ITT: We prove that Pakistan > India in the past present and future

ITT: We prove that Pakistan > India in the past present and future.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_War

Pakistani army chief.

Indian army chief lmao

im greek

protip: You'll have a much easier time getting a rise out of Pajeets if you post this stuff on Youtube comments or Facebook.


Pakistan might be better than one of the worst countries on the planet

Seriously what is it with you guys and facebook. Every single time there's a post about India from the BBC every single pajeet pops out of the woodwork saying shi like 'WHY BBC DON'T REPORT ON OTHER COUNTRIES WHY YOU HATE INDIA KASHMIR IS INDIAN' and then a bunch of Urdu pajeets come out and say shit like 'INDIA IS OPPRESSIVE AND POOR AND IMMORAL FUCK YOU KASHMIR PAKISTANI CLAY'

I don't have a facebook account, but I guess it's insecurity.
A lot of Indians don't really know how fucked up the country is. They live in urban areas and think that's how life is for everyone. When the news shows the problematic areas, they get butthurt.

Eh, goes to show how disgusting the Western media is. Indians bless all new additions to their households, like new cars, sometimes with flowers. I wish I could personally punch the guy who wrote that clickbait.

>Between 90,000[29] and 93,000 Pakistanis were taken prisoner by the Indian Army which included 79,676 to 81,000 uniformed personnel of Pakistan Armed Forces
>Lasting just 13 days, it is one of the shortest wars in history

India has absolutely demolished Pakistan in all 4 wars they fought.


lel Pakistan released this stamp after most of its military was captured by India.

lol That's the map of a tsunami after an earthquake.

Pakistan and India are so fucking shit that even Arabs see them as inferior

>India wins war against country 10 times smaller
>calls it a big win


Also, pretty sure the 1965 war had no winners, Pakistan killed many more Indians than the other way round under Musharrafs war, and much more.

The average Pakistani is 20% richer than the average Indian, we have more nukes, we have world class physicists and economists. Historically, we defeated Alexander the Great, we were one of the first civilizations on Earth with sophistications that are unparalleled. Even in the 70's Pakistan was considered the Switzerland of Asia and our economic plans were copied the world over. We're just in a bit of a slump today but we've almost eradicated all terrorists. And now with the $60 billion CPEC which will potentially bring in trillions of investments, we will Make Pakistan Great Again.

I just want Pakistan to turn into a military state with conscription like Israel, god that will be a fucking sight to behold. I reckon India will go underground after the flood of poos from that news.

Ahmed, this is such blatantly incorrect information.

>The average Pakistani is 20% richer than the average Indian,
As of 2016, India's per capita GDP is 1,900, whereas Pakistan's is 1,561
>we have more nukes
Most of Pakistan's nukes are "tactical nukes" which - I'm being serious - it intends to use ON ITSELF if India ever invades through conventional warfare. That means your nukes are 1940s tech, while India has actual thermonuclear weapons that are thousands of times as powerful.
>we have world class physicists and economists.
You have like one or two, but any given state in India has more world-class physicists and economists, even Bihar.

> Historically, we defeated Alexander the Great, we were one of the first civilizations on Earth with sophistications that are unparalleled.

Pakis aren't the people of the Indus Valley Civilization, nor are they the descendants of Porus. You're Arab rape babies mixed with Turks. The actual descendants of those civilizations all live in India proper.

>I just want Pakistan to turn into a military state with conscription like Israel, god that will be a fucking sight to behold. I reckon India will go underground after the flood of poos from that news.

I hope you realize that all the problems India has are magnified a hundred-fold in Pakistan. You're poorer, less civilized, less cultured, wannabe Arab versions of us.

Pakistan was created like 60 years ago lmao

Street shitters > Muslims

That's GDP, not median wealth of Pakistani households/adults.

pakistanis are literally the exact same as indians in every way but they're also muslim

>use on itself

Mate... you should legit commit suicide by now.

>Pakistani tech is 1940's
>Considered one of the best nuke and missile systems

>India a population of 2 billion has more scientists than Pakistan
Yeah, gg.

Pakistan was promised 1/3 while India 2/3 of all assets in pre-partition India. India took it all away and gave us nothing. We didnt have oil or any other shortcuts to boost our econony. We were so poor that our laws were written on recycled paper. Pakistan started from scratch, literally. And we have fought hard for everything, we were handed nothing on a silver platter.

