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>New Guinea


Over the fucking line! As usual, Ass-tralians take it too far... totally crude and distasteful

Fucking turks amirite

worth it

Not Australias fault, it was literally the incompetent Italian tier Brits.
Note how when the Aussies weren't fighting under Brit command in later wars they stopped getting killed en masse. Hmm, almost like they weren't fed to the enemy.

Winter war


Let's be real, did you really not want to trade land or did you just want to kill commies

Well if we'd just given peacefully land I dare say we would've slowly shared the fate of the Baltic countries. Remember Molotov-Ribbentrop pact?

What are you even talking about m8?





Do you guys see Estonia as Finnish people? I feel sad that eesti is left behind and eaten by the soviet while Finland was narrowly saved in the war.

doo dooo, doodoodoo

doo doodoo doo

Didn't know US's objective was to overthrow the southern government and install socialism in there. Really fires up my synapses.

>American being cool about this
Alright what you playing at?

This is what's taught at school, they fucked up pretty badly.

>Italian tier

Right? The untold truth always amazes people.

I watched Gallipoli and Breaker Morant, I'm honestly naturally cool about this.
And I like Australia for some unknown reason.

>wah wah brits cant fight
>created the largest empire the world has ever seen

They are Baltic and differ somewhat from us. Also sovietland wasn't exactly good for them. But all in all they've the another last clique of Finnic peoples left on earth apart from us. The other ones are extinct or russified. T...t..thanks world ;__;

> 13 losses over the span of nearly three centuries

> T-The British A-Army sucks!

All the land they acquired was through military victory, and given they've acquired more land than any other power ever has or ever likely will, perhaps your cherrypicking is underestimating them,

>>created the largest empire the world has ever seen
Pretty easy thing to do when you conquer empty lands such as Canada and Australia.
Only the colonization of India was remarkable.
>inb4 SHITALY !!1111

If it was so easy, why couldn't Italy do it?

Read western magazines (War illustrated) from times of Winter war - so much Finnish butthurt from epic defeat. Modern Finns so proud by sane defeat. Ololo force of brainwashing in action.

Nice. Not WW1, but have you seen this one?

>Suddenly colonies/enemies get guns and are equally arm, not chucking spears at your gatling gun
>Get BTFO to the most hysterical degree, like something out of a comedy stereotyping French cowardice
Also funny since the French took the fall for cowardice in WWII when they LITERALLY DIED FIGHTING TO LET THE BRITISH RUN THE FUCK AWAY.
Fucking Dunkirk Evacuation, the French heroes heroically make a last stand to let the British cowards "bravely" run away and hide out in their Island until we join.
Those were just PATHETIC losses, mate. There were PLENTY more.

We most often see them as a brother people. But not Finns

Oh nah, it was on my watch list for a while but heard it wasn't as good as the two I mentioned.
I've seen pic though
>The American-Australian drunken brawl over a scorpion beating a spider
I fucking adored it

We unified too late. By 1861 both France and Britain had huge empires (the latter had mostly empty wasteland that nobody wanted to claim).

I haven't seen Breaker Morant before and I haven't seen Gallipoli since I was a kid and even then I didn't see all of it so I can't really comment. But honestly I liked Kokoda.
Haven't seen Odd Angry Shot, either; I'll check it out though.

None of the land was empty. Even when fighting "Savages" they had to battle them, such as the Zulus.

Britain defeated China in the Opium Wars, Russia in the Crimean War, France numerous times, The Ottomans in Egypt and In WW1, America in the war of 1812, Spain during the Portuguese restoration war.

Empire was far from a walk in the park.

Gotcha, I'll check out Kokoda when I've got time. Got lots of crap on my backlog.
It's pretty great, Aussies in Vietnam, lots of character building and humor, but it's also super on edge when shit gets real, hence "The Odd Angry Shot"
It took me a bit after watching to appreciate it but now I definitely do.

>Also funny since the French took the fall for cowardice in WWII when they LITERALLY DIED FIGHTING TO LET THE BRITISH RUN THE FUCK AWAY.
It's called a tactical retreat, desu
>Fucking Dunkirk Evacuation, the French heroes heroically make a last stand to let the British cowards "bravely" run away and hide out in their Island until we join.
Yeah na m8 im pretty sure russia did most of the heavy lifting, you lads just wanted steal the glory. Btw how is your pacific 'empire' going?

Ours too tbqh.

>conquering Sahara

not even mad :^)

all churchill's fault, as always

Neva 4get. :'(

I like the sentiment that you don't blame aussies for the massacre, but brits do have a pretty strong military history.

>Says the Russian

I'm not even going to start this discussion. The fact that soviet forces were so inept in attacking unprepared farmers is a victory of it's own kind. Your levee en masse tactics just didn't work against such conditions and such patriotism at that period. Most of finns were just glad the war ended. We didn't celebrate anything nor we do today. Apart from our independence which is totally a different thing. It wasn't even supposed to be a war where we could've even lasted more than few weeks. Stalin and co had bloody palnned victory celebrations in Oulu for victory parades and such. That should tell your brainwashed mind a bit how it actually was and is.

Pretty surprised you Russians are exactly as scummy you were 70 years ago. You're welcome to try again, Raattentie is open.

They evacuated over 100,000 French troops at Dunkirk you moron. It was an allied evacuation, not just a British one.

>Russia in the Crimean War
With the help of roaches and France.
>France numerous times
France won most of the wars against Britain.
>The Ottomans in Egypt and In WW1
As part of a group of nations called the Allies.
>America in the war of 1812
That was barely a war.
>Spain during the Portuguese restoration war
Spain was at war with a fuckton of other nations and fought in the 30 years war prior to that.

