1. Your country
2. Do you respect (lol) female security guards?
1. Your country
1. al-Bilad al-Franjiah al-Malik al-Kufr
2. Mashallah if i see an infidel woman and she dare to give me an order i will rape her and show her who is the boss, al amdulilah al raman al tajine
My respect is only for my fellow mankind. That's right, MAN-kind.
I want to beat HER up.
1. Russia
2. Never seen them
That's not a security guard, that's a community service officer.
That said; sure. I'm not a fucking barbarian with authority issues who only responds to violence.
She wears a hat, so sure. All the other I can claim not being guards.
I hate mall cops, I really do.
>be 19 (this was like almost 10 years ago)
>be walking a little quickly (not actually running) to catch up to my mom
>this smug, fat donut eating fuckstick with a uniform says "Hey! We don't run in the mall!" in the most condescending tone of voice you can imagine
>I could have said something, but I didn't
Truly cheap bullshit.
If they have a gun, yes
I work as security guard in a busy industrial park,and usually female security guards use more batons and maces when they actually need to apprehend a criminal.
I would atleast listen to them.
No because i never act like a degenerate in front of them thus never have to deal with them.
1. Canada
2. Yes
Absolutely not, they are not strong enough.
One thing is patrolling the mall, that's fine, but at an airport or something all guards should be men.
yes, because i am not an edgy teenager anymore
Yes? How about cops then?
Dutch police girl and her Syrian boyfriend
>Respecting women
I don't respect security guards.
You sure are letting a little incident with a rentacop that allegedly occurred a decade ago get to you, huh?
>implying there is any need for a security guard (or police) to even talk to me
Also >That said; sure. I'm not a fucking barbarian with authority issues who only responds to violence.
Probably because they lack the physical qualities to apprehend the perps.
Nice looking once are ok.
However I haven't seen any like this.
All the internet photos are cosplayers.
They can be fine too.
Couldn't care less about them