>Indus valley isn't Pakistani

Yeah mate, the civilizations on the Indus river, which is in Pakistan, isn't part of our history. Great logic. Also, you should be called Bharat, not India. Pakistan is the area that should be called India due to our mighty Indus river.

I hope you stop being this deluded. We are objectively a better country, with a better history, and a brighter future.

I just want to stress to you just how fucked Pakistan is if it ever tries to invade India again.

Pakistan still doesn't have thermonuclear capability, which India achieved over 2 decades ago.

Not just that, but India has developed one of top 3 most advanced anti-ballistic missile systems in the world.

That means Pakistan could theoretically attempt to nuke India, but its missiles would be annihilated before they ever reached the ground.

Not true. There are no pashtuns or Balochis or hazaras in India. North Indians (Punjabis etc.) are considered exotic there and looked up to, we are Punjabis.

Indians are Dravidians. Pakistan is Aryan.

t. ranjeet ibn muhammad singh, proud non-indian man

>India wanting to scrap the missile defense system after its chiefs said that missile defense against nukes is almost impossible to work

Yeah mate, great missile defense. Use it to shoot down some spy pigeons. And while you're at it, teach the 1.3 billion in your country to stop shitting in streets.

I'm not making this up, these are legit facts.

And fuck no we're not Arabs, that's a fact. And I'm not arguing against facts here.

>this mess after a billion years
where's a brit when you need one

I'm so sorry.
I wasn't kidding, and I'm surprised you don't know. Pakistan promised that if India were to invade, Pakistan would launch tactical on its own soil to thwart the Indian army.

Basically, your country is absolutely insane.

>India took it all away and gave us nothing.

You guys took Lahore, most of Punjab, and Karachi, the latter of which was over half Hindu. Punjab was the wealthiest part of India at the time, and you allied with the US, so you guys began with a huge head start.

why does the strap not go all the way down past his chin wtf
did he pick up the wrong hat or something

Light-skin =/= Aryan. It's pretty sad that Pakistanis would buy into Nordicism, which tried to prove that Nordics, literal savages for almost all of history, were actually some ancient civilized race.

The reason you're lighter-skinned is purely because you mixed with Turks and Central Asians.

Pic related is a painting of the true Aryans, not these fat, slobby pretenders.

Brits created this mess in the first place


I can't handle this level of absurdity. You win mate.

Btw, I'm astonished Indians still suffer from their inferiority complexes. Pakistan has moved away from the "wannabe white" culture but India is still stuck in the "fair and lovely" era. No wonder white models are hired in Indian movies.

>India inherited a shitton of industries, more population, more military regiments
>beats a country 1/5th of its size and 1/8th of its population and pretends it has done the impossible
>meanwhile when it faces an opponent on equal ground aka china, they get their toilets handed to them

really stimulates my neurons

Says the Paki claiming he's an Aryan from the Dravidian Indus Valley Civilization whose people defeated Alexander during Vedic times before peacefully converting to Islam.

Stop being ridiculous.

"Fair and lovely" is to look North Indian. NO ONE in India wants to look white. The white women on Bollywood sets are used purely as strippers, hookers, and background dancers.

Please refrain from commenting on a culture you know nothing about.

>The only reason India is doing as "well" as it is is because they have a billion+ people. Even a billion monkeys would be able to make a semblance of an economy and a country.

Look outside the Taj Mahal and this is India:

And the only thing Indians can come up with is "HAHAH UR THINK U R ARAB HAHAHA XD"
While they don't want to even shake a Dalit's hand lmfao. It's funny because India was the first nation on the face of the earth to separate people based on skin color. Hitler even remarked that it was the only thing that India was able to do right. So yeah, not even discount Indians would want to be associated with you lolz

pay special attention to 6:00 in the video

Exactly. All of the infrastructure that was made by the British was in India, the pakistan area wasn't the center of trade or anything, just feudal states. Other than that, when the British left us 1/3rds of all assets the Indians actually didn't even give us that. There's so many more examples, and I can't believe they take the moral high ground.

Protip: the people who defeated Alexander the Great and the people who are what we now know as Pakistanis are not the same people.

Ok. Let's do this.

Do you agree that Iran means land of Aryans?

Also, you're confusing between Aryans and Indo-Aryans. India isn't Aryan, it's Dravidian and Indo-Aryan. Anyways, answer my question.

I can't tell: Are you a white guy or a Paki? A Paki would at least know that caste has nothing to do with skin color. The lightest people in India are also the lowest castes.

