How true is pic related?
How true is pic related?
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about 0% or something like that.
Fucking kek
Allah probably
I think it happened once in the Netherlands and both muzzies and 'conservatives' got super buthurt.
i remember seeing something about being lesbian in islam is more permissible than being a fag
in iran you can be a disgusting hairy and manly transsexual but not gay
At that moment, he finally understood the gravity of his sin.
I think it's funny that if two gays get cough one of them has to become a tranny or die.
This is some hentai tier shit.
There's an openly gay Imam in America
go back to your homeland gypsy
Extremely false.
I remember when I was 17, I hadn't gotten a girlfriend yet and my parents were starting to get worried that I might be a faggot. I didn't want to tell them that I was just too autistic and lacked the confidence to get girls.
My mother wanted to take me a doctor to make sure I don't turn gay before it's too late, and that if I had already turned gay, then to get a doctor to fix me.
Other than sexual and drug/alcohol related stuff, my parents are pretty progressive.
I really hated those talks though.
But I am already in gypsyland!
Mohammad does
Were they able to ungay you?
>there are muslim australians on this board
amazing stuff
I was never gay. Like I said, just too autistic when I was a teenager.
It really is.
Mike Pence so away
It's like asking "who says you cannot be gay and christian"
You could be both, but there's a strong amount of theology against it.
That being said: why the fuck would you be a member of a religion where most adherents hate you for putting dicks in bums?
>why the fuck would you be a member of a religion where most adherents hate you for putting dicks in bums?
Because getting cut off from your religion means getting cut off from your entire community and family.
There's no sin in having homosexual desires. If you practice it publicly, you are committing a sin, according to some classical Sharia courts.
Most people are born into a religion, and like the Swedish user said, leaving the religion can get you cut off from family members.
I don't know, man. I'm not religious but my family doesn't hate me for it. I never tipped my fedora either, so it's live and let live.
I meant Muhammad
but being gay certainly goes against islam, that's for sure
Because Europe is almost uniquely secularized in that regard. It's still taboo not being religious in certain parts of the US and for certain offices. It's even worse in the Muslim world where apostasy is punishable by death in accordance with the sharia.
>Who says you cannot be gay
Quoran, I think?
Actually it's being a transsexual that's seen as ok
Oh well. I guess that makes sense.
Bible also prohibits "lying with mankind as with womankind" and most faggots are from western, christian countries.