
3 edition

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got any bus money mate

Having a wank lads, I'm doing a poo.

I'm having a good hard think (about you).

i have a huge mandate

bit gay

don't homoshame

Ball busting edition

he walks among us

el janitore

Looks like fucking machines

got fucked

how does it feel to know i've had 10 times more sex than any of you losers?

I was not holocausted in vain goyim
Your merchant ally will return

praise allah XD

Heading back to work soon
Give us another comical image to share with a passerby

wonder how many janitors have cracked jannying /brit/.

bet its double fugyres

just missed my train
looks like im waiting here for an hour wahey


Paul Nuttall?

Only thing around here with a double figure is ya mum


train just missed my bollocks
looks like im waiting here for an hour wahey


Woke up to a Spanish psychopath strangling and electrocuting me lads

>Paul Nuttall
I can't take him seriously. Not sure why.

Pretty sure UKIP are finished.

BREAKING NEWS: Paul Nuttall has resigned as leader of UKIP following a confrontation with a member of the public who he described as a "stinking paki rat".



daily reminder that your oneitis squeezes a big stinky log of poo between her bum cheeks every day

>tfw she will NEVER squeeze a big stinky log of poo smack bang on the centre of my chest
don't remind me mate ;_;

>Cameron praises Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
>no press reaction
>Corbyn praises Castro
>mass outrage

>just between
>not out of
wew kinky bitch


is autism a character flaw?

Good to see there'll finally be someone in politics to represent the Deano's of Britain

ah yes, the Deano is of Britain

people with autism have no character. they're husks filled with vague what-ifs and could-have-beens.

>Nigel Farage on 2016: "For those that think it's been an awful year, then I'm afraid folks there's a lot more bad news to come."

what did he mean by this

racewar starting soon

gf teletexted me this


what if it's the kind of autism where you're extremely smart and talented to the detriment of your social skills?

He believes that Trump and Brexit are indicative of further political upsets to the liberal establishment to come.

Wore a jumper instead of a jacket to work today (still have a proper shirt and tie on) and every other person I come across comments that it's the first time they've seen me not wear a suit.

the economic ramifications of brexit

The void can only be filled by commercialism lads

Where is everyone
What time is it in bongland aus and pee pooland?

>FPO in austria
>NF in france
>AfD in Germany
>PVV in the Netherlands

doesn't exist. autism is a learning disability.

runt life

Showed 2 sheed mothers this with the pretext of racist cyberbullying and didn't get a word back

Le Pen and Wilders

Is it just me or are gays everywhere these days?

Make me sick.

ummmm... NO

yh but why would farage say this this is bad news?
i think Iagree with this
does he actually believe that brexit is gonna tank the economy?

but again both of those arent bad news by nige standards, are they?

>Le Pen
Possible but not likely.
Unbelievably Islamophobic. Would be a disaster if he was elected. Can't ever see it happening.

AfD has no chance, the others can cause a stir.

(Unless said stir changes the situation in Germany dramatically - Germany goes last)

learn to read, you paki twat

>Recruitment consultant just added me on linkedin

Hmm, what did they mean yb this?

Holocaust incoming

none of these are happening though

What shall I say to the young kaf

>but again both of those arent bad news by nige standards, are they?

But they are by the standards of those who think it's been an awful year because of Brexit and Trump.

>does he actually believe that brexit is gonna tank the economy?

he will be pissing himself in his mansion in america

hes saying the people who got pissed off at Brexit and Trump are going to have it much worse in 2017, reading comprehension seriously m80

haha got a dissertation meeting today and i haven't done literally anything yet


white dick is expensive but I'll give it to you for free

i just dont think like farage and desu most ppl would have considered 2016 a bad year irrespective of trumpxit

just like how brexit and trump didn't happen?

I'm back lads, the Janny couldn't keep me away forever

redpill her on hsps and how shes funding terrorism

mummy asking if i want a kitten lads


whats hsp?


NEED a mtf brit gf lads

>mfw when the betrayed working class finally realise Brexit and Trump doesn't actually better their lives in any way and we get a real anti-establishment movement
waiting for the day lads

halal snack pack

aka a kebab box

FN maybe has a chance
AfD is still much more unpopular than CDU. It only go 20% in the most racist parts of Germany
Not sure about the other two

I'm an absolute disgrace haha

>this will be the response used by every rorke from now until death

Halal snack pack
Best street food when you're drunk 2bh

absolute banter king

bizarro rasheed

>just because recent events have shown unexpected right-wing tendencies doesn't mean that future events will be any different to the norm

well its true tbf


aahhhhhhhh yeeeeesssssssss

never met a person from tasmania

>know porn is completely degrading and demeaning to women
>still fap to it

t. born in tasmania

Really makes you think

They agreed to do it though.

do you have two heads?

DAY 8,328


>they agreed to work in the sweat shop so it's ok

women as a whole (inb4 innuendo)

me on the left

internalised misogyny

subway or chicken lads

Wednesday, 9 February 1994