You wake up in Kenya

You wake up in Kenya

Wat do?

Get job, fuck Kenyan qt's

i take the train back to BC


go to somalia and become a warlord

Asante Mungu I am finally back home!

Get a cab to Heathrow and then get a plane out of there.

Find Lions and Tigers

rape with condom

be like Genghis Khan

>Genghis Khanya

Kill myself

look at this pathetic aussie

haha how are you going to kill yourself? By a stingray? hahaha

fuck you

Walk around with a rainbow flag.

Post on Sup Forums until I get fed up with people replying "RARE"

chill with obama's brother

go to the spanish embassy

Run for President of the United States :^)

Die from heat and humidity

But he wasn't born in Kenya

Be thankful that i wasn't in Somalia.

Yeah, but was he?

Nairobi isn't that hot compared to most places in africa

I create a Catholic Kingdom and start slaughtering these godless pagans.

This is bait, right? Nobody is actually this dumb?

You're right, instead of killing i should simply forcefully convert them.

I go find some adobe in Nairobi.

Most of Kenya doesn't need to be converted you dunce.

stay and hope to not be deported back to Brazil

>You wake up in Kenya
Been there. Done that.

Feel glad I'm not in Venezuela anymore.

76.7% of it does.

>23.3% Christian
>Kenya doesn't need to be converted

76.7% will go in Hell if someone does not act to save them.

>only Catholics are Christian

Migrate to Europe.

just go to germany as refuggee

latinos looks like arabs

This. Malik Obama is a pretty cool guy, father of memetics and is the shitposter veteran of the great meme war of 2016. Pay homage to the dude.

I have a friend whose name is "Kenia" and she's pretty hot so I'd be happy to wake up in her if you catch my drift

Go fast?


I'm pale as fuck though.
