Are Russians even human?
Are Russians even human?
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Are 'Ukrainians' even more than insect? Or are Ukies more comparable to bacteria when it comes to intelligence and being worthy of life?
No. Their crimes against Ukrainian people will never be forgotten.
Yes, you could do it too if you tried hard enough
Are you joking? It were Bandera's terrorists who were murdering ethnic Russians and Poles by thousands. Ukrainians are subhuman trash which needs to be eliminated.
Nope - they are our Gods and you must make sacrifices to them.
Get out your popcorn, boys. This thread is gonna be a good one.
>its another episode of ukrainian trying to use ussr famine as propaganda tool
kill all russians and save the world :)
Putin internet defence force
russian history education strikes again
>we're good bois we dindu nuffin
Prepare to apologize for wolyn massacres, lad.
proxy hohol
Is Ukraine's civil war not end? is Donetsk still alive?
I'm bored
I already opened my pack with battlepics
Wow whole ussr famine now considered ukrainian genocide not propaganda 100%
You mean a famine of fucking communists taking everyone's food? That kind of famine?
> russian history education
Russians starved too and 1/3 of Kazakhstan died in famine.
Typical Austrian scum. A nation that produced such people as Hitler doesn't deserve existence. We should've gassed all Austrians at the end of WWII.
Russians have done all of following things:
>revisionist history to hide that Ukraine had first organized state in region (Kievan Rus), and that it was a powerful kingdom that conducted relations on equal terms with Byzantine emperors
>starved millions in 1931-33
>deported another million off to gulags, either resistors to collectivization and after WWII they deport freedom fighters who didn't want to be commies
>suppressed Ukraine's language
>in imperial times, divided Ukraine into 20 small provinces to prevent any kind of nationalistic sentiment from forming
>Russian Orthodox Church imposed by force and only legal religion allowed in imperial times
The Ukrainian people were desperate after the atrocities committed by Russians and Poles, so they turned to a man who was a bit extreme. Besides, most of that is propaganda.
Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
No, my granpapi killed a lot of them and I'd gladly do the same. They russified much of the Baltics and even managed to destroy their own culture. I have no respect for any post-tsarish Russian person.
Yeah it was especially ukrainian genocide lmao
Fun fact 70-80% of conscripts in winter war was ukrainian lol
Just because famine affected everyone to some degree does not mean that there were no atrocities involved in dealing with it.
This is a meme and you know it. The soviets said it was a large famine to.hide the atrocities and the sign of genocide. There is no possibility that the most fertile soil could not produce food. You could poke a stick into the ground in Ukraine and you would get a garden.
despite the fact that this is now the 21st century, why are europeans still afraid of russia?
The only one spreading propagandist bullshit are you. There were no atrocities committed by Russians or Poles on Ukies, only the other way around.
mon dieu y хoхлoв бoмбит eщe cильнee чeм y ляхиcтaнцeв
Those guys really shouldn't have been up there; Ukraine has a lot warmer climate and they couldn't handle the weather in Finland.
>Fun fact 70-80% of conscripts in winter war was ukrainian lol
It's what your drunktard professor learn you in school ? noice
yeah no
Are ukrainians even human?
Of course they were but it's fault of commies not "Russians". Most of those commies were not even Russian.
And using tragedy as political tool to create hatred is low.
I know. Still they fought for sovietland.
Go back to America you degenerate.
Gosh its 2016 read armies origin
are humans even humans
They still have one of the most powerful military on earth.
Which is still what things really boil down too when they get ugly.
I wonder who were the enablers of commies and the will-less nation, who accepted their rule and did what the bolsheviks told them?
Hohols? Or Lithuanians?
> learn you
That English XD
French education guys...
>And using tragedy as political tool to create hatred is low.
On that I agree, OP is a fag. Although it doesn't help when response to it is "it was literally nothing" or "you did worse".
Go back to Russia you bolshevik.
and i am saying it without anger or something
this is just a fact
Bolsheviks used uneducated workers. They were really lucky
> who were the enablers of commies
Balts. Red latvian riflemen etc.
Ukrainians too. Makhno army stopped write army attack on Moscow helping reds to win civil war. Bolsheviks betrayed him after but that's another story.
Ukrainian genocide when
You should Google the difference between 'learn' and 'teach'.
Never, let them sort it out on their own. Sobering fact that they fucked everything up for nothing will be a hard pill to swallow.
I'm already in Russia, since Czechia is a rightful Russian soil.
They are not even human to make me want to kill them.
Makhno is a completely different story. His ideas were quite.different and he was a selfish prick. Like a lot of people in Ukraine. It's specific to Ukraine to have this gang mentality, it comes from the steppes and cossack lifestyle I'd say.
it's time to go back Radu
You know why there were so many uneducated workers in Russia? The empire was shit. They got rid of krepastnoe pravo the latest and had the monopoly on vodka to make the public stupid and easy to manipulate, too bad it turned against the tsar and other fucks used it.
So that my people who were stuck there because of faulty communist map drawings and all the other lost territories unlawfully taken from their neighbors can be returned to their rightful owners. They were given a large country with a huge amount of resources and infrastructure and they've not only done anything with it, they've managed to get on the same level as an african country. They've had their chance and they fucked it up, so why should all that clay be wasted on them?
Radu e ucrainian.
The sooner the better.
Lel, the centre of all shit in the region was always moscow, so the russian people, yeah.
