>Sup Forums is a more leftist board
>Sup Forums is a more leftist board
>back in those days they were pro hackerss with no affiliation
But it's true...
I don't really like anybody being a shilling faggot.
Everything is left of Sup Forums
Except for /qst/ - Quests :^)
>revealing their commie schemes to the public
Absolute plebtier. NKVD will be around shortly.
>make it cool to be leftist
Except this board is quite nationalist and hates niggers, spics and muslims in white countries.
>implying it's not a bunch of niggers, spics, and muslims self-hating
bye redditfag
Where are the commies
God damn stop spamming this on every board.
>commies on Sup Forums
over my dead body
this board is just as right-wing, there's just more diaspora and immigrants here that think this is their safe space. You can identify newfags immediately by whether or not they believe the "Sup Forums is more moderate than Sup Forums" meme. This place used to literally be Sup Forums and contained almost its entire future userbase in the interim between /new/ getting shut down and Sup Forums being created.
You just don't want us to find out your scheme
Fuck off reddicuck
Nah because they're basically pissing in an ocean of piss and you're blowing it way out of proportion.
>used to be
keywords. Sup Forums for example used to be relatively leftist.
no, it's just more ideologically diverse than the memestream media likes to depict it as, because that's not convenient for them and there internet hate machine Nazi frog narrative.
It is overwhelmingly racist though, there are literal neo-nazis shilling on Sup Forums and a lot of people buy into what they're peddling.
>overwhelmingly racist
you're on Sup Forums
I am aware of that.
>le reddit calling Sup Forums an echo chamber
Fucking hell.
What's funny is that Sup Forums does these things all the time and hardly anyone complains
But then comes reddit...
[Shill calling intensifies]
apparently not, Sup Forums culture is an outgrowth of 00s Sup Forums culture. This site has always cloaked itself in edgy Nazi imagery to appear foreboding to the outside world. There are certainly neo-Nazis on Sup Forums but they're a fairly small minority. There is everything from libertarians to moderates to neocons on here, if you want to paint everybody with the same ideological brush just because all of them happen to share an anti-political correctness streak then go ahead, but I don't think that's very fair.
Sup Forums is just as shit as Sup Forums
a place for underages to feel cool spamming pics of frogs and speaking of """"meme magic"""""
>/his/ and Sup Forums
>Those are the more leftist boards
Everything is left of Sup Forumseddit
Kek has spoken
Of course there is a spectrum of people but there are obvious tropes which Sup Forums has that cannot be explained away with edgy contrarianism (e.g. hatred of Jews, hatred of black people, rabid hatred of feminism etc.).
>hatred of Jews, hatred of black people, rabid hatred of feminism isn't explained away by edgy contrarianism
Reminder that Joo posting is a meme
That doesn't mean people don't take it seriously.
No it didn't you retarded ledditor. It used to be libertarian.
Who does? Why should I care? It was Hillary and the gang that had the bright idea of shining a light on this place and inviting the media to take us seriously. All of this is a complete fucking joke and nothing gives me more amusement than watching bigwigs treat ironic "Ben Garrison 1488 gas the kikes race war now" posting and fucking pepes seriously.
Like he said, that's a minority. Half of Sup Forumswould be school-girl giddy for a date with faggot Milo, degenerate Gavin McInnes, or Jew Ben Shapiro.
Saying nigger and kike is just a reactiin to PC culture, and everyone with any common sense rejects modern feminism.
Sup Forums fell in love with that Russian politiqt, Sup Forums fell in love with that black BLM hating sheriff
I thought that Sup Forums hated Ben now
I, for one and whole, will welcome red(dit)commies just to see Sup Forums suffers
This roleplaying shit is propably the cringiest thing I've ever seen
No idea about Shapiro, but they hated Romney too right up to the point where he was mentioned for SoS so who knows
>we'll never have a real politics board that isn't full of wannabe stormfags
Than it's just conservative shilling. Romney is a globalist neoliberal snake like all the rest.
