Culture Pals - /cp/

Cuban QTs Edition

Come meet qts from around the world, practice your qt talk skills, be comfy with the lads, share qts, share qt's nudes, rate qts, recommend new qts to others, log the ip addresses from qts with iplogger, make fun about crazy qts, get made fun of for being crazy, share replies from pastas, fall in love with ludwig, fuck your shit up, prep your qts bock


OP pastebin:
> (embed)

mega with all the OP pics

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucked up, old thread actually is


This. We can't have ugly bitches sullying the good name of our Culture pals.

Let's make Culturepals great again!

You should be more worried about the SJWs sullying the name of Leafland.

Any sensible leaf is already committed to Russian gf 2017. Correct me if I'm wrong, guys.


Why is Canada so full of SJWs?

I don't get it, I look at some French girls' profiles, a bunch of them view mine in return, some send messages. I view some Chinese and Taiwanese girls' profiles, none of them look. Am I like the only white guy Asian girls don't find attractive?

> Slav qt in current year
> Not Greek or Italian
Get with the times desu

Canada has dedicated itself to being a multicultural mural. The average Canadian has no national identity, and thus clings to the identity politics and cultural marxism eschewed by professors - it's the first experience with culture they've ever had. There is no such thing as national pride in Canada.

I get Italian, but Greek?

Let's be reasonable, we want white qts. Teutonic qts 2017?


Because all the yuppie American SJWs moved there after Dubya triggered them too hard.

to my canadian pal incase you migrated

i gotchu famalam

Don't Canadians actually have respect for their Military and Police? I know when I went to Italy, it seemed no Italians gave a fuck about their troops or cops.

I thought Canadians actually cared

We don't negotiate with terrorists

>not spending your time redpilling others

wew lads you don't even know how to play the game.

The RCMP established itself in terms of a recognizable uniform and presence. They have little authority in our eyes - they're akin to the Beefeaters of England.

We could learn a thing or two from Italy.

Haha it would be even funnier if it was both Jordan and Nauro who viewed her 2bh

>We could learn a thing or two from Italy

Why? They really don't care. I think it's good to have pride and respect for those who work for your country.

I don't come to these threads enough, who's this?

It's better not to care than to openly mock the authority.

Yeah I guess that is true

Why are americans so obnoxious and racist???

The guy on the left (jordan), spams "" on pictures of TONS of girls on Interpals, especially Asian girls.

Because of that, s in pictures of non Asian girls, and his comments that are not just "" are considered rare Jordans.

Praise the Jordan.

I mean he spam a thumbs up

>The guy on the left (jordan), spams "" on pictures of TONS of girls on Interpals, especially Asian girls.

Are Thai girls still considered desperate on interpals? I remember a time when we all blocked Thai girls.

Let's make the wall 10 feet higher!

Quiero conocer peruanos, donde estan?

En Peru


jeez i wonder who the obnoxious americans that populate this site may be?

Really does fire up the neurons…


I only get Asian girls looking at my profile and messaging me, and I don't even really find asians all to cute.

>Am I like the only white guy Asian girls don't find attractive?

Post profile, let us judge.

My QT is English. We're bringing the Empire back

10/10 on the image.

>My QT is English

Gross. Is she traditional, at least?

Anglo-Saxons are the master race and Canada sucked when it abandoned Britain.

Yes, she isn't a cuck like Kate.

Who is Kate, anyway?

Girl in the OP

Sure, but why does /cp/ care about some fat, possibly fake grill?

I'm so austic that I do not have the balls to message anyone

iktf. Drinking helps.

just drink so you can take advantage of them :^)

wait can you actually meet cute girls on the internet?? is that possible?????

i've tried it before and they're always either insane or catfishing

I swear, the only Asians who talk to me or even look at my profile are western Asians. Maybe this explains why I never got laid in China. I must just not hit any of the Eastern expectations for male looks.

Shes not fake her Twitter is from 2011 amd has 35k tweets. That's a long game troll.

Sure buddy, sure.

And I came into Rachel's eyes.



I had a fake interpals account that was 1 year old. Long trolls are real

What do you do if you're kind of ugly but are trying to take decent pictures of yourself anyway?

The internet has me terrified, people have huge collections of awkward or ugly people they make fun of constantly and the idea of being in said folders is too much for me to bear. But the longer I hold off on showing how I look the worse the reveal is.

I called my qt miss piggy and she went AWOL for 4 days

did she kill hamself? ?? ?


why the fuck would you do that?

Based cps, would give boipucc too
You don't even know that nobody even likes bullies…. like you! Get cucked motherfucker!!!!!

Y'all niggas add me, I'm new to this site

Username is Nic_nack

How are you finding the qts

Because I'm good looking

Huh I actually spent some time yesterday looking for Cuban qts. Funny you should make this thread now


Was a general question but okay mr modesty

She is cute

Honestly if I wasn't born handsome I wouldn't know how to pick up qt's. It was the most honest answer I could give

No he meant like "how are you finding it?"

Remember lads, autism is does not discriminate between the good lookers and not

This I'm definitely on the spectrum.

Don't worry m8, we are all guilty as we are on this board

Oh this site is the great, I'm talking to a 18 year protégées grill right now :D.

Not compared to Ludwig

Italian army is full of cowards
They actually payed Taliban in Afghanistan to be left alone, declared some sectors clean and left. Other countries got ambushed as soon as they set foot in those sectors

Not to mention they also where defeated by an African country in ww2 lol


T. American education :(

>tfw no fair-skinned light-eyed turkroach gf

>it seemed no Italians gave a fuck about their troops or cops.
not sure what you mean by that but it isn't true. We see them as people doing their job. That means, no boot licking but no hate towards them either (unless you're a commie).

Talking to Russian QTs got me used to using those smileys now )))

It feels less dumb, and at the same time more friendly )

>no boot licking
This. I will never understand America's unashamed deference to authority and eagerness to support their military, especially now when they go on about how evil Castro was, just a few miles away from a not at all secret US torture facility.

iktf. But I'm glad I got rid of that habit again

>tfw a qt with huge tittays writes you

instant boner desu

Bost Bicture.

Nah I'll play this safe. It's rare enough to find a non-fat qt with a really good rack.

Hide the face then

Testing me flag


Really makes you hhmmmm

Now those are some God tier peitões.

I'm glad she wont have trouble finding what she wants on Interpls ;^)


Really makes you fap

I've meet 2 IP girls IRL. They were both as I thought they'd be by talking to them



forgot pic
double fuck



I went after the socially awkward average girl and took her virginity.

thanks /cp/!

the catch is that these girls all have mental issues
you know where to find us when you get more :)



>all have mental issues

why is that?
Like eeevery cunt I ever met on IP is in some way mentally damaged?
why is that?

Most women in general are, It's even worse on IP because every half-sane girl will be scared away quickly on this shitty site.