>have fertile soil
>have a shitload of resources
>don't have any industry
>be a gateway between europe and asia
>have shitty roads
It's irrelevant. What is relevant is that he allied with bolsheviks against whites and other factions and helped them to win in the civil war.
It's just one example. There were many factions which helped bolsheviks too and were betrayed by them.
And common people - they were not understanding what's happening. They were illeterate and couldn't get the news only propaganda of those who control their village by force.
They haven't elected bolsheviks. You can't blame them for what happened.
Industrialisation started too late
Russians are not into genocide like anglo and never was. That is why they hate us (anglos). Becouse we are good actually. And they are pure demonic evil.
Cause you are not strong enough (as a country) to take that clay back without being destroyed. We only took Crimea and are riping the shistorm sinse...You can't do even that.
When industrialization did come, it was also mostly state-managed unlike the US and Western Europe.
>Grow tons of grain, store it.
>Get it taken away by russkie marauding commies and get shot.
taking your stored grain suddenly renders the soil infertile? lmao@u wołodymir
The other Rus user here is talking about many factions in that shitstorm of a civil war, to blame it on one nation, even more so, disregarding political movements and socio-economic well-being of different people in Russian Empire, is very simplistic.
You also invade Ukraine in WWII because Hitler said "Join us and if we win, you get clay."
The only reason we can't do that is because we recognized their borders like idiots in the 90's to enter NATO because our moldovan president at the time thought it'd be a good idea, despite the majority of the population not wanting it.
Neither Ukraine nor Russia are in NATO, which means that you can invade the entire country and no one will bomb you for it because there's nobody to give a shit about it.
"Ukraine" didn't exist at the time. We invaded the Soviet Union to recover Basarabia. Odessa was an afterthought.
Based pepik
And what about sanctions we are getting wfrom seemingly careless Western world? You don't want that.
Starved children look pretty chewy. Would probably make great beef jerky.
So same deal with Bulgaria and Macedonia, no?
More like we'll take clay from you to appease Hungary and Bulgaria and give you clay in Ukraine instead which was a horrible idea anyway but Antonescu was Hitler's fuckboi
It's hard not to blame the russian people because they always had shit government, whi treated them like stray dogs, from muscovian times and couldn't fight it off.
One thing, that made a rise of red power in national states possible is that the social democratic powers were the first parties formed in tsarist russia, which lead to many good people going over to them in hopes to restore independence (i.e. the lithuanian socdem party, a lot of inteligentsia first joined them, but after a while, when other powers started to emerge, more nationalistic, they sided with them, but not all countries had it so well)
I am deeply sorry for the russian people, they had little oportunity to fight for themselves, the lack of knowledge and contact with outside world, constant propaganda warped their minds and increased the chance of them getting used, but this doesn't mean other people don't have reasons to hold hatred against russians, at least in present state of russia (as an empire) and russians (as a stupid and aggresive mass)
> Ukraine
> existing before 1991
I like these threads
They are a measurement tool
Are Ukrainians even human?
now someone must mention Chmielnicki being a Swedish tool who "fought" so hard for him homeland (actually to kill the guy who cucked him) that Russia successfully invaded it soon after
Considering that right now the EU is profiting off us more than we profit off them, sanctions wouldn't change much. Worst case scenario we return to 90's povetry, which we've managed to get out of on our own before we were "allowed" to receive western help and trading deals.
Swedes were dicklets compaerd to Anglo-Prussian schemes.
Not really it was mostly funded by foreign investors (britbongs, dutches)
That was very unfortunate but Polish landowner enslaved Ukrainians for centuries so you kind of should understand their rage.
>The ukraine
>Polish landowner enslaved Ukrainians for centuries so you kind of should understand their rage.
And was it really that bad compared to Russian rule?
I mean there were probably some shitty examples, but was it really that bad? From historical perspective Polish rule over peasants was actually much better than in Western Europe.
So you blame the victim?
Bolsheviks were international terrorist organization. They had no ethnicity they consisted of any ethnicities of Russian empire and even aboard.
You were their hostages yourself just like Russian people. It's uneasy to revolt in totalitarian state would only lead to things like
> russian people, they had little oportunity to fight for themselves
We had white army. Which fought for many years. They lacked of real help from the west - only sabotage like west sold them broken weapons.
Because western powers didn't want Russia to recover. So they created monster of USSR.
slavery is still slavery
>legal in PLC
ko ko koooooo
That was literally your own nobles you retrard
>Muh got enslaved which means that it's okay to act like a subhuman
Nigger mentality. The majority of the populations in europe chafed under foreign or autocratic rule until the spring of nations and ww1, but romanians in transylvania didn't chimp out and start burning catholic churches and killing ethnic hungarians like Kosovars and Ukrainians did when they were "liberated".
>Romania providing more to EU than recieving from it.
Wew lad.
Yeahyeah we know.
>everything bad that happens in USSR was fault of Jews/Armenians/churkas yeah guise lemme tell you Russians were victims of gommunism as much as the next guy
>everything good that happen in USSR like defeating Germany and put people in space is because of Russians
what did he mean by this?
I didn't say we're providing more, I said they are profiting off us. Lidl has bought an entire forest. We're forced to buy tonnes of shitty polish apples. We're paying our debnts (Which we didn't have to take), we're taking all of their foreign companies and all of our medics, engineers and scientists are leaving to the west.
Yes. Russians were send wave by wave by fucking georgian churka.