Fidel drank raki edition
Fidel drank raki edition
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de fiecare data cand aud de braila imi aminteste de asta
EEE, skoro velite deka komunistite kolele i secele na delovi makedonski popovi, sega velite Srbite toa go pravele, , a da ve prasa covek da li toa go pravele Bugarite, Turcite ili Siptarite , sigurna sum deke ke recete –ma kade tie bile mila majka za nas Makedoncite. E, VMRO-vci, VMRO-ovci , jadna vi majka , bedo probugarska.
its called rakija you ingrate
>"ioi s-o dus suspensiili ma"
șoferu era gălățean în mod non ironic
literalmente gălățean imbecil
>anikse parartima to syriza dipla sto spiti mou
>lazy provinicials not posting the video
the stray dog is the best part
do it
reclama obligatorie la chanon punct ro si muie obligatorie pentru /r/romania autobarza junimea utopia si tuturor grupurilor de facebook pentru normies care posteaza meimei cu cristiiiii
E , samo taka pisuvjte deka Srbi kolele vo Mkedonija popovi, a mozebi tie popovi bile bugarski egzarhiski popovi , stom ne sakale da spomnuvaat srpski kral i patrijarh, vo Makedonija kade sto bila na vlast Srbija, a znajte deka srpskata crkva i drzava se se od sekogas vo simfonija, pa nadevajte se deka ke ni ja priznat crkvata za avtokefalna.
yes that's right, ms. stojanka srbkolubkova
all the priests were uga bugari. the serbs dindu nuffin wrong.
>you will never be this alpha
prior to the balkan war the priests were however invested by the bulgarian exarchate
we wuz actually relevant, tito's movement for the neutrals is a thing to this day, even tho its 90% subhumans now
>nu vrea să vadă cancerul semi-amuzant de pe grupurile de fb
>its ok to kill priests, but only if they're tatar oppressors
killing foreign priests didn't seem like a huge problems from bulgarians in vmro and two world wars though
asta chiar nu stiam
probabil e galateanul nostru de aici
thanks for doing that for me
nu vezi ca nu ii pasa nimanui?
where are your proofs
cine a facut giful ala trebuie sa i-o suga lu badea si apoi sa fie impuscati amandoi in cur
>Ho, aкo и дa нe јa пoзнaвaм дoбpo иcтopијaтa нa шyмaдиcкoтo cвињapcтвo, тoгaш, бидeтe yвepeн, иcтopијaтa нa coпcтвeниoт мaкeдoнcки нapoд и нa Maкeдoнијa oдличнo јa пoзнaвaм.
having tripe soup for dinner, jelly? AMA
It doesn't matter the ethnicity
*tips fedora*
top cucks
>2 vmros
>both s*cialist
what's the point
pretty jelly, post pics
Top pagini de fb cu memeuri destul de nașpa dar uneori amuzante:
1. Autobaza
2. Creștini anti-droguri cu gigi becali
3. Manelele mi-au vindecat depresia
4. Romani în Londra
5. Orice grup de jocuri video, dar în special league of legends 18+ și cs:go romania
999. Junimea
>democratic party of Albanians
>democratic party of Serbhumans
>democratic party of T*rks
>union of Roma
>union for integration
>socialists everywhere
best goy
theres no such thing as traditional socialist around here, even SDSM fuck over people on pensions etc while declaring as socialists, VMRO is technically right wing only... not really
there aint a clear border like in the west
>maketata kazvat bona
100% bulgarian
I am, but did you boil the stomach for more than 5 hours?
can't be arsed, but it's p. good tripe soup
Methropolitan bishop Vikentije Krdžić and deacon Cvetko were murdered by the Bulgarians in 1915. They were cut in pieces, gasoline was sprinkled on them and their remains were burned.
>t*rks s*rbs and r*ma in union
>Meђyтим нa пyтy oд Уpoшeвцa дo Гњилaнa oпљaчкaли cy гa и yбили. Њeгoв лeш нијe никaдa пpoнaђeн, aли ce пpeпpичaвaлo дa јe лeш нaкoн yбиcтвa биo cпaљeн.[2]
no proofs, just rumors :) no body - no crime :)
well the fyromian article says serbs crucified priests
it technically is, just like how ur ataka party is right wing but in with the turks right? doesnt matter, they can have roma, turks or serbs in their party idc as long as its not shqips
it's double boiled. First boil is to pre-cook it and clean it further, the second boil is for the soup itself.
