
Where no man has walked before edition

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Hmm...anyone help me out?

>clubbing past the age of 20


fantastic post desu

hillary winning the popular vote but not the electoral college is like having the best kill:death ratio in capture the flag where your team still lost

alri lads






post your gfs lads


In Cuba everyone has free healthcare, free education and affordable housing, electricity, water, food. Just saying.

Need a photo edit of Kev, Alex Jones, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Oswald Mosley and CIA walking/standing towards the camera.


I literally bully my girlfriend lads haha

surprised she puts up with it

we /n/ now


Anyone ever seen one of those cringy Reddit PUA lads irl?

And having the most yards in American Football but still losing the score.

i don't have that but i do have this


fancied a few cans of bulmers


What did they mean by this?

me and the gf

the gf

the so-called "gf"

>Jeremy go my Corbyn vote

um sweetie...



what a woman

bottle is 10, burger is 5, mug is 2

so it's 70 or 25 depending on whether you follow bidmas/bodmas/pemdas etc. or go linearly

Why do you post this shit? Is it envy?


i like big boobs

"i am train"

what did they mean by this

here she is

theres only 1 mug mate

and its you

23 years of age and look about 19

can't think of a bigger runt than reece

bet he doesn't know a thing about the world apart from the latest happenings on im a celebrity

doing a hmm

It's like a foreign language
fucking normans

burger pint and bottle

Slag tits or Sara?

I'm a spoon, not a mug



I'm Alan Partridge

>recently passed driving test
>bought a car
>1,2 and a whopping 84bhp
>feels ok off the line and until about 40 but is slow as fuck on hills and after 40
>want something faster
>insurance would kill me

it's 17 desu everyone who said something different is dumb haha

t. genius

/brit/ never fails to amaze me. The answer is 15. You need to use order of operations on the last line you utter runts.

business plan: try and get put on a watchlist to waste big brothers time

been googling "how to make a bomb" and "how to find isolated children" and the like for a while


that thing has a dick

thicc and craggy, the perfect combination

VERY fat woman decayign at incredibly hihg speed

>burger = 5
>beer glass = 2
>beer bottle = 10

how the fuck is it 15 you mong

i was just pretending to be retarded

she's very good looking


They amuse me greatly

stick it to the man user

the (gf)

possibly the most uninteresting post of the day. well done

me bottom right


Are there a lot of QT intelligent women at Russell Group Universities?

Is /brit/ patriotic?

It's 16 actually you cretin, there is only 1 pint of beer on the last line.

is reviewbrah autistic?

this and
this desu





30 is 3 bottles. So one bottle is 10.
A bottle is worth 10 and with 2 burgers you get 20. So a burger should be 5.
Since a burger is 5, and when you add 4 mugs you get 9, you can conclude a mug is 1.
A burger (5), a mug (1), and a bottle (10) is 16.

yes, literally

REALLY makes you ponder

>Beer glass=2
Howling at your ignorance. 2 beer glasses=2, so 1=1, answer is 16

Where else would they be?

oh fuggg my bad

fervent Chilean nationalists

i knew that

do you not see the x at the bottom you twat

How the fuck could you still be a virgin? Women absolutely love sex and anytime they get a few drinks in them they are begging for it

No, there are lots of middle-class girls of average intelligence who want to party for 3 years though.

my cousins parrot suggested it would be extremely easy to smuggle some acid tabs through an airport by taking his watch apart and stashing them inside.

can't imagine living in a city with a muslim mayor

thats some next-level pernicious shit especially considering the cognitive dissonance liberals seem to be experiencing these days in regards to muslims and islamic ideology in general

/drunk rant

Yet he's shagging a lass who wouldn't look twice at you whilst you shitpost on here and wank in to a wet flannel.

Dunno. Guess my question is, can a sperg get one?

who is this

having my doubts, theres literally nothing interesting about german people, they even import our slags to present their tv shows

Oh my days you fucking cretins getting mentally overwhelmed by year 3 mathematics

>5+1+1 = 9


everyone else is thick

How did they gather this

Most Brits have never been to bordering countries let alone abroad