Do you love France ?

Do you love France ?

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France is loved by everyone

No, I'm glad I've never set foot in this shithole.


No french flag allowed in this thread, thank you.


For a while I disliked you because of long standing American memes.
Recently I've come to like you a lot, wouldn't say love, still annoying how we'll get shit on for trying to learn French.

hon hon hon hon hon baguette hon hon hon hon in le cul hon hon hon hon hon



Wow racist much

A stands for Afrance, nothing wrong.

Being fair Punisher is more of an American superhero than Captain America
Still idolizes Cap though.

I love France

I even have a French cousin
She's pretty cool, I hope the terrorists don't get her, that would make me very sad



Yes been there several times and cultured as fuck

I like it desu

Google paris syndrome

>he doesn't know Superdupont

>Flag is blue white and red
>text is red white and blue?

Remove this picture

I love Good Ol' Day Catholic France, current France is shit and i would nuke it until it into ashes.

> it until it turn into ashes.


No, fuck you.

There are as many Captain America's as there are authors.

I love it 99%, produce a coloured French nationalistic qt pic and I'll love it 100%

Captain Yankee doodle hates you. Gtf over it.

yeah. family immigrated from there. doing my best as an ethnic french american to learn the language.


Not really. Does anybody besides muh heritage Americans and French people like it ?


I like french twinks

Well at lest we love our country unlike you, and don't forget today is your daily shoah-repetance day.


france is nice country

>We love our country
>our country
>Loving France.

Also being white isn't as bad as it is portrayed. Not that you would know.

Are you Greekistani


Remmind me how many million mudslims you've taken this year 5, 10 millions ?

Why do you ask ? He would just reply with his stupid phrase. I am not him.

>the french will never escape the surrender monkey-meme forced on them after WW2
>people think they did the same in WW1 because of said meme

Not enough. To reclaim what was ours we need more. 2 Million really aren't enough.

We will never get rid of the Nazi meme. Just deal with it.

It's important to me yeah. My grandfather if he were alive would be ashamed of me if I wasn't proud of my heritage.

>Implying they will not live on wellfare instead of fighting

And do i have to remind you what happened last time Arabs fighted in a war ?

But our government said that the people coming here are all specialists. Including doctors, engineers and other important stuff.
Not a chance that it is going to fail a third time.

not really.
Could be worst.

>Does anybody besides muh heritage Americans
Americans with french heritage are the most anti-french americans.

They are just more vocal

wow that's just not true. if anything they're just indifferent about france.

>Caring about what some redneck faggot in leeeseana thinks about your cunt

>French flag

What part did you don't understand in we don't give a shit about french opinions ?
Only foreigners can respond

We don't give a shit about your opinions tho

literally no one anywhere in the US would have a good reason to dislike france. if they do it's because of some dumb reason like they went to Paris and got roasted by some parisians.

And I don't know where you got this from? Can you elaborate on this please?

I'm french; i do what i want, so fuck you dear user

i want to stuff my mousseline cream inside their cream puff.

