Are Canadians considered human in your country?

Are Canadians considered human in your country?

Other urls found in this thread:


>"killing animals is inhumane"
>"animals should have their own rights"
>"the cuter the animal is, the more rights they should have"

99% of you would die if you had to hunt for your own beef, pork, chicken, etc. that you consume daily

Fuck you

Every animal deserves a quick and clean death if it comes at the hand of a human though.

how do I get this job? That scenery is great. Looking out at a snow covered plain that stretches to the horizon would definitely help me cope with murdering seals desu

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

>Killing seals for the gain of humans is unacceptable
>Killing other animals for the same reasons doesn't get the same backlash
You dumb, arbitrary cunts.

This desu~

absolutely not

>canadian """"people""""


That's exactly why they club them.

It's the fastest, most painless way of culling them.

I agree that its sick to torture animals needlessly, but there's nothing wrong with killing them quickly for their products (ex. seal skin, meat)


Wtf im moving to canada now

it's just an animal lol

White "people" aren't human.

Ofc, so would most humans. Humanity always relied mostly on non carnivorous diets to live.

yes they are, fuck seals

daily reminder that only savage natives kill baby seals

This, they literally have no souls

Well, so fucking what? Its just a form of livestock.
The population up there is stable and we set targets to prevent overpopulation while allowing another animal product industry to survive.

The red stands out strongly on the white snow and makes for a gory scene but you soon realize that they're not humans, just animals.

Spain glorifies the sword slaying of bulls. The dutch exterminated 200,000 ducks today. The Americans test all sorts of products on animals and force rats and mice to perform twisted experiments. Every western nation consumes beef, pork, chicken, lamb, fish, etc. They also keep "pets" aka literal slave animals that were bred in puppy mills.

And none of this is wrong because they're all done for a valid reason, not just for gratuitous violence.

fuck off back to r*ddit dumb vegan faggots

Canadians are subhumans.

better than americans

yea i thought it was for culling them but if it's for resources, yea they're just any other livestock

though I would mind a bit less if I had actually seen seal fur in the shops ever, guess you guys should get to work with your clubbing

> Humanity always relied mostly on non carnivorous diets to live.

For one, White Europeans would simply not exist today if not for caribou/reindeer/deer during the Ice Age. They needed those proteins and fats to supply adequate caloric energy, and they needed the animal pelts and furs to create shelters and clothing to survive the cold.

Almost every group of people from around the world have relied on animals meats in some time in their history.

i agree.

t. glorified toll of a country

b-b-but we never killed anyone

Seal fur exports are hindered by international disdain of the seal hunt, and in particular, many foreign consumers won't want to buy animal fur if its from a cute 3-month-old seal rather than something like ducks (ex. Canada Goose).

That said, the hunt mainly exists for the seal oil, rather than the pelts. And people never wonder about what might be in their Omega-3 supplements.

Iraq, Syria, Chile, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Korea, Serbia, Mexico, Afghanistan, Palestine, the list goes on...


yes you did!

Canadians are subhuman, in some ways even worse than Americans.

Even though they love to pretend they're better than them.

I agree, but seals are cute.

Kill pests like boars and feral dogs

but they were mean. enemies of the world.

don't eat meat at all

what now m80

>t. muhammad afzal

>torturing baby seals is not ok

didnt know the rest of the world was this cucked

Nothing wrong with hunting.

yeah god bless america for dropping bombs full of freedom and shooting freedom enriched bullets at all those evil people!

pakis eat meat and they're more brutal than we are

i've also been the middle east and seen how they treat animals in their home country
they do not care about animals at all desu

everyone ever eaten horse? most people i know get pissed off at me when i bring it up. is that just an american thing?

yeah a sausage once

it was strangely spicy and the packaging said nothing about any hot seasoning so i assume that's how the meat tastes

i had a horse burger, tasted like a more bloody steak. wasn't spicy tho.if it was than the ketchup and mayo covered it.

but you are a castro loving nation. that's a disgrace. castro is worse than a million leafs, really.

Cuban ex pat detected

>There he is. There he goes again.