Pic related is an untouchable/dalit.

Also, Hitler is not the greatest source on Indian culture lmao. He's a white trash animal just like any other fat neckbeard slob who invents fantasies about Indian, Asian, Arab, and so on culture to feel better about himself.

That same video is used by every one of these subhumans who are obsessed with India because they're too stupid to find a developer job.

Pakistan was figuratively hiding bin Laden in their country

>Brought an end to Alexander the Great
>Beat up Genghis Khan
>Fought filthy arabs for over a millennium while the likes of iberia and iran got fucking annihilated in a decade
>Out-foxed the Brits into letting them go
>Currently has nukes

They're not pooping on the streets. They're practicing for the day that they can poop on you.

If by the same people you mean not the same race, then I can guarantee you that every other race that has not exclusively inbred for 2500 years is not the same people.

If by that you mean the same culture, I can guarantee you there is no culture in the world that has survived 2500 years in its entirety.

If you mean the people who fought Alexander were in what's modern day Pakistan, then yes, I agree with you.

What are you talking about? India has been conquered for hundreds of years by Muslims who were extremrly small in population compared to the Hindus.

India was divided from the Brits due to the Pakistani movement.

The rest is just legit retarded.

>couldn't outfox the Brits from taking over.

Wait no.

>Couldn't outfox a British company fron taking over.

A fucking company, not even the country.

Both North Indians and Persians referred to themselves as Aryans, and went to war with each other. The gods in Zoroastrianism are the demons in Hinduism and vice versa.

But both only called themselves that *after* settling in their respective regions, meaning they had already merged with the Elamites and the people of the IVC, respectively. Neither has any cultural memory of coming from anywhere else.

Just give us another year mates, we'll deal with the poos in loos.


You are talking out of your ass. Muslims sent massive hordes to launch surprise attacks on unsuspecting Indian empires. The only reason my name isn't Ahmed is because the Muslim attackers had no choice but to accept Hindu culture or lose their influence. The same empires that defeated the Byzantines and Persians and converted those regions to 100% mudslime in a few short decades failed to accomplish the same in India, because the Rajputs, Vijayanagaras and others consistently defeated them.

What is the Mughal empire

Mughals intermarried with the Rajputs and only ever managed North India. Aurangzeb attempted to conquer the South, but was demolished time and time again by the Marathas, who went on to conquer India.

Thank god for these brave souls or I'd be a muslim too.

India and China fought several times after that and India won each time. But filthy shart-marts going to shart all over facts.

>but was demolished time and time again by the Marathas
>this is what delusional hindpoos believe

The mughals were overextended and simply couldn't afford to wage war on a backwater like South India. Especially in a territory the size of Europe. And wasn't it Shivaji that sucked Aurangzeb's dick and promised to be a gud boi who wont do nuffin? Empires Rise and Fall.

Whereas the Mughal Empire left a significant legacy and basically laid the foundation for India to inherit (all the monuments and cultural heritage), the loosely banded tribes of the Maratha confederacy contributed jack shit to India. The only thing they were successful in was chimping out repeatedly then getting BTFO'd by firangis.

Here is when Based Mughals kicked in teeth of Britpoos's_War

And here is where wonderful brave Kshitriyas handed India to the firangi dogs

pic related: the defining symbol in the world for a "united india" was made by "invader arabs" kek

Literally what? Post yfw you realize that India which had been governed by the Brits and had an orderly governmental, military, and economic system was BTFO'd by Chairman Chink who's country's economy at that time was dogshit and on the brink of collapse

ITT: Bharat utterly unequivocally distinguishably extremely BTFO.

The India delusion is strong.

>Beat up Genghis Khan
Genghis was dead when the Indians gained the upper hand

Holy shit that video lmao.

You can refer to yourself as whatever the fuck you want mate, that doesn't change the facts. Iranians and Afghans are Aryans, Pakistanis are majority Aryan with some Indo-Aryans in Karachi.

Indians are majority Dravidians with some Indo-Aryans.

Look you, pakinigger, India has btfo Pakistan all the times in war. They continue to excel in high tech, space, etc and will always be light years ahead of you camel fucking, terrorists hording cunts. Just wish the US would get around to banning the lot of you from ever entering my country

>too stupid to find a developer job
You do know that the majority of Indians are hired to do the uncreative, menial, and mediocre jobs right?

Where's the made in India Google/Amazon?

No it hasn't.

