candidate as dictated to them by the media and continue with their day. Are you unaware of the fact that the majority of people in the US supported her too and you were only saved by the electoral college?

>tfw Sup Forumstards reducing a good banter thread to stupid politics

Been to America several times. Everything is bigger, including the people. Also portions are so big that if you go to a restaurant at the end someone will come out with a little bag for you to take home your leftovers. Supermarkets are the size of villages, nowhere is accessible by walking, beer is shit and there's no pub culture.

If you want to experience American culture just drive around between car parks for a few hours, it's the majority of what you do if you visit.

>a poll in favour of Hillary
Never seen one of those.

>this is what qualifies as good banter in burgerstan

>The Majority of people supported her

all true. i had a similar culture shock in europe. gas is expensive and there is not enough room for cars so they use public transport and shop in tiny amounts and packages are so tiny, everything, from detergents etc, to food, so they have to shop every day.

>Irish iPhone weebposter doesn't read the news but feels the need to chime in anyway

Starting to really want a gun desu amerifriends.

Contrary to popular belief you can get guns here, even large calibre rifles, you just need to justify it to your local firearms police officer.

I'd have to join a rifle club, clay pigeon or hunting whatever club before I can get one.

>british banter
>shart in the mart humor
>don't like to be bantered

>nowhere is accessible by walking, beer is shit and there's no pub culture.
Honestly, try actually visiting America next time before you make such a completely retarded post.

>The EU is not a USA tool, it's actually beneficial to us that American companies only need to lobby a single governing body instead of several.
>Stop demonizing Russia *Demonizes Russia*
>The Constitution is outdated and should be revised for the 20th century.
>What do you mean we should have an EU senate? Like in America? Ewww no. We don't have anything to learn from Americans
>Europeans who emigrate to America were all poor, stupid cowards and not people like Nicolas Tesla or Joseph Pulitzer
>Every other country outside of Europe is a violent hellhole *starts war that kills millions of its own people*
>American influence has been awful for our countries. After all, we haven't had a major war in Europe in 70+ years!
>NATO primarily benefits the US, we don't get anything out of having a free military.

It is you dumb cunt.

>european large is still smaller than american small

>In America the left wing politicians would be considered very conservative in Europe
I don't know how they can be this retarded. Do they really think Bernie Sanders would be voting for brexit?

>Abdul Obuntu is STILL salty at the way the World is turning

Attacking strawmen isn't banter

who are you quoting?

American living in Germany currently here

I agree with these. I miss the convenience of only needing to shop once every two weeks, but I like that I can actually fucking walk places and don't need to throw money into the pit that is car ownership.

He's right, unless you live in a city. Then you're dealing with crime, absurd cost of living, or both.

>post nonsense
>be told that posts are nonsense
>continue to post nonsense

>Doesnt read the news
Are you seriously trying to imply that the mainstream media is telling you the honest to God truth about the election and not their own propaganda?

that's what being said on Sup Forums in every thread about the us


>I'd rather live in my comfy slum than in your horrible suburbs
>post a pic of some ridiculously huge residential area in the middle of nowhere which is obviously an extreme case

no it isn't

I'm trying to imply that Donald Trump literally lost the popular vote and that this is common knowledge and has been the source of like 150 threads over the past three weeks

>America has no culture *sips coke*

For Americans, a brand of soft drinks is "culture".

Nothing wrong with mainstream media view about Trump. Donald is shit.

Media here makes Trump look like the second coming of Hitler himself, sexually harassing women left and right and choking mexicans with his bare hands.

>"Common knowledge"
>Not bullshit spouted by a salty corrupt media who know they are absolutely fucked
I bet you think that "refugees" from the third world are actually beneficial to your country too you brainwashed fool.
>Stop posting your hate facts #imstillwithher

>why do you care so deeply about Finland
>why do you keep insisting Turkey is white
>no I won't hug you
>no I won't pat your head
Why are Europeans so mean :(

what is being implied is that soft drinks, being an American invention, are American culture, which is completely valid

just because something is relatively new (and in fact soft drinks have been being made and sold since the 19th century) doesn't mean it isn't culture

for france, getting occupied is culture

>Americans can't drive because they are not taught to drive properly
>We are all ace drivers in Europe because we go to a driving school for 5 years and it costs us a fortune

>Europe isn't that great

Meanwhile Canada's Trudeau hails the fucking Castro as the greatest leader of all times. No wonder our rednecks elected Trump.

The difference with crime in cities in the US and Europe is that crimes in the US are generally isolated to bad areas of cities that nobody would want to visit.

Like yeah Chicago's crime rate is horrible but if you cut off the South Side that nobody needs to go to then it's fine. I walked around the North End in Chicago at all hours of the night with $2000 in camera gear hanging and never once felt threatened. Same thing with Los Angeles, NYC, Boston, etc... because I wasn't going to shitty areas.