Ate it for lunch too. It tastes fucking good.
Home made tripe soup is the solution to all problems among the balkans, desu.
Source: Encyklopedia velike Srbije, beogradsku izdanije, 1973
Even if it was true, I'm just showing that this is the case of pot calling kettle black. If you ever bother to read accounts on what was happening in 1903-1912 in Macedonia, I can guarantee you are bound to have nightmares.
>just like how ur ataka party is right wing but in with the turks right?
no no no, they are not really with the turks, they hate turks, they only make joint governments with turks when there is money involved. and they are type of right-wing party that wants nationalization of industry and high pensions.
i like how VMRO is a union with t*rks and g*psies but the albos are left out hahahahahahaha
>fidel the gommie died
>urge to watch Scarface again
Do Bulgarians and Macedonians really understand each other? Because I understand Macedonian almost completely, however I understand very little of Bulgarian.
turks and gypsies cause no problems so no one rly cares about them, all gypsies do is staro kupuje
they'd never dare rob some one or some shit like that
fyromian is meme-bulgarian
Also Nikola Popović (Srbi u Prvom svetskom ratu 1914-1918, Novi Sad 2000, p. 65) gathered a list of about 100 Serbian priests from the Niš area that were shot by the Bulgarian army
the vocabulary and the uh letter cause confusion, lost of different vocabulary
i can understand 80%
is it true that if you drive through gypsy areas they will fuck up your car and steal shit when you stop
fuck off autist
>Home made tripe soup is the solution to all problems among the balkans, desu.
I agree. too bad it's such a hassle to make, but it really is the food of the Gods
Ne vizhdam logika da ubiesh propagandist zakrito kato mozhe I otkrito da go napravish
Cлeд нaмecaтa нa Бългapия в Пъpвaтa cвeтoвнa вoйнa и пocлeдвaлия paзгpoм нa cpъбcкaтa apмия, Bикeнтий бягa в Пpизpeн, къдeтo e apecтyвaн и изпpaтeн зa Бългapия. Ho пo пътя oт Фepизoвo зa Гнилянe e oбpaн и yбит зaeднo c дякoнa cи Цвeткo. Tялoтo мy нe e нaмepeнo,[2] нo ce cмятa, чe e изгopeнo.
not here, idk where gypsies have the balls to do something like that
no but if they see ur foreign (its very obvious) they will annoy the living shit out of you and stalk you like the beggars in assassins creed
fuck no lmfao gypsies are fucking pussies
maybe they can try to steal it if you're not there
Serbs have been fabricating history for decades, we cannot easily match that.
>Ne vizhdam logika da ubiesh propagandist zakrito kato mozhe I otkrito da go napravish
I don't understand this sentence
>Cлeд нaмecaтa нa Бългapия в Пъpвaтa cвeтoвнa вoйнa и пocлeдвaлия paзгpoм нa cpъбcкaтa apмия, Bикeнтий бягa в Пpизpeн, къдeтo e apecтyвaн и изпpaтeн зa Бългapия. Ho пo пътя oт Фepизoвo зa Гнилянe e oбpaн и yбит зaeднo c дякoнa cи Цвeткo. Tялoтo мy нe e нaмepeнo,[2] нo ce cмятa, чe e изгopeнo.
>Пoјaвили cy ce и љyди пoпyт бyгapcкoг вoјникa Cтeвaнa Кoнcoлoвa, aђyтaнтa кoмaндaнтa мecтa, и Tpaјчeтa Пoптoмoвa, бyгapoфилa и бyгapcкoг кoмитe, кoји cy јaвнo пpизнaвaли, чaк ce и хвaлили, yбиcтвoм митpoпoлитa. Дyшaн Лaлyшeв из Гopњeг Jeлoвцa, кoји јe тaкoђe биo бyгapcки кoмитa, y кaфaни y Cкoпљy, пpизнao јecвoјe yчecтвoвaњe y yбиcтвy и cпaљивaњy митpoпoлитa Bикeнтијa и ђaкoнa Цвeткa, yз твpдњy дa cy двoјицy цpквeних вeликoдocтoјникa пpeтхoднo дpжaли зaтoчeнe нeкoликo дaнa, aли дa cy ипaк нa кpaјy мopaли дa их yбијy нa ocнoвy Heoфитoвoг нapeђeњa. Дyшaн Лaлyшeв јe пpeд ocлoбoђeњe Cкoпљa пoбeгao ca бyгapcкoм вoјcкoм.
