Name a better system than constitutional monarchy + parliamentary democracy
I'll wait
Name a better system than constitutional monarchy + parliamentary democracy
I'll wait
Benevolent dictatorship
Radical centralism.
Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron.
There is nothing better
I can't. God save the fucking queen.
Peniscracy exists?
The same but with proportional representation.
you're voting system a shit
I would say that absolute monarchy is equal to it, but really any form of monarchy is better than none at all.
God Save the Queen
>ant form of monarchy
Sic semper tyrannis
technocratic Catholic state
Of a Down is waaaay better :
God Save the Queen
tribal monarchy + rocks, scissors, paper
Someone has that comic mocking the monarchy with Prince William talking like a chav and saying "My ancesters where kings and such, so you're going to give a fancy palace" or somethig like that?
you do however understand that the fact that the role of a janitor is practically identical to the role of a party commisar is not a coincidence?
Seems like a fair system to me.
Btw, do you watch anime, Sudan?
Thank you my 99% Iberian 100% bro-tier buddy
I watched and read Bleach to the very end, massive disappointments
I also read, and re-read Total Biochemical Shemale Lab, thrilling and pulsating series
Good bro.
we cuck now
>falling for the religion meme
will you ever learn?
to become wealthy you need to let go of religion and focus on shilling the whole world :^)
>wants to chuck 1000+ years of tradition in the bin because it's 2016
>calls others cucks