
Are Dark Lord eagrán

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1st for me

the gf

People who are ugly are more Irish than those who are not.

post a pic

I'll add it to this edition so the lads who are /ina codhladh/ don't miss out.


Muy excellente

Fuck you.

>being insecure

>tfw no average irish gf

Meme of mine memed her meme meme meme meme meme meme meme

It's leaking.

>set Skype profile to invisible
>go on the Skype app on my phone
>it sets it back to online
Fucking hate this.

what is?



Who are you hiding from?


I just don't want to talk today, but cue three calls from mammy over 30 minutes discussing Christmas, plans to come visit me etc. I love my mammy, but wasn't in the mood right now.

Better edition

6/10 OP

Ah look, the Nordie is back :)

Gonna HEEM ye the next time you post in this thread

Thinking about going abroad for the summer for a few days lads. Will have a few hundred squidgeridoos, so somewhere cheap in Eastern Europe would be nice.


Anyone have any personal recommendations?

I'm the only one that'll be dishing out HEEMs, be at the next meet.

Never been to any of them, but Hungary and Czech Republic are frequent destinations for people to go to. Probably with good reason.


Kraków and Bratislava are musts.

I was leaning more towards Poland for some reason, I just imagine they have better English than the others.

Intensely dislike this gimmick.

Would relish the opportunity to die for prince charlie.


Just noticed the key beside 'g' and 'j' is broke :(

Probably better than Belarus. I think the Czechs would have the best, they do very easy visas so fuck loads of Americans who want to live in Europe go over there and freelance as web developers or whatever. I'm sure there's plenty to see in both countries though and Poles are supposed to be grand lads.

Where've you been?

Would relish the opportunity to be victorious with Cumberlan'.

College is just taking up too much time. I've posted a few times though, just without name since namefagging isn't all that great..

Who is this?

Ctrl + V is now my H

Is there anyway to reassign the F keys to a letter?

Lookst to the filename within the picture thyself and there thou shalt find what thy seek, knave

F 2 U

I am more Irish than all of you put together

People who have to fight for the right to wear the tricolour are more Irish than people who do not.

People who are sickened by the mere sight of the tricolour are more Irish than people who are not.

>wearing the orange cuckstamp
>not this glorious flag

We should have a referendum to remove the green, it's clear the Protestants up north will always hate us

The extra chromosome must help you in that case.

>We should have a referendum to remove the green

But Protestants founded the nation of Ireland

>mfw I could HEEM any british flag ITT

t. Rodolfo Graziani

>tfw to intelligent to reply to Italians

Ah yes, another stellar contribution from the Italian poster.

I eagerly anticpate his next post. It truly is a neuron-firing thought to imagine what interesting and informative content he will produce next.

Still upset about Castro taigs? I suppose it wasn't "real" communism

>German flag
>UK flag
>UK flag
>Italian flag
>UK flag
>UK flag
>UK flag
>UK flag
>yet another German flag


Saved that pic btw

Sup Forums isn't relevant in the fatherland

gas yourself

Listening to Morrissey

Watching some shite about knock airport lads


I hate Waterford Whispers as much as anybody here, but just look at the results of this poll.

Voted sound just to spite you

Ah now, that's just uncalled for.

I'm really into nice tummies.
Her face is constantly shiny for some reason.
Good form, thick skull.
Would wife, that's all.

castro was classy as fuck tbf


Up the RA 'ey lads.

>new irish
hate this world

clontarf 2 NOW


>coal burning white mother
>only slightly brown, near sandniggery fella
>full nig looking child
awful whiff off this

reminder to the weebs

which one of these was youz?


this is my life

you don't know the industrial hell i live in.

would love rolling hills, glen after glen of sheep farmers and good organic yams

yanks out

>muh heritage

>Calle MacKenzie

will slaughter you Sc*t nigger

What's wrong with it?

He lives in some Chicago suburb.

Your Man did you go to the All Blacks game the other week?

no fields and farm
no woman's arms
just dig that bloody seam
and they curse the day they travelled far
then drown their tears with a jar

Ireland how about commonwealth?

no i'm not black or a sheep fucker
polish lithuanian?

you'll do not a wee little thing
dude, this was embarassing and I think I want to shoot myself for having read it, but no guns because you're in chicago.

don't insult a good irish song around me again, "dude".

Lithuania was a mistake


>tfw finished VD of Texas Method and sat in bed reading The Intelligent Investor

so was poland tbf
pic related

Is that Samantha Mumba?

Irish americans are the biggest cancer

Latest Walking Dead was utter shite lads.
Only had two redeeming features.


i agree
t. el swiss americANO
>watching the talking bed

>watching the walking pleb

Looks comfy

wanna get up to 1.2 million probably 20 years from now and retire to backwater place like donegal then buy me and misses a nice little converted farmhouse with space, have two kids, send 'em off to tublin U for degrees and money-makin, and the rest is a gas, lad

>Ohio shooter was Somalian


What a surprise. Didn't another Somali-American blow himself up in Mogadishu a few days ago?

>Didn't another Somali-American blow himself up in Mogadishu

So long as they go somewhere else and blow themselves up, they are good with me.


Ohio is somewhere else, even if it is close to you.

Ohio was where New England's poor white trash went back in the late 1800s.
It truly is a pit of dumb gluttons and shartwifes.