What are some stereotypes about your country that aren't actually true...

What are some stereotypes about your country that aren't actually true? The "dumb fatasses obsessed with guns" stereotype is fairly spot on, but I have never, EVER heard someone clap in a movie theater.

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The clapping is more common for more highly-anticipated franchise movies in my experience. Like Godzilla, Star Wars TFA, Batman v Superman. Otherwise most people don't clap.

I have heard people clap in theaters before. Always makes me cringe a bit.


Clapping and cheering should be made illegal, tbqh.

Showing appreciation for things is a good thing.

Americans are rather polite.


It isn't fun. Clapping and cheering is generally cringey as fuck.

We do drink a lot but we're good natured drunks and don't fight like the yanks think we do for some reason


We don't clap after films or a plane lands but everyone and I mean everyone says thank you to the driver when they get off the bus

that doesn't answer why you clap all the time

Jesus, that was cringey.

Suicidal depressed silent alcoholics

Pretty accurate

I've only seen people clap in a theater once in my life. It started with this older man that I recognized from my work who was very eccentric / autistic. He stood up after Pan's Labyrinth and started clapping very enthusiastically. A few of the girls started laughing nervously, but then a couple guys decided to clap along with him and cheer. Then the whole audience joined in together clapping, laughing, and cheering.

No one was clapping or cheering for the movie, we were just doing it so he wasn't doing it alone.

It was pretty great actually.

I don't know any stereotypes aside from meme-tier ones like "le sheep fuggers XD"

All the stereotypes for finns are pretty much spot on.

The shitty cuisine meme comes from WW2 era Americans coming to Britain where rationing was enforced.

It's not that bad, it's not great but it's okay.

Also our dental health is much better than the US, it's free for everyone under 18 and above that it is mostly subsidised.

There are heaps of British shops here set up by Pom immigrants, I used to love going to them as a kid because they sell sherbet fountains and other lollies you can't usually buy here.

Also full English is pretty GOAT

>People clapped for Moana

4 u

All Western stereotypes about my country are not true. Russia is land of beautifull superrior elfs IRL (but we have some amount of adopted Ukrainian goblins for dirty work also - these half-animals usually has been used in Western propaganda as example of our barbarity).

I saw this movie last night. one person clapped two claps then stopped because no one joined in

The most common stereotypes about Russia are that you are a depressing shit hole with depressed alcoholics and that you swallow propaganda like candy and that you vote for people like Putin because you are like backwards children.

Pretty much everyone I know drinks multiple cups of tea a day

You describe Ukrainian migrants/subslaves. Real Russian Master race is so different.

I'm sure the central states are very different culturally, but here in California the dumb fatasses obsessed with guns stereotype doesn't apply at all

>The most common stereotypes about Russia are that you are a depressing shit hole with depressed alcoholics and that you swallow propaganda like candy and that you vote for people like Putin because you are like backwards children.

Welcome to Russian reality

No. In California the stereotype is that someone says the word "gun" out loud and then everyone starts screaming and running while taking selfies of themselves crying for their instagrams

No you faggot you just a Kremlin-backed bot!111

Butthurt of Ukrainian migrant detected.

Almost ALL of the stereotypes originated from italian-americans (a scum category of southern people mixed with everything from moroccans to puertoricans to salvadoreans to afrAms...but ''muh ithaliaaan heritaggje!!!11!!''), or if the stereotypes are true (loud people, etc.), originated in some zones of our deep shitty south often more than 50 years ago.

Also a lot of sandniggers from North Africa ot Middle East around North Europe and Anglo countries try to pass themselves as italians (i don't know why) and many people are stupid and believe them.

>Tries to refute stereotypes including that "Russians swallow propaganda like candy"
>Posts propaganda

>Moscow elite
>Russian "reality"
It's a Russian dream to live like that, not the reality.

Nobody actually sleeps siesta in the modern world, other than maybe on holidays.

Siesta was done by farmers who simply could not go outside and work the fields in the Spanish summer during peak heat hours, so they took a small nap to keep working later. In the post-industrial world, most people work in the third sector this is no longer possible or sensible.

