I have been reading about Aleksandr Dugin and Ivan Ilyin this week.
I worry for you Europe and I worry for the US. Russia is now moving towards fascism and doesn't respect anyone's boarders. And they have nukes that could obliterate the earth.
I have been reading about Aleksandr Dugin and Ivan Ilyin this week.
I worry for you Europe and I worry for the US. Russia is now moving towards fascism and doesn't respect anyone's boarders. And they have nukes that could obliterate the earth.
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neck urself, nigga
Americans and Slavs aren't white do it doesn't matter
I'm English and welsh and a small bit of German. How god damn white do I need to be?
France will protect us with nukes
France will protect itself on your soil with nukes. Just like Germany was once the expected battlefield and tactical nuke target, you are now it.
>Dugin is fascist meme
You've read too much propaganda pal.
Russia cannot be a fascist country, because russia is multicultural and not white.
Get some education instead of propaganda.
When France hits us it automatically hits Germany too so kinda nope
You REALLY think that's going to deter France?
Eastern Germany is a shithole anyway. No Eastern Germany -> French Domination of the west -> Fourth Empire -> Ad Astra
You know you kinda dont want to piss off Germans you know what will happen again
remove fashisti
>Russia cannot be a fascist country, because Russia is multicultural and not white.
Nigger, fascism and racism are two different things. Fucking shit, the Reich had all kinds of nationalities and skin colors and what have you. Hitler was fucking less racist than the President of the US at the time.
>fascism and racism
thanks captain
>the Reich had all kinds of nationalities and skin colors
it's hadn't
Get some education about *racial hygiene* in third reich. And don't come back until then.
>I'm English and welsh and a small bit of German.
>Muh heritage
Yet 100% american, which is 60% white. Go figure.
It is mixed
Socialists are cucks and would not do anything.
Hard-line Republicans would protect you.
Republicans would not do anything since they're closet socialists.
National Front would not do anything since they're paid by Russia and mostly don't care about foreign countries.
Russia could use some racial hygiene and proper haircuts.
Thats wewuz tier
But the haircut idea is pretty good, you can't deny that. Putin should introduce mandatory haircuts.
Dugin isn't fascist, he's just a nutter
Far left is your best allies.
mussolini didn't even believe in race and he ran a fascist government
Fuck off cuck
he is freak, here nobody knows him. I found out who he is only because of pol
>it will never happen
Looking forward to his ascendancy when Putin fucks up.
he doesn't have any ascendancy. But what will happen when putin goes it's a qestion
>Murica complaining about someone not respecting boarders
Russia naturally is opposite to fascism, we have other radical danger forms.
"Export fascism" is american thing for last decades, forcing your pol will on other countries using military.
Thanks, I had a good laugh.
But they are bringing freedum!
kool story but americans are literally the same tier shit and scum.
no better than russia
Us Colonials are subhuman to them.
I say let Russia have them. We should only protect those who meet the 2% spending for NATO.
Congratulations Greece, Estonia, Poland, and UK.
Yeah yeah neither did Stalin when it was clear Lenin disliked him.
>trusting american/anglo scum
>ever ever ever
nah fuck off and drop dead scumbag
When did we abandon you Poland?
I know UK has, but when have we?
Don't just assume we are the same as Perfidious Albion.
>France will protect us
Because that worked out so well in 1938
Stop roleplaying faggit
t. but keep NATO protection and EU money coming
Sup Forums is all about roleplaying different countries, stop ruining the fun.
also, what if one day
someone decides that pootin is a terrorist
and decides to send him to god?
after all the most radical kind of terrorist are white
Poland should have nukes.
Then the planet is doomed. They are too insecure and butthurted to have it. Being NATO member is enough.
Poland should have Eastern Germany.
>be amrican
>takes Dugin and Ilyin seriously
here is another serious source for you
The Hyena of Europe should not have nukes.
