Sweden one of your Somalis got loose and attacked one of our colleges

Sweden one of your Somalis got loose and attacked one of our colleges.
Please try harder to keep them under control.

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>Anything under control
You know that's never gonna happen

go go ga ag

world burn

>Anything under control
You know that's never gonna happen

any source? Or is it just pol rumors?

I require proofs.

oh shit im sorry


It's confirmed.
A Somali immigrant named Ali Mohammad drove a car into a crowd of students and then jumped out and started hacking them with a machete this morning.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Islam, he was probably just a angry student

he's your nigger, not swedens

He was probably just lashing out because he was being oppressed by us evil Whites.

Is it air in murrica that makes people take weapons and attack educational institutions?


>implying he wasn't from michigan (biggest muslim population in the country) taking revenge for bullshit loss on saturday
>implying that isn't the best possible evidence of assimilation

folks, blame the refs, blame the playoffs only taking four teams, but leave the religion of peace out of this

no, it's the people


Can it be that guns are manufactured for so long that they become self-aware and possess people?

I remember murricans a while ago bragging about how good they are at assimilation and that their somalians weren't as bad as they are in europe. When will you learn that you can't domesticate a nigger?

How is it fake lol?

again, attempting mass murder over a college football game is the most american action possible and our great nation is a cultural juggernaut before which all must tremble

Seems to be just your average 'murrican to me.

You don't even know what a average sweden looks like

That had to do with a college football game you dumb rat

t. Breivik posting from his comfy jail cell with top wifi speeds

folks things are really getting out of hand here

a local islamist militia known as 'the michigan state' has announced plans to carry out retaliatory attacks in ann arbor

May your dubs help them succeed in their mission.

>Double dubs.
Praise kek.
R.I.P. Muslims in Ann Arbor.

>Obama announces war on Somalia
>Somali kills Americans

I see nothing wrong

Wikipedia says guns are 1000 years old, rapid fire mechanisms are ~150, ~100 for anti-personnel rifles. That's how long we can expect the Internet to take before it becomes Skynet and assimilates us all.