What's the Harvard of your country?

What's the Harvard of your country?

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We don't have prestigious universities. Some say universities like ENA or Science Po but they aren't prestigious university in the sense for very intelligent people, but rather for the ruling elite's children.


What I didnt mean to reply to you


Difficult to say. Aalto University in economics and polytechnics, University of Helsinki for medicine and law

USP, it's still shitty though.

Used to be a chink girl named Helen that was friend's with another chink girl that went to Yale.

I got bullied by my other chink friends when word got out and had to withdraw from the area.

Never heard from Helen again.

Am willing to bet she has taken massive amounts of dick and semen by now.


This Grand Ecole are really small compare to university there isn't really one but ENA, HEC, X, and Normal Sup, each in their respective field are the most prestigious.


It would depend on what you consider Harvard to be.
Pls describe.



the most prestigious school here is a private k-12 school upper canada college

We're not as obsessed about prestige regarding universities. Some are obviously more prestigious than others; it's unavoidable. But due to university education being free and decided solely by your grades, we have no designated rich kid unis.

is probably the closest we'll get and it's mainly because of its research. There's also KTH for engineers but even then it's not miles ahead of the alternatives either.

Here are no university costs $50000 per year and shool shooting

Poor people can attend elite universities too.

Being rich does not help you much in America if you are not competent

Trinity College

>my country
I guess that would be Hopkins. One of the earliest schools in America, first research u in America. Depending on who you ask it's the best or one of the best for various types of biological and medical research.

Doesn't it help if you had parents who went to these prestigious universities before you?

we have Polytechnique, L'ENS, Centrale, etc

These schools actually require skills and being good at maths, unlike the one you mentionned.

Not unless they donate to the alumni base or used their Machiavellian socialism jew powers to collude with the higher echelons of the academia zog to get their child a secured enrollment within the prestigious ranks

Same for Harvard to some degree. They've cut down on what is called Legacy Admissions but it's still somewhat a smart school, and somewhat a rich school, and somewhat a famous school, and somewhat a legacy school.

Aren't there legacy spots?

We don't have havard tier unis, but some technical universities are quite good.
They are all quite famous for their engineering faculties.

RWTH Aachen
TU München

Not as many as before. I have to go. See you later.

bme maybe
the crysys lab is pretty cool

None. We have universities that are on par with mediocre american ones, and shitty universities whose degrees are as useful as browsing Sup Forums all day.

Cambridge, Oxford, LSE

With LSE being called the "cradle" for investment bankers and politicians

We also have UCL and Imperial that are on par with MIT and Stanford

Isn't the Kings College and Queen Mary also prestigious schools?

They are not even on the radar, no.

Also, QM is considered to be an average university here.

I went there. It wasn't that elitist

While ITESM tends to be more celebrated in terms of elitism Anahuac or Colegio de México. I'm talking business/politics, for STEM and humanities pictured.

American University of Beirut

Currently enrolled in it

One guy I know studied there and said that it's very prestigious and guarantees a job.

it does sound like an interesting place though


Did you name a shitty high school in your area after universities like Oxford, Harvard or Cambridge just for fun? Here there was a Cambridge and it was known for it's really dumb students.

:30-15:30, learn deny warcrime

Do you learn to make IEDs and mortar FOBs?

>implying técnico
pic related is the Harvard of Portugal, established in 1290, the university of Coimbra is a UNESCO world heritage, also played an awesome role during the Napoleonic failed invasions of Portugal when the students and professors took arms and started making gunpowder in the labs and establishing defense systems all across the city.

hahahHAHAHhahahsHAHahsdasdhadaslödashahaha so funnny I can't stop laughing ahahahaAHAHA xD

There are usually prep schools that were associated with an Ivy at some point and functioned as feeders into them but I am pretty sure most cut off the official relation. The resultant prep schools are still obviously some of the best in the country but they don't get special admission into the Ivies anymore, despite them still sending a lot of kids to Ivies in general.

Prep schools that are linked to colleges and get special admission into those colleges still exist, even for some good schools. And example is Fordham Prep in NYC which is linked to Fordham University, which is a pretty good college that the Prep kids get special admission to unless they did really shit at the Prep.

>a christmas tree

Definitely not. Were you told that by people who studied there?

He would say that

woah, my uni has a study abroad program at LSE and I never realised it was prestigiuos

There isnt anything like that in the Netherlands
all universities have their own qualities.

Delft University of Technology is ranked highest on lists

Don't we have Nyenrode which is private and good for business-stuff? Not sure, heard some people talk about it.

Really? I'm a shit tier uni and that's one of my exchange options


It's the biggest scam going here unless you are comfortable with a middle management job. It has nothing to do with jews

There are non, all of the public Universities have medium quality, low research oriented and for the masses, the private Universities (for money) are shit

whats a harvard

Does have an insane job guarantee just like the IVA driebergen
But certainly not the best

they do, alike harvard (I've read this and heard this, could be false) make sure you complete your program there. They know your parents paid alot for it and they certainly want to remain the high "succes" rate. I have friends on the IVA and if you fail one test your parents are informed and you have to speak almost everyone why and how you've failed and how you're going to pass the next.

Hmm. I had never really heard of it until my buddy talked about it a few weeks ago and then I made a girl who goes there this weekend. Didn't even know of its existence for most of my life.

This place
inb4 >royal

First time I heard about this was from an episode of wagon train from the 1950's

It's an university founded in America by the very first settlers. It was a school for clergyman until a little before the american revolution. It's very prestigious because of history and money. Harvard have more wealth that all of your country (I'm not kidding). It's full of Jews and Asian because it's so hard to be enrolled.

>Harvard have more wealth that all of your country (I'm not kidding).

mfw this is true

I guess my country does not have something like this