
Canada USA Mexico

Big natural boobs edition

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boobs r nice

Southern women love yankee cock

Thread just lumping along

>neighbor screaming "COLO COLO" and playing reggaeton
it's one of these days again


It's raining again.

I love Yankee cock

/cum/ more like plum


I don't know

>tfw rain won't turn to snow
End it all
good meme

W-what about the BBC?????

That's my girl

bummer, thx

It must be nice having a girlfriend, you know someone you can take places and get intimate with, share your feelings, snuggle in bed

rain is pretty nice, better than 30°C
It's not a meme, it's real

Hey faggots,
Instead toilet exploding around fart smoke internet all boob, posting pointless ass poop boob abusing buttselves to pictures toilet shit monsters, why not ass something productive boob surrender butt pees to stink bomb?
shittingstern society im gay become decadent, shittingak, boob lazy, boob is stoiletart to collapse. smoke upcoming generatifart, people such as buttselves, want nothing more from life than to grow stonk exploding around fart computers all boob, masturbating, drinking, boob taking drugs. You allow butt women to parade smokemselves fart butt streets dressed as commfart weeds, boob you (im gay) encouraged in this behaviour by corrupt politicians boob absent new age p(im gay)nts while butt societies boob ecfartomies collapse around you.
Meanwhile smoke Muslim Ummah, or brosmokerhood, grows rich fart oil shittingalth boob our madrasas train smoke upcoming generatifart to serve stink bomb, boob to fight, willing to give smokeir pees if necessary for smoke cause. smoke 1butt hijackers toilet butt/11 have surely earned smokeir place in paradise as ass smoke martyr bombers who strike daily into smoke heart toilet smoke devil state toilet Israel. shitting (im gay) living amfartg you, in Europe boob America, boob shitting (im gay) outrectuming you boob by boob, slowly taking a shit.
stink bomb im gay spitplan for each toilet us.


Fuck anime

omg, a female friend just send me a nude video, im spechless

I spent my whole afternoon making spiderman threads

>tfw no cut Connect a cuck bf
why live

Sorry m8, I saved it from here

just more incentive to keep the fridge tidy, though.

was just out walking my puppy, and these kpop idols who live down the street called me over. One of them said I was definitely the cutest boy in /cum/ by a large margin and the rest of them all fervently agreed.

how is everyone else's night?

Who needs cuteness when you have class?

Girls smell bad in the long run. Their beauty products will invade your home and God have mercy upon you with all their clothes. Also the girls have a tendency to want babies.

Regular sex and cuddling are nice though. Also being a man with a gf gives some kind of status.

to dream user

I'll probably watch some dumb vídeo then go to sleep


me on the left

I can dream alright

>>>Also the girls have a tendency to want babies.

>>He doesn't want kids


cuddling is the worst. its ok at first but then its becomes an every night thing and you can't sleep. the only good thing about having a gf is that you no longer feel like a loser and you're getting laid. also they keep things clean. and they cook.

>Also the girls have a tendency to want babies.
Kids are nice

I do what I want

hockey is the superior sport. and ice girls are vastly superior to football cheerleaders.

I do want kids but when I'm closer to 30's. Right now I have other things in mind.
>they cook
Finnish women don't. Though my kitchen, my rules and I'll kill every bitch who tries to ruin my kitchen.
Yeah, but later.



all of them do if you hit them hard enough

This desu

Ice girls are wife material


Is that the tranny who has been speaking in favour of Peterson?


who is your asmr-fu?


No wonder the USA decided to leave a domestic abuser like you.

tfw no chun li gf

Posting a classic for my lads


good lad

Cuddling is great, but sleeping in the same bed is hell. I don't get how people can cope with the extra bodyheat.

mine doesn't have a big following and I don't want any of you creeps ogling her

asmrangel is cute but a bit old for me

1 + 1 = 69 get it ?? lol ahahahahaha 69 = sexspoisition 1 = girl + boy ahaha

nah we're sending fags to the camp now

orders from the führer

I have a high body temp and my gf always complaining about it. Except during the winter. Then she love sit.


Okay running club meetup this Wed 6:30 pm.

Who /hyped/ here? I am.


kill each other

They only got abusive after we left, why do you think the Aussies are so fucked up

would you ever have sex with human woman

>running club
sounds gay as fuck, go to the pub


just made a big pot of lentil stew. who wants a bowl?

speaking of which should we do a hunger games /cum/ edition?

cuddling on a couch or a chair or w/e is fine. but women tend to want to do that shit all night. even in the middle of winter with the window open that shit is too hot for me. plus i sleep on my stomach and my gf demands we either spoon or she lay on top of each other

I've never been to a bar before. I'll wait until I'm back at university and have a friend to go with.

would I? yes

will I? The jury's out on that one.

>got abusive after we left
Well then, why did you leave?

fdom is a patrician fetish

Sounds yummy

>should we do a hunger games /cum/ edition
We did last night


because we touched their little colonial peepee

it is. I forgot to get hot peppers though, so it's missing a kick.

>last night
What the FUCK missed it again

>I've never been to a bar before.
the modern Canadian "man", ladies and gentlemen


You monsters! Your colonial sins will come to bite you guys in the ass.

>even in the middle of winter with the window open that shit is too hot for me.
I feel your pain


im abnormal in a lot of good and bad ways

Yes but they don't like me very much, unfortunately

I've resulted to waifuism

>I've never been to a bar before.
It's pretty funny desu.

Also it gets better if you pretend to be a n*rmie.

>Final 3 were the Footfag German, Dixie, and the USA
>Dixie dies of dysentery
>German stabs USA in the back
It was fucked anyway. Dixie was tied for most kills though, so that's something

I'm out of pics, I need to get an anime folder going

>Dixie being close to winning
Now that's one fucked game :DDDD

cannot imagine tits that big being comfortable or nice looking


Almost outlasted the Yancucks. We would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for that meddling Oregon Trail

why would bismuth ripple like that

I had a crush on Peppermint Patty as a kid

you fucking pedo fuck

I look forward to it.

good man
>Old England taste

Do southern girls really like black guys?

I said as a kid

G'night /cum/, have a nice dream

>get off /cum/ to go print some documents at fedex
>walk out of apartment into hall
>9/10 with a big, well shaped ass is standing out in the hall talking on her phone
>stop dead in my tracks and stare because autism
>she looks back at me, clearly confused
>walk real fast towards the stairs

Fuck outside

>tfw a cuckfederate

Goodnight, Chile.

Goodnight Chile

No, miscegenation is still rare