srpsk propaganda is obvious
Yeah, it sounds really funny if you know Bulgarian
It's kinda like a buffer language between serbo-croatian and bulgarian
I can hardly understand Serbs tho
kek. i think I saw this on top gear
80%, spoken 90%. I understand everything Macedonians here say. Obviously the communists tried to distinguish the language but given their power at that time they have done a bad job
why do they call themselves Macedonian?
When did the meme start?
Macedonian nationalism is a general grouping of nationalist ideas and concepts among ethnic Macedonians that were first formed in the late 19th century among separatists seeking the autonomy of the region of Macedonia from the Ottoman Empire.
a pass user on /balk/. And it's a greek. Lel, thanks Germoney
Yep Macedonian is really funny to me as well. It's like serbian with primitive grammar. However I understand 80-90% of it.
german money hard at work
>fyromian ethnicity
The first Slavs calling themselves Macedonians come from at least the 11th century but if that has any connection to the present-day Macedonians and if the Macedonians presented a separate ethnic group throughout history (before the late 19th century) is one of the most complicated questions of the Balkanic history
a whole month's salary in Romanian wasted on a Sup Forums pass, how does it make you feel?
if you can understand fyromian you can understand bulgarian
I said I don't see a reason to pretend to not have killed a propagandist when you could openly justify it during wartimes
Because reasons stupid grek. Fuck you and your retarded shithole.
People from the region of Macedonia in Bulgaria call themselves Makedonci as well. Just like people from Plovdiv call themselves Traki (Thrace). The biggest Bulgarian patriots are from Makedonia region.
based sashko
>one of the most complicated questions of the Blakanic history
xaxaxaxa it's as complecated as montenegrin ethnicity lmfao
hey dumb fuck, i see you keep repeating this 19th century shit
macedonians were calling themselves bulgarians up until world war 2, you dumb fuck
every one of your national heroes was bulgarian, VMRO was bulgarian, ilinden uprising was bulgarian, everything
get it out of your faggot head that ethnic macedonians had to do with anything pre-1945
cine sta pe reddit ma-sa-i curva
I understand maybe 30-50% of it.
>The first Slavs calling themselves Macedonians come from at least the 11th century
That's the century of the fall of the First Bulgarian Kingdom, back then Macedonia was near Constantinople.
Your point being?
It's war, of course there's gonna be killed and of course those early 20th century /balk/ savages are going to commit atrocities, yes things like this happened. Our army did it. And so did yours along with the greeks in occupied Vardar Macedonia between and after the Balkan wars. What are you trying to prove, that our war crimes were worse than yours?
here's who wrote the fyromian ethnicity meme article on wankerpedia
the first ideas of independent macedonia did appear at the end of the 19th century
macedonians is a regional term, like people in today's blagoevgrad province call themselves macedonians because they're from the macedonian region
the same was in aegean macedonia and fyrom, it wasn't an ethnic term up until communism came
wrong, lost of authors expressed desires for a macedonia separate from bulgaria, like pulevski, in the 19th century
same 3-4 people wrote the bulgar one too tho
My family is from nowadays Macedonia and I can confirm to 100% that people there considered themselves Bulgarian before 1910s.
ok i laughed too fuck u
the fyromian article was about serbian attrocities and the serb entered damage control mode immediately
pulevski isn't lots of authors lmfao
sure. but why the name Macedonia? why not Illyria, Rome, Albania, Turkey Jr. How and why did you choose to adopt Macedonia?
That's pretty much average Balkanic Wikipedia contributor.
>xaxaxaxa it's as complecated as montenegrin ethnicity lmfao
The only ones who find such things as ethnic identity simple are the uneducated balkantrash people.
Theme Macedonia isn't the same thing as the geographical region of Macedonia, those two are always separated in the documents.
A Bulgarian implied that killing foreign priests is a specifically Serb thing, just showing that's not the case
very reliable sources brah