Be american

>be american
>lose war to poor chink rice farmers
>be brittish
>lose war to potato niggers
>be australian
>lose war to a bunch of fucking birds
>be french
>lose war to angry niggers stuck in an island

Does the West deserve to fall?

we never went to war with ireland, they went to war with us

we lost to the yanks who are now actual niggers tho

>its not a defeat if they are the agressors!

didn't say that did i

also nobody won, we're still in ireland
both sides came to an arrangement

>before the war
>ireland doesnt exist
>after irish war of independence
>ireland exists

are you seriously telling me the Irish did not win solely because they didn't get all of the land they wanted?

>before the war
>ireland doesn't exist
stupid fucking monkey

point to me where the politically independent ireland is ahmed

>politically independent
nice backpedal m8

you never said that, you said "before the war ireland didn't exist"
it did, and it's right there in your map


its refinement, dumb cuck

fuck off ivan

>the whole discussion this bong started was about ireland as a political entity
>insists its about ireland as a geographical entity once his argument is crushed


ireland was still a political entity m8

it was also politically independent before the war (and the union)

you know nothing about history, stop talking like you do

>Abdul flustered



>tfw never lost a war

if they were so independent like you claim why did they bother to start a fucking war of independence then?
also political entities inside countries exist everywhere ahmed, its just that your country is so small that ireland seams like a big deal

>be brazil
>Lose 1-7 at home

first off, it literally was not a war
stop using the word or i'll assume your english is so bad that you don't understand what it means

secondly they were independent before joining the union, they were then political self-sustaining bit answerable to us

ireland didn't suddenly just exist from nothing m8
they were a country before the union, they were a country during the union, they were a country after leaving the union

they didn't "go to war" they used violent tactics to further a political agenda
the outcome was a stalemate, they received partial independence and we retained partial control; that is not a victory for either side

>be Germnaistan
>be 0-2 at home

oh look its our favorite suicidal kraut.
call me once you need some millions of catolics to counterweght the milions of muslims you are taking in to maintain the cultural diversity you love so much, after all mass imigration is how you solve all problems right?

you are just furthering the stereotype that countries that lose wars tend to teach in schools that "it wasnt reeeally a defeat".

Look, stop your mental gymnastics and technicalities and think straight for a bit, were you taught that the Americans didst lose on 1812 solely because you didn't recolonize them?

you're an idiot

there's a reason it was called "the troubles" and not the "anglo-irish war" or the "whatever war"
because. it. was. not. a. war.

we've lost plenty of times m8, no problem admitting that
but you can't just make wars up and claim we lost them, use a real one like the yank revolution or shut up

>worldwide know as The Irish ---->WAReven as the Irish ---->WARstudied as a modern Guerrilla ---->WAR"it wasnt a war hurrdurr"

Ill agree that "war" can apply to a large number of things, but this one definitely war a war

>worldwide known as the irish war of independence
lmfao no it isn't you stupid fucking monkey

it's literally known as "the troubles" and it wasn't a war at all
you clearly do not know what the word "war" means so there's no point continuing this conversation

brush up on your english, brush up on your history, and then try having this thread again

Alright im tired to so let me bash your shit arguments one last time.

I dont think you are dense enough to truly think "the troubles" is more popularly atributed term to that event, i think you just pulled a term from your history book on seventh grade.

Also, yes, it was a war, deny it all you want