>Russia is opposite to fascism
>leader's cult of personality
>judicial system controlled by the leader and his political agenda and used to destroy dissenters
>dissenting media is fought, journalists are persecuted, locked up or even murdered
>ruling party has its own dedicated thugs
>no serious political competition allowed
>militant nationalistic rhetoric
>nationalism and chauvinism taught in school
>historical revisionism
>placing all responsibility for problems on external enemies
t.ruslib on vacation
>I have been reading about Aleksandr Dugin and Ivan Ilyin this week.
Why Westlings reading these cucks when in Russia nobody to read them. You are mad?
dugin is a loon who isn't taken very seriously by anyone in russia. here's a good podcast if you want to learn about the history of eurasianism and its impact on modern russia
You put nukes in Kaliningrad and premeptivly invaded the crimea when te murricans wanted to put rocketlaunchers there as this would have been uncommfortable.
Insecurity seems also to be a russian thing as you try to get back into superpower status by all means before trying to fix domestic problems such as the dependency on oil and gas along the corruption problems.
>Insecurity seems also to be a russian thing
NATO sucks and it would be better if we were able to defend ourselves by out own strenght (which gets harder and harder to achieve now that we completely deconstructed our own morale and armies) as they make foreign policy on our backs, still it doesnt changet the fact that the russian is aggressivly asserting a counterstance by showing of its nuclear strenght by exchanging the warheads in Kaliningrad which is basically a loaded gun at our skull.
Besides that, russian influence gets as painfully obvious in certain parts of the rightwing here (sadly, im saying this as a rightwinger myself) as saudi meddling is in or islamic minority which is basically another act that should be fought just as violently as the russian state fights western ideological intrusion by outlawing its base in russia.
*the russian state
THE RUSSIAN wasnt what I wanted to type, sounds antiquated sry.
Stop being a bunch of dumb-fucks and maybe we'll close some bases.
evidence hurts
Here are the facts. You've annex Crimia, parts of Georgia and tried to annex another part of The Ukraine. On top of that you're also propping up Assad in Syria.
America hasn't Annexed anyone in this century. We also aren't actively fighting to prop up a despot.
Explain to me how Russia is anything but the bad guy in this situation. If we weren't around god knows what sort of bullshit you guys would be trying to pull.
He is Putin's crash test dummy, just like Zhirinovski.
They say these outright mental things while the Kremlin is trying to figure out how the people react, so they'd know how can they maximise the yield of populism.
It's quite remarkable tbqh. And they work as good boogeymen in the western media too.
what fucking evidence?
I even wrote symphatethically mentioning the fact we are too entranched into american meddling.
But that you arent the good guys either on all fronts should be pretty clear by now.
Propping up Assad is one thing they did right tho, alawite dictator is better then islamist butchers which now also have compromised the "democratic" opposition that alreasy has been thinned out to irrelevance.
Last time you did something against a despot was in lybia which trnasformed the country into an islamist stronghold which now the african refugees are streaming through, the lybians should have removed him themselves if he was so horrible
lol, the Netherlands and Belgium have nukes with the goal to nuke advancing Russian forces who try to cross Poland and Germany.
>France will protect us
Fillon is very Pro Putin and Le Pen is even more so.
Soon you won't have many friends left and it's a good thing.
>tfw your only arguments are demotivators made by someone else and meme reaction pictures
fact remains that americans put their bases only in countries that want them. Have you ever thought why those countries prefer American bases over yours?
>I have been reading
Why you lie fatburger?
>want them
any country "'wants"" foreign military power on their soil in same way as EU wants refugees
well someone has to help all those people that you are carpet bombing to shit.
It's true that a lot of stowaways latch onto them, and even legit refugees bring their problems too, but that's what police is for.
And yeah, US military presence is wanted because it actually brings something in return and doesn't only serve to exert their will. Hell, Pakistan was literally sheltering bin laden and got away with it.
Yes, it's a deterrent for a large neighbor
Yes, the mayor of one town asked we not close a base because it benefited the town's economy
Yes, the government at least
puppet states has no opinion and wants what its master want
>it's hadn't
>Get some education about *racial hygiene* in third reich.
maybe you should? There were Asian and Muslim Wehrmacht.
Spen needs to develop nuclear weapons to protect Polan and be the true Euro deterrance force.