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fuck starbucks

Make a new thread I don't like this one


Just got my ticket for this year's seal hunt lads

Never met a black chick who drank Starbucks

Fuck I forgot to get my ticket.

I don't know how I'm going to repress my urge to kill.

I ignored my debt with Capital One and they automatically put me on a debt repayment plan. 20$ monthly for...a while. But still, debt gone.

And I just got a letter from RBC - who I owe over 4 000$ to - for the same thing. Though I do have to call them to set it up.

Just ignore your debt problems and they'll solve themselves, friends.

What happened to Starbucks?

learn kiddo

solid financial advice

Black chicks who drink Starbucks are usually whitewashed and really slutty. Should've hit that shit my dude.

Should have got a job at Starbucks instead of Tim Hortons, they pay is much better


literally me

they dont hire autists

I have, but she acted like a steroetypical white girl in every way. Pretty much a white girl in a black girls body

I'm going there as a way to pseudo socialize. I've been talking about about too much and it's become a meme.

But anyway I'm off to Starbucks lads.

Cooking chicken tenders tonight lads

Can guys even work there? Especially white males?

yeah, they're called faggots

>black girls who act white

Did she have a white boyfriend? That always changes them.

Why so upset?????


Your opinion has been discarded.

>Did she have a white boyfriend?
Yeup, in fact, I think she's only dated white guys

>Greater Sudbury


I'm not the one in massive debt and sill working in fast food

Not going to lie but I want to watch some jimmy neutrons right now tbqhwyls

this thread needs more alex morgan and her butt nose

I did this shit with a small federal loan. Under $11k.

I eventually got a letter from the government telling me that if I didn't pay they would send a letter to my workplace telling me they would start to garnish my wages unless I paid them back.

Freaked me the fuck out because I was in the middle of getting a promotion, so I finally called the debt collector that worked on behalf of the feds and arranged to pay it back.

I was able to settle with the gov for about 75℅ of the debt. I paid it off in one go.

I was a retard for not paying that off years and years ago.

back off, she's MY sportsfu

Bingo, that's a whole other breed.

>mfw getting swamped by chat and friend requests on Steam since I started catfishing as a cute girl
Going to open up a GoFundMe and link it on my profile page lmao.

ok well katie it is

post proofs

What games do you play on Steam?

that's not a bad idea.

>check real estate prices in the USA
>tfw never an American at this rate
>check Chicago rates
>cheaper than in Helsinki
>fucking big ass city Chicago is cheaper than Helsinki


I've never been, is it nice?

>letting you doubleniggers warn all my friendzoners what I'm doing

Barely anything, I mostly pirate shit. Just chose Steam since it's easy fishing waters.


Europe's expensive. This is not news

>He wants to live in a Chicago ghetto

Some times I really wonder what it's like being a cute girl

They must never be lonely

I didn't say identify yourself. I said post proofs, censor stuff if you must.

>get check for 1000 bucks for a scholarship
>was supposed to let them know I withdrew from school so I don't qualify any more
>wonder what to do
gets the ol noggin goin

i made poutine

Sometimes I really want to be a cute girl


>watery gravy

are the curds supposed to melt?

Doesn't it get soggy?

For the fucks sake, I pay 1200e/month for my 3 room apartment.
Well duh? I'd live in rural Midwest if it would help me get any job in the States

>They must never be lonely

They call whoever when they need a fuck session.

Life on the very easy setting.

it was actually really thick gravy lol

no the fries are crispy on the outside

>>tfw never an American at this rate

What do you mean?

I would imagine wages are higher to compensate?

disgusting kys

Starbucks is shit mixed with water

He's fishing for (You)'s, don't ask

>no the fries are crispy on the outside
I get that, but the gravy looks watery as fuck

>Be Fingol in Chicago
>Get shot

It's okay stay downtown in Chatham where there's actually some stuff to do. Other than that, the region is mostly filled with rural towns with nothing to do. Nothing exciting.

>wages are higher

Outside of a few countries/specific cities, most Europeans earn less than we do on average.

t. LMM

kys= newfag/underage

As I said before the gravy was thick. I finished the whole thing in under 10 minutes and the last fries weren't that soggy.


europoor just isn't a meme


very bad posts

*okay if you

This is a rough neighborhood

I'm looking at work and I don't know, you businesses all require legal residency.
They're not any higher. Basically the minimum wage is somewhere between 10-12 euros depending on which union deal it is. I mean there are lots of pros in Helsinki and public healthcare here is excellent. But the housing subsidies have created a serious real estate bubble, so the maximum housing grant is the minimum rent around here.
Seems like the violence is just in the selected neighbourhoods.

My god, this correlation is so strong! And nobody has reported this fact yet!? Quickly we must bring this to Obama's attention! The fate of American culture could be at stake!


Ah, I see. For some reason I was thinking it was an actual city, of itself.

Is it at least comfy rural, or a New World nightmare?

>Capital One

good goy

>New World nightmare
aka sudbury

I want to go to Banff but it seems plebby.

why are we talking about starbucks?

What are you lads doing tonight?
Just finished cooking my tendies.


thats a lot of tendies

You couldn't afford it tbqh.

Nah, we're more of a Slavic nightmare.

...or at least that's what Eastern Euros tell me whenever I post pictures of the city.

British girls desu

Mostly comfy rural unless you live in central Chatham where a lot of white collar crime happens.





>mfw wondering why we ever let Chileans in here

replace canada with chile when?

could still be /cum/


Rangeban south america when?

so rude

I'm watching the complete live coverage of 9/11, really fun shit tbqh


Just realized that I'm smarter than everyone in this thread