This isn't remarkable at all.

if only Finland could unite the Karelia and the other Baltic fins

But what about 'lil ethiopia? You boys must've been pretty desperate to settle for a small chunk of shitty land so far from home. And it took you lads 2 attempts

>machine gunning some mbungas abd pajeets is an achievement

A tactical retreat all the way back home until America shows up*

Nah cunt, we supplied Russia with 80% of the shit they used during the push to Germany. If it weren't for us giving them gib me dats then shit woulda be different.
Meanwhile we were the main striking force in the Western front, while supplying the Eastern front, while working with Australia in the Pacific theater and basically ended that ourselves.
Not gonna say we won it but fuck, we did the heavy lifting most of the time.

Fair enough, I like to break Britain's balls because of their stance on us in WWII and how they keep bringing up Vietnam when they lost two different wars to farmers.

they cannot. But they understand battles are not only won by fighting but with other manners. That is why they were good.

Yes, shitaly can't into colonization. But still, Britain only fought savages and poo in loos. They didn't conquer the whole of Europe like France or Germany.

Their empire was mostly empty wasteland, much like the Mongol Empire. But unlike the Mongols, who fought a lot of powerful nations, Britain's only success was being good at naval warfare.

Most major European land wars have been in coalitions. I don't think it's fair to brush them aside, just because they shared the victory with others,

They were your Pajeets until Britain took them though ;)

Why would you call your own country shit, mate? I'm sure your ancestors frown upon you...

My ancestors should have fought harder for their country.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. Literally if the Germans weren't fighting an Eastern front they would have walked through the US and pretty much would have claimed the planet. Your Western Assault was so insignificant compared to what was happening in the east.

>My ancestors should have fought harder for someone else's country

Finland wasn't exactly an independent nation either after the wars; the word "Finlandization" exists for a reason.

It's just our politicians had become skilled at giving the political equivalents of really good edging handjobs to avoid being just being bent over and buggered like Estonia was. That afforded us some semblance of "freedom."

>Most major European land wars have been in coalitions. I don't think it's fair to brush them aside, just because they shared the victory with other

>Vietnam war
My grandfather was fought in vietnam.
for what?


My uncle died during the Vietnam war. He fell out of a guard tower in Auschwitz.

80% of equipment, munitions and supplies basically means we were part of the Eastern Front.
Commies have quotes saying they couldn't have done it without us but we did it in our own interests because we're capitalist dogs and need to die etc.

It's OK nappie, you did good.

Not an argument and learn to read you Slavic shit.

>Seriously believing memes.

300 000 Italians soldiers died in WW2, 500 000 in WW1, respect them.

Was the cunt cooked?

Nah, but our family's been roasting him for years though.

Forgot the pic.

I've lost relatives in both wars. On the Isonzo and in Russia. I respect the soldiers, the airmen and aviators. I despise everyone in command.

>the airmen and aviators
well, that was redundant
airmen and sailors*

Sick, did he ever bring home a canister of zyklon b to show the grankids?


>wounded & confused
h*ir fuck?

Nice to see how old events from previous century cause butthurt to Finns still.

>Implying you're not just as guilty as he is

Ukrainian soviets weren't well versed with the cold winter/ Short days. Whole companies could go missing. Also since they lacked any initiative or knowledge of the area plus the infrastructure was so horrible in those forests they had to put entire divisions to follow roads. Which again led to them be easily picked out and encircled/starved,

Nah just russkies spewing stupidity.

Stop being so triggered, it's embarrassing

No, dead serious.

>Stop being so triggered, it's embarrassing
Do you want spoil the fun for us?


My Uncle died in Vietnam too, some asshole fell out of a guard tower and landed on him.

Movie about Ukranian soldiers lost inna Finnish wounds getting hunted by wolves when?
Like the Grey only military.

>Russia in the Crimean War,

The british army was famously incompetent in Crimea

>the ottomans in Egypt

When? Egypt was already de facto independent for a century when Britain took over.

>They were your Pajeets until Britain took them though ;)

Not really, the VOC barely had influence in India

C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre.

Stop being an red.

this 2bh


my family have the tradition, one familiar die in every war i remember.
Casualty: - Independence war
- Pacific war
- Civil war
- World war II, cause "muh heritage" (fcking charles de gaulle calling 4 help)


min 2:40

>The Ottomans told the truth
>Thus since their claims were true it's possible their concern for the Aussies and New Zealanders were true


oh! I forgot the dictatorship and one great grand uncle killed by ottomans for being christian

Linguistically, yes. Genetically, yes.
Culturally, no, they are closer to Balts.

It's like having a brother who is complete turbo-autist weeaboo, he is your blood but everything else is different.

.. I need to look up South America's role in WWII now.
All I knew was the Japanese gave the Mexicans some guns before America joined, and like 6 Brazilians fought against hundreds of Germans until they ran out of ammo, then bayonet charged, and the Germans dug their graves and wrote in German, "Brave Brazilian Heroes"

80 chileans fight for france, only 4 survived.

Oh wait, I think I remember that one, yeah.
No, wait, I'm thinking thisĆ³n

But gotcha.

Have to admit: Johnny Turk wasn't exactly wrong or lying there.

They seemed to care more about the ANZACS than the British ever did.

damn they were pretty nice about it lol

Came to this thread for this.
I was not disappointed.

It says 'contused'.