Racing through my brain, and I just can't contain this feeling that remains...

Don't hunters from literally every country do this literally everyday?

Lol, fuckin metal.

Castro is by far the least evil of all dictators.
By some measures GWB is worse than Castro.


There are a lot of jobs in Northern Canada with natural resource extraction.

Now one actually lives up north, so they recruit blue-collar Joes from the cities, fly them up, give them tools (axes, clubs, hammers), and let you go to town on the earth.

desu I wish I could get some of that seal skin here, fucking hippies ruin everything.

I could probably make money by smuggling seal furs from Newfoundland down to the states. Its not like a wall is going to block me or anything

You'd make more smuggling Cuban cigars into Canada, desu.

I hate it when mammals in the wild have to witness humans slaughtering their mates. Wish there was like this machine where it sends some sort of electrical currant through the air and kill these niggas in an instant, like you could do it from a helicopter, in and out. Why fucking go in there clubbing everyone up like babarians?

Yeah, go enjoy your factory farmed burger and chicken wings, ya fucking cunt

based newfies

Except they don't club them anymore. Well over 90% are shot these days. The hunters would rather club them because it's way more humane, but tell that to the cucks at peta.

t. newfie

Lol, three years ago Pamela Anderson (involved with PETA) came to St.John's in an attempt to end the Seal Hunt. She offered a million dollars to the Sealers Assosiation so that they could retire and not have to kill baby Seals anymore. So she offered one million dollars between 6000 people to retire. With a generous $167 retirement package I still wonder why they declined!

Seals are only cute when young and they are pest, they overeat fish so much it's become a danger for polar bears and other arctic species who feed on fish.

I agree with Canada Tbh

>Castro loving nation
Keep crying from Florida.

Kill yourself....

>cuckbertan burger defence force

From the bec. Fuck Trudeau and Fuck you.

Calm down Chang.

what a shoah

>From the bec

Calm down Tyrone.

Misread as BC. Calm down Hugo Zagabe.

Looks like I missed a couple buds.



Squirmy little fuckers!



Into the pile you go.

Canadians are considered a sort of Americans, so no.

>Russia with the 2-in-1 bantz


No. We are staunch protectors of these and a leaf is our natural enemy. REEEEEE

>maims and leaves your seal for the gulls

Tough luck kiddo...

Seals have learned to fear Canadians...

Our seals are protected by law because they are VERY endangered and I'd love to see some leaf getting jailed for trying to kill one during his bloodthirst.

my lunch

You just made the hunt that much sweeter Finn.

Me on the right

That just proves you're worse than burgeristan. Shame.

You don't know seals like we do, we're keeping the Western world free by eliminating this menace.

A lot of Canadians don't like that we have people killing so many Seals. I have no problem with hunting or the clubbing(that's actually a humane way to kill them) but the amount of seals is a bit much and some of our hunters have no respect and are complete psychopathic cunts. The Canadians ITT are just trying to be edgy to get a rise out of people because they are anime loving virgins that have nothing else.

Fuck off bud, I bet you're a shitskin immigrant who watches basketball.

I'm Anglo. Apehoop is for niggers.

>genocide hundreds of thousands of cute baby seals just for their fur
>nobody gives a shit

>sacrifice some bulls dressed as a faggot and eat the meat afterwards
>hurr durr spaniards are subhumans

I wonder if it's because we aren't white and canadians are "anglos".

>nobody gives a shit

EU threw a hissy fit over this and b& all Canadian seal products from the EU. It's not even legal in the USA

I'm not talking about the German Reich or your hillbilly neighbors, I'm talking about the media and the people in general. They use racist remarks against us just because some retards enjoy watching bullfighting, while most of the people here would like to have it banned.

>>nobody gives a shit

Who said that? People give us tons of shit in the media abroad

>They use racist remarks against us just because some retards enjoy watching bullfighting, while most of the people here would like to have it banned.

You don't like bullfighting? When I was in Spain and Portugal it was one of my favourite things.

>I wonder if it's because we aren't white
>They use racist remarks

Can you say victim complex

>Better use my scope