In Europe crime in cities is generally under reported and on top of that in the largest attractions. You can't walk around the big areas in Barcelona, Paris, Rome, etc without having to be super paranoid about a gypsy pickpocketing you or cutting your bag or some shit and that's just everyday daily life for residents.

the popular vote results are widely available, not sure from what height your parent would have to drop you as a baby to think that it's some sort of conspiracy when this has happened multiple times in American history and doesn't affect the result either way.

I'm not going to preface every post I make with "I like Trump, but" just to not have to deal with temper tantrums from retards like you, it can be inferred very clearly from my posts that I am a supporter of his.

Just ban phoneposters already for fuck's sake

>le rednecks meme

this isn't a thing that anybody says

based britfriend gets it

>soft drinks, being an American invention...
Not true at all.


>...are American culture
Photography is a French invention, does it mean any pic you take is French culture? Do you experience Chinese culture every time you see a fireworks show, because that was invented in China?

>Saddam had nothing to do with September 11
this is a fact tho

I can't wait fot Marine-Tump-Putin-Farage to make the white world great again.

>Why are American portions so big?
Why the fuck do euros complain about getting more food?

Yeah, I'm not living in those areas so I can't really say whether or not that's true. I can tell you, though, that that's not my experience of American cities - any city in New Jersey, or Philadelphia, is absolute garbage, and New York is prohibitively expensive. I've never been to Chicago, or really anywhere in the US outside of the Northeast.

>"Why do you guys obsess about home-ownership? Renting is where it's at"
>"Your blacks being cancer is just unique to you. Over here they're ok!"
>"Why don't you all drive manual like us, instead of being bitches?"
>"Your police are overtly violent and authoritarian. You should make them more submissive like ours."
>"You guys don't have a proper drinking culture cause you're not all alcoholics like us."
>"You guys should take the burden of accepting all these refugees in since you created the mess in the Middle-East."

>In 1892, the "Crown Cork Bottle Seal" was patented by William Painter, a Baltimore, Maryland machine shop operator. It was the first bottle top to successfully keep the bubbles in the bottle. In 1899, the first patent was issued for a glass-blowing machine for the automatic production of glass bottles. Earlier glass bottles had all been hand-blown. Four years later, the new bottle-blowing machine was in operation. It was first operated by the inventor, Michael Owens, an employee of Libby Glass Company. Within a few years, glass bottle production increased from 1,400 bottles a day to about 58,000 bottles a day.
>In America, soda fountains were initially more popular, and many Americans would frequent the soda fountain daily. Beginning in 1806, Yale University chemistry professor Benjamin Silliman sold soda waters in New Haven, Connecticut. He used a Nooth apparatus to produce his waters. Businessmen in Philadelphia and New York City also began selling soda water in the early 19th century. In the 1830s, John Matthews of New York City and John Lippincott of Philadelphia began manufacturing soda fountains. Both men were successful and built large factories for fabricating fountains. Due to problems in the U.S. glass industry, bottled drinks remained a small portion of the market throughout much of the 19th century. (However, they were known in England. In The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, published in 1848, the caddish Huntingdon, recovering from months of debauchery, wakes at noon and gulps a bottle of soda-water.[19])

>Photography is a French invention, does it mean any pic you take is French culture? Do you experience Chinese culture every time you see a fireworks show, because that was invented in China?
Are you, as a Frenchman, seriously arguing that culinary and beverage inventions are not part of national culture? If so I have some bad news for you...

Because gluttony is a sin that makes you fat, ill, and ugly.

Hold tight Frenchie.
You're almost there.

Nothing is free.
I have health insurance, personal disability insurance, and a few life policies. Include that with my tax bill, and I'm pretty sure I still pay less than you, especially for the level of care I receive.

>yfw America, Britain, France, and Russia team up to save Europe again

here we go again. what does this have to do with the total turnout? a lot more rednecks voted than the college graduates.

and more importantly, it is the rednecks who won the swing states particularly florida


>the popular vote
That's not how we select our president, though. It's not an accident.

also people say italian health care is not that great

1) A brand of industrial drinks launched by a company does not have a "cultural" aura like a traditional beverage. Champagne might be a part of French culture, but Orangina certainly isn't (and I love Orangina desu).

2) Something that's popular through the entire world is not really part of a national culture anymore, it belongs to the entire world. Fireworks aren't Chinese culture anymore. No one cares if it comes from China. It's world culture.

3) The only thing that makes champagne "French culture" is that it's got to be produced (cultured, literally) in France to be considered as champagne. Other than that, drinking champagne for parties is a custom in the entire world. It's not especially a French thing. It is British culture too. And American culture. And Australian culture. Etc.

4) Did you miss the part where soft drinks like lemonade were produced in Europe before USA even existed?

>America is LITERALLY forcing their culture and politics onto us, we're totally not adopting them out of our own volition.

Euros, explain this shit. I see it all over the place not just on here too.