They treat it seriously because it has real-world consequences. If you surround impressionable people with enough hateful propaganda then some of them will choose to act on it, e.g. Thomas Mair.
on Sup Forums its banter to call people niggers
on Sup Forums its because they're unironically inbred hicks
We need to purge them
>inbred hicks
this is why you lost the election
90% of them live in Cali or New England
That's true mate.
Nice to see this from jew
int is a board for memes banter and international cooperation, pol is a board for edgy teens
average Sup Forums thread
average Sup Forums thread
Do you have a Jew one?
Its more important to forge your own political opinions and philosophy, regardless of your position in the Sup Forumsitical spectrum, and have productive, enlightening discussions
Why do you need the board to be fascist right-wing so much? Do you use it as an echochamber/safe-space like tumblrettes?
Thanks f.am
>Do you use it as an echochamber/safe-space like tumblrettes?
What do you think
A sizeable portion are flyover fucks.
I agree that white western males have been silenced in the racial/sexual debates, and they need a platform to safely express their views, but attacking everyone and responding to every bait is too much
Too many posters here are evil fucks who post liberal bait and salivate over you fighting because of it
>If we just show our presence, people will bow down to our superior ideology
Sure thing
The undertone of the site was anarchist and just hating everything.
First Trump calls for a safe space and now this. The right is getting weird here, some people are even trying to spin Trump's initiative to strengthen funding to Israel as a good thing.
Why can't they just leave us alone, why must normalfags ruin everything?
Fucking communists are like retarded fascist... Or are retarded fascist like communists? Who cares, fuck em all. Hard.
If anything, Redditors would probably improve this place since it's the same, tired memes and boring generals every day.
Speak for yourself tyrone
I think our generation is just clueless about politics beyond memes and monikers
>tfw not Maghrebi
>tfw would've been less self-hating
>you cuck you would've been self-hating everywhere
This board isn't one person
Wait there are non communists/anarchists/librarians?
I thought le stormnigger who hates niggers was just a meme.
Truly Finland showing its intelgence yet again.
I think we're more nationalist in that we respect different flags but not diaspora
Hint hint
I think we should let germans burn your family
Goddamn this is cringeworthy as fuck
Are they literally twelve?
>n word
Do they mean nigger?
That's the only word I can think they would mean (i.e. nigger).
Why is that sissy faggot afraid of saying nigger?
I am much intelgence.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums with flags and regional chatrooms
Sup Forums is filled with trump supporters from reddit
I won't lie i do fucking hate the apes here, they're mostly found in public schools where they fail 8 grade 5 times, but desu when i think about it i feel bad because they never had access to a good education and they have nowhere else to go but the streets, where they become savages. Im conflicted what should i feel man :-:
Your intelgence is clear to everyone m8, don't worry.
Many intelgence, care to some have? Monkeyland not so intelgence.
>stormfront says they've infiltrated Sup Forums and made it white nationalist.
>left reddit says they've infiltrated Sup Forums and made it far left
>8ch claims they've infiltrated Sup Forums and made it hard supporters of GG again
Why does everyone think they run the place? Is this selective cognitive bias?
I don't care about ideology
I don't care about politics
I just want EVERY foreign entity off this fucking website. This is all I have and I like it here, it will NOT get turned into some fucking normie forum of which there are thousands.
>back in those days they were pro hackerss with no affiliation
What did they mean by this?
Contrary to this meme, Reddit is filled with trump supporters from pol
Communists literally don't exist in Sup Forums
This is correct, comrade.
Do not worry.
> ITT: le Sup Forums is satire
Wtf Sup Forums. How dumb can you guys be.
Canadians aren't people and therefore cannot prescribe to an ideology
>check thread
>Literally no one notices OP misread the image in question, and that they said /lit/, not Sup Forums
>good for anything other than shitposting
>tfw to intellegent to read books
Hang your self and never reply to me again you filthy robot.
God I hate commies so much
It's been a while since we had any raids.
obviously we are, this is the Sup Forumsernationalist board you fucking retard