It's not propaganda it's fuckin everyday life in Russia. True Russians don't give fuck about politics or propaganda - we are ok about our Emperor, but we absolytely ignoring all political matters - we just have funny gedonistic life instead.
"Russian" people who constantly blah-blah about politics in Internets actually are migrant slaves.

>It's a migrants dream to live like that in Russia.
Fix you.

it's pointless unless someone who was involved in the production of the movie is at the theater and can receive the applause

they're just applauding a screen

And Ukrainians are Nazis, right?

What the fuck is this guy talking about

monoethnic cucks who fight against our multiethnic Empire = Nazi


he actually said it
the absolute madman

>monoethnic cucks
They wish. Majority of them still use Russian as the main spoken language instead of Ukrainian.

I eat Sauerkraut and Schweinshaxe like every 2 years.

German regional cuisine is not worse or better than the cuisine in our surrounding countries

>What are some stereotypes about your country that aren't actually true?
Not sure if this counts I know you won't believe me; but we didn't actually lose a war to emus.

we don't really remove kebab

>never heard clapping

Too young to have seen Star Wars then.

Or Lord of the Rings.

Or Rushmore.

Did you actually win it?

Not exactly a stereotype, but when people say that the US is a huge ghetto. Just rustes my jimmies as a new englander.

german cuisine sucks balls compared to everywhere and everyone.

go have another potato and sausage.

also for a country known for bier...most places have max 3 on tap.. pathetic

>in IT
>tons of foreigners
>all convinced white women love BBC

Pisses me off even more than their stench. Thank god our new president is going to send them back.

>but when people say that the US is a huge ghetto

lol wut? who says or actually thinks this

Every thread where theres banter back and forth between an american and someone from europe or canada.

>German restaurants have become the world's second-most decorated after France

there is no German cuisine, retard. There are German regional cuisines. Bavarian cuisine for example is closely connected to Czech cuisine and Austrian cuisine.

Yeah I have no idea where that meme comes from, because lots of white women are plain just not attracted to black people. Loads of my black friends will get rejected by white girls all the time.

so you're talking about trolling, on Sup Forums. I thought we were talking about stereotypes that are actually a thing.

What the fuck? That's so unprofessional.

>Thank god our new president is going to send them back.
Bet you he doesn't.
>Loads of my black friends will get rejected by white girls all the time.
Could it just be that those guys are unattractive?

>actually responding to an obviously shitposting leaf

>Canadian cuisine

>no true scotsman

GOOD JAAB *tips $15*

Nah. It's beauty standards. I'm from a state which is like 90% white and we just don't really see a lot of black people. Naturally they'll gravitate to whites, but everyone is different and I may be completely generalizing. Just sone anecdotal evidence.

>What are some stereotypes about your country that aren't actually true?
Russian occupation of Crimea. IRL Crimeans dreamed about join to Russia all times of Ukrainian existence.


I don't even like tea and most people I know prefer coffee

Do you like toast sandwich?

To be honest I embrace the fast food meme. Why not? Chic fil a is fucking great.

You don't need to worry about shit in Australia as long as you don't walk in the bush with shit/no shoes on

I've seen American talk shows. If he wanted applause, all he needs to do is say the name of a popular movie or maybe namedrop a cause he's into.

It's not about Crimeans, Ukraine didn't want it so it's an occupation.

You don't need to worry about wildlife in Australia apart from snakes in long grass. All the tourists get hyped about it

What about spiders in your toilets and scorpions in your shoes?

>What are some stereotypes about your country that aren't actually true?

Tartars are Mongoloids. IRL erhnic Tartars live in Wester countries but local cucks even can't recognise their ethicity.

You've got a better chance of finding a spider on a wall or ceiling than actually in a toilet. The shoes thing is more for people in rural areas that get more wildlife activity. If you live in a city that sort of thing generally doesn't happen. Having said that I do sometimes shake my boots out just in case.

Yeah I dont know why americans are so scared of snakes and spiders, they're nothing compared to wolves or a fucking bear.

Even though most people here are overly PC dickheads, we still get a rep for being nothing but racists.

Yes you fucking did.
Stop it.
Your in denial. Thats the second time you've posted this today.

Took em a while. Wouldn't really call it a win either. They were offered rematches all the way up to '48. But went running.