They only defeated us in 1971. And they're 10 times larger than us in population, they took all the weapons and army infrastructure the British left, so it's not an amazing victory, plus we were having a fucking civil war at the same time.

Let's see India defeat China? Oh wait, China constantly BTFOs India.

You mean tricked them into building up their infrastructure, modernizing their society and protecting them before being let go without a fight?

India, Thailand and Japan all played the west like a fiddle

Poo in loo strategy mate, you wouldn't understand. It has the all new easy access-shitnetworks connectivity.

Indians, tell me about the Parsi, do they rule your country from the shadows?

>The only way Pakistan can look better is when India is btfo by others

You sound pathetic, just like your shit country. Do us all a favor and return to your shithole


>The only way India looks good is when it manages to barely defeat a country 10 times smaller even tho it gets fucked on the reg by equally sized countries


>down to personal attacks

This is how you know India doesn't have anymore logical arguments.

Literally the most important country in the upcoming new world

He's from the Gurkha regiment. It's a sort of tradition there.
>inb4 quora

Parsis are the most based people. The Indian government is spending money asking them to reproduce. Their numbers are decreasing fast.

It's quite interesting how Pakistanis look up to China as a big brother-type figure, but if you ask the Chinese how they think about Pakistan, the results are the same as how they think about any other Muslim country (i.e. with disdain).

If you ask any Chinese how they feel about Pakistan, 90% of them will say "best friend" without a doubt.

>being retarded

Welcome to India, folks. Retardation is celebrated.

>If you ask any Chinese how they feel about Pakistan, 90% of them will say "best friend" without a doubt.


>But quantitative measures of grassroots sentiment between the two countries tell a different story. While Pakistanis view China in an overwhelmingly positive light — a July 2014 Pew Research Center survey found that 78 percent of respondents view China favorably — Chinese maintain a far less enthusiastic attitude toward their South Asian neighbor; only 30 percent of Chinese view Pakistan favorably.
>It’s not clear why Chinese popular opinion of Pakistan is so out of kilter with the two countries’ official relationship. Though most Chinese do acknowledge the close ties between the countries, some view Pakistan as violent, chaotic, and poorly governed. Pakistan shares a 372-mile border with Xinjiang, the northwestern Chinese region home to 10 million Uighurs, a largely Muslim Turkic-speaking minority, a region with sporadic outbreaks of violence between Uighurs and the majority Han population. In August 2011, officials in the region of Kashgar in southern Xinjiang claimed that Uighur militants had received training in Pakistan, and Chinese officials have pressured Pakistan to expel Uighur separatists who may be operating there.
>To some in China, when imagining a violent, lawless, or run-down place, Pakistan is what first comes to mind. [. . .] And in China, the general impression of Pakistanis themselves is often little better. A 2013 discussion thread on question-and-answer site Zhihu asked, “What kind of country is Pakistan? Are there a lot of terrorist organizations?” As one user wrote, “The poor people [there] are hooligans; they utter lewd expressions at women on the street.”

Also the Captcha task for my last post was to identify--I shit you not--Chinese street signs.

>sample size 1000
>population 1 billion
>believing polls over hundreds of thousands of Chinese online posts in forums, defence websites, etc.

I hope there's some Chinese here that can shed some light.

>no indians on internet
pajeets don't have internet, heh.
>internet full of pajeets
insecurity complex of pajeets make them get rekt easily.

Chinese people fucking love Pakistan, but it's mostly because of the media.

Same reason for why Americans always love Israel etc. Geopolitical bias clouding people's views of foreign countries has always been a huge piece of shit.

>t. Chinese

>50 Russian companies want to invest in Pakistan, want to be part of CPEC
> $60 billion Chinese CPEC currently under construction
>Iran, where India is constructing the Chahabhar port in response to Gwadar, want to join CPEC
>Pakistan joins Afghan(Indian so-called friend) trade routes 2 days ago

Wow, we're such an isolated country. kek

Why dont you fuck off outta america then?

Some Western Chinese don't feel the same way, but the Chinese there know we've stood with China when nobody else did. And they've stood with us. Even during the 2004 (?) earthquake in China, we sent all our emergency stuff without second guessing.

I guess so.
I'm no expert, it's just my assumption.
Btw I like both Pakistani and Indians desu, they've always been pretty chill to me. lol


Time to start comparing India to Nepal and Somalia. And Pakistan to Germany, Sweden etc.

> Pakistan to Germany, Sweden etc.
I agree.
All three are filled with durkas.