Russia has more muslims than any other European country and has to coddle them immensely in order for bombs to not be going off in Moscow every other month

not a fan of this saviours of Europe meme desu

Some American earlier in the thread was memeing about how the majority of Europeans supported Clinton and I was only pointing out that it's technically the case in America too, not my fault the mick got bent out of shape about it

I'm aware of the US electoral process, I'm an oldfag and remember 2000 quite vividly

>be american get shot
how many burgers here have suffered a gunshot wound?

Imagine America with popular vote + no term limit.

That would be Emperor Obama for life.

>>Noam Chomsky is a great philosopher
He's only considered philosopher in America
>>Michael Moore is a great documentarian
Same, only in America
>>America is the primary obstacle to world peace
>>Like, why don't you guys just abolish the Electoral College and the Second Amendment
Don't know about this
>>There's figuratively nothing wrong with Hillary Clinton
Never heard this.
>>America is Israel's puppet
>>America will collapse any day now
>>You just found out the NSA is spying on all of you, why aren't you guys rioting in the streets?
>>I'd be safer walking the streets of Warsaw than I would New York
>>America has no culture *sips coke*
>>Saddam had nothing to do with September 11
Saddam? Lol?

It seems like non-voters won more than anyone, especially since iirc a good number of us tend to vote Dem.

well maybe not in irl

>industrial drinks

>4) Did you miss the part where soft drinks like lemonade were produced in Europe before USA even existed?
we're obviously talking about Coca-Cola and stuff like that, it's obviously a part of American culture the same way wine is with the French. You just have this idea in your head that one is more sophisticated than the other and therefore isn't culture. I am only pointing out facts, there are many varieties that aren't even available abroad because there isn't much of a market for them like root beer.

>Saddam had nothing to do with September 11

He didn't.

Surprised no one posted pic related desu

i like how you call trump voters rednecks, but have nothing to say about all the illegals, gangbangers, sjws and the other dregs of society who vote clinton

he won the votes of the better citizens

>*sips coke*
>*checks gmail*
>*wears blue jeans*

>gee, what is imperialism?

Example: the Marshall Plan.


Fewer than the Russkis, I gar-un-tee

How does health insurance work?
You just pay privately-owned companies monthly and they pay for your medical care if something happens to you, or is there something else?
How much is the average monthly cost?

I hope we get to throw people like this off of cliffs one day, taking pride in depriving people of rights like this is just fascism with a friendly, socially acceptable face.

You're half right, crime here and in the UK (I've lived in both some time) is largely limited to bad areas of cities as well, except for the capitals (and Barcelona, but that's basically on a par with Madrid). You wouldn't go round Easton, Bristol in the middle of the night, but in the centre of London you do often need to keep your hands in your pockets in busy areas. However, the threat is massively hyped up by local police etc, it's not that big a danger, they just want you to be careful.

Are you saying that isn't true? Last I went I drove from the Florida Keys round to San Antonio, Texas, over 2 months. Did my best to avoid big cities in truth, apart from New Orleans, where the Sup Forums memes were more accurate than I'd have liked.

Only seen one of these mentioned, that about the constitution being out of date. To be fair you do cling to it like it's gospel.

Petrol isn't that expensive here but public transport is so convenient and inexpensive that it saves the hassle really, plus paying road tax, insurance etc wiped out my savings immediately when I got my first car. Most folks still own a car here, I'd just hate to be reliant on it, imagine being 18 in America and not being able to drive. Social life, gone.

this is a thread about europeans desu senpai

>Marshall plan
>an aid program created nearly 60 years ago to stabilize the economies and political landscape of post war Europe
>1 (one) whole country was extensively occupied by US marines
Is the Red Cross also a form of Swiss Imperialism?

Everyone is bigger in America.

Holy shit he looks very comfy

For Americans, not only a brand of soft drinks is "culture", but also technological stuff and popular clothing.

Do you experience French culture every time you use your car (invented by Cugnot, a Frenchman) and wear your polo shirts (invented by René Lacoste, another Frenchman)?

nice meme

This fucking post right here. I demand answers.
>Emperor Obama
Ok, whatever you say, Sup Forums
>le sophisticated yurpeen
>a functional, stable world is better for everyone and their prosperity
>let's help rebuild the world
Yeah, really insidious.
No, that's basically it. My I'm covered by my wife's policy, and it's an earned benefit provided by her employer.

Could be. My impression was that a lot of smart intelligent people didn't vote because they were like fuck this shit (hence the lowest turnout in 20 years) but many of them would have otherwise voted democrat. Yet the turnout of the "angry working class" in the battleground states was exceptionally high this time.

He's not talking about the products, but the actions associated with them.

jes helo i lik amurika

me on the left

You do have shit ghettoised black communities and you don't have drinking culture. If anything you lot are the alcoholics for not being able to enjoy a sociable drink without pulling the red cups out and getting ratarsed.


>you don't have drinking culture.
Literally dozens of shows that stereotype US drinking culture dude. For example