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ahhhhhhhhh yes, the so-called yellow fever


don't really like those jew machine threads

neither does barry

neurons are firing at full capacity



>start dating three years ago
>get some great girls but mess it up because of my inexperience
>three years on
>I've finished my degree, landed a career and I'm not as much of a good anymore
>all I can find is trash


to me
to you

interstellar is the greatest film of all time. it is the pinnacle of human achievement. there is nothing, and never will be anything that will reach the greatness of interstellar

Only one of those is a girl...
You bent or something

3 years isn't that big of a jump

unless you're an old gimmick



Also did anyone else have a random picture of sam hyde pop up

weed man praise of castro, is going to cost him the next elections

Three years is a lot when you go from having dated zero girls to a hundred girls

Canada NEEDS feminism look how sexist we are

How long do you think you'll live?


wanking to porn felt a lot better before I knew what sex felt like

Hope janny gives you a warning you runt


had a few life threatening illnesses already so I don't imagine that long

why aren't you dead yet?

for real though how do people do this?


I went from sex to wanking, and the first time wanking was absolutely incredible

It's a much more comfortable experience because I'm an antisocial type


yellow fever goes both ways apparently, sounds mad I know

REALLY want a girlfriend now that i think of it



Thanks for the (You)s mate, maybe if you were a bit more alfalfa you'd get some too ;)

main reason as to why you're a virgin?

Just heard myself on a video and realised I've got a voice like a male version of smell from this is england

why is my dick always cold

lack of sex


Eskimo pussy

you don't wear pants

the solution steps are always the same, they've just muscle memoried them to a ridiculous speed. all they need to know is where to start hence why he looks at it for a few seconds.

My Purity Level? Never been touched by a woman. Anywhere. I've also never held eye contact for more than 1 second. Beat that.

>can't sleep
>need to wank
>mummy may won't let me look at porn

Low energy

any /brit/ posters killed themselves?


turns out my bedroom was haunted after all

>this is usually a prelude to a movie rather than a conclusion but I just don't give a fuck eitherway


>"NAI Northern California is a commercial real estate brokerage with a goal to partner with mission-driven real estate sales professionals while growing the firm. We already have a high-producing team in place. In fact, our licensed advisors are industry leaders making Trump’s 'The Art of the Deal' just a mere children’s fable."

*immediately sends resume without reading the rest of listing*

just found I couldn't join the army nor the french foreign legion due to my history of patella dislocations

feels weird being medically unfit because I always thought of myself as a healthy lad

guess I won't be able to join in WW3

hopefully pakipoo has

>veriax to stream gothic starting sunday the fourth
nice, that's my favourite game.
thanks v

>a german has entered the thread

Life is very unfulfilling when you have no one to share it with le sigh

How was your weekend lads?
Any plans for the new week?

Gohan x bulmas pretty hot
Goku x bulma as well

who likes fatties with cow tits?

We need to make the white race glorious

jk cuck the white race out of existence

im half british

Tetas de vaca

leafs out


>just be yourself b r o

alright lads how's this for a pickup line to a Cantonese girl


"If I hold your hando, will you speak in canto?"

yankee doodle went to town

my farts are starting to resemble monosyllabic words

try "are you chinese? because I wanna take you out ;)))))"

quite like the libertines 2bh

pete doherty looks like a right mong though

>just be yourself b r o

hola señior frijole

Let me screw that slanted puss the right way round

it does help that these people look effeminate to begin with

This terrifies me

Fast approaching times when a karotype test will be a prerequisite for all sexual encounters

>leafs out

>just be yourself b r o

just did a weed

when should I begin to experience these so called "recreational effects"

who's this



It's a well-known fact that leafs are the lowest-tier flag on this site

At least Swedes and Germans have a cool history, but leafs?


What the fuck are even saying m8

about 40 mins after you've chewed and swallowed it

>It's a well-known fact that leafs are the lowest-tier flag on this site At least Swedes and Germans have a cool history, but leafs? mmm

i snorted 100mg, double dose or not?

are these /cum/ memes? they really are dire

The gf on the left

at the end of the day after tomorrow I will be able to shave this sorry excuse of a moustache

should have realised that even at 23 years of age anything more than a hairlip is impossible for a runt like me


if they want to be a female and put in the effort and get surgeries done, what's the issue?


fuck it la

Canada will have a population of 100 million by 2100 you cuck.

Just WHO do think you are?

you all need to settle down

>Amusing, is it not!?

>Canada will have a population of 100 million by 2100 you cuck.

Have not had a wank since Friday (it's Monday afternoon now)

Quite proud

>WHO do think you
speak english, mong