1. you're cunt

1. you're cunt
2. your honest opinion on Argentina and Argentines

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Proud sons of African slaves

that shootings of maradona
a bunch of you are obsessed with being white

1. Poland (Argentina in future)
2. Love

they're butthurt and heart broken

-Great at sports
-Nice cities, along with chile
-The best black country in the world
-I don't like your accent (only when you curse xD)

>crema de tus tacos

Hey! where did the eagle go? You don't eat tacos you eat pizza

He's a mexican living in Italy who always talk shit about argentina

10/10 land, 5/10 people, 1/10 government.

You suck Russian cock like pros.

Kinda cute accents tho.


that argie is pretty cute



They're too white.

You mean brown, there´s no whiteys here


-Really hot women
-patagonia adventures (!)
-violent place, but i'm used to that

>shootings of maradona
here is a pic of that incident

maybe now he can rest and stop breaking the balls

please stop posting pics of me thank you

1. Argentina
2. it could be better, but I don't complain

Vendehumos y cansinos. Son medio indios y consiguieron destrozar su economía a pesar de los recursos naturales de los que disponen. El negocio del siglo es comprar un argentino por lo que vale y venderlo por lo que él dice que vale.

¿Cuántas copas tenés?

>I sex your mother
>9 months later she grunt out a turd
>hello son how are you son

Pseudo-Nazis that are still trying to seize the Falklands.

They believe they're the best country of south america. They think highly of themselves.

1. flag
2. best country in south america, full of highly people

how to say what a temendous fap i am going to do with her

good aportation


i have no idea what you just said

taking the opinions of a literal chicana jew?
the video is all wrong, we are way browner and shorter, dont come here

> we are way browner and shorter, dont come here

Post proof m8

me and the lads last weekend

bump my ride

tfw no argie gf
hold me bros

Beautiful country full of cool people, but what makes it look bad it's the eternal porteño.

hey the one in the right is my cousin carlo! sadly he got shot by the police yesterday when he come back to work he didn't do nothing

they're great people and the most powerful tribe in africa

you guys hate us so i struggle to feel anything but a mutual feeling tbqh

>you guys hate us
that's mostly because your countrymen like to provoke us, but not all of us confuse politics with people 2bh

>you guys hate us

i don´t hate you i really don´t give a damn about you and you country

I don't really think about Argentina unless nerman is btfoing messi so my overall impression is positive

my favourite american country after quebec

1. Murrica
2. Seems like a nice cunt tbqhwy. I'd like to visit someday.

what do roman soldiers in italy bully argies and call them morti di fame?

they hate us cause they ain't us


>They are not white
>They proof that whites can be underdeveloped
Wait a second.

1. worst Korea
2. an epitome of how socialism (Peronism) can fuck up a good country; I'd say Argentines in the US are nice tho

who's that

Your sister

2. Best of SA. Might also be even better than Spain, Portugal and Italy.


but not better than russia


Seems p nice

South argentina seems to have awesome nature, I want to visit.

High Italians?
Dark Skinned Spaniards that got raped by Mousillini?
How does it not freeze, it's so close to the antarctic?

>it's so close to the antarctic
>buenos aires latitude is -34,60 degrees
>helsinki latitude is 60,19 degrees

even the southernmost tip of argentina, cape horn has a latitude of only -54 degrees meaning it is further away from the south pole than helsinki is from the north pole