There is no state but California, and Stephan is the prophet of California!

There is no state but California, and Stephan is the prophet of California!

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he's going to north carolina soon hope you're ready

What? California is full of liberals how can you even like California?

>trying this hard to fit in

>being this cucked
Please leave and live off your welfare

West coast is the best coast, even though SoCal sucks.

By being born in California? I also live in the last conservative bastion in California. Stupid flyover

California is still in jew yorks shadow despite being like 10 times bigger.

>thinking I live In a flyover state? I live in Boston, Massachusetts

>more red states on welfare than blue

hi cuck

>New York

When's the last time those fucks have been relevant in sports?

massachusetts is just as liberal you dumb faggot lmao

I see a pattern.

nah, the whites are just as worthless as the blacks in those southern shitholes.

Based Boston

>Hating the uncontested greatest state in America because Grandpappy told you to.

I think your outhouse needs washing, Cletus.

Member of a southern shithole here

Not even close

>greatest state
Yeah for letting in mehikans

There are shitty whites in every part of the country.

Only in the south are there that many blacks though.


The north east and west coast are at least expensive places to live, but why the fuck can't southerners get their shit together?

The Bay Area in Commiefornia will be the first place in the country that collapse into civil unrest.

The cost of living and income inequality in that area is literally fucking insane.

Literally Detroit 2.0 after the tech bubble bursts.

Much worse. Detroit was never obscenely overpopulated.

I work in the Bay Area and fortunately make solid enough $$$ to afford it and save for my retirement. But there are people living in my apartment complex that work shit jobs and are probably deep in debt and save nothing. Makes me very sad.

>the last conservative bastion
>anything conservative

You're thinking of Texas, m8
Tell your ex-Cali fags to leave Austin btw

My favorite thing about this map is the yellow spots in places like Wyoming, where it's probably just 1 black dude that got lost and now represents an entire percentage point of the population.

Texas is truly the greatest state.

If you are under 30, you are never going to see 'retirement' as you envision it.

The economy is collapsing long before we are in our 60s

It's the same here in Vancouver. Rich Asians launder money here, buy out all of the property, and cause housing costs to spike. It's around $950 here a month for a shitty studio apartment 30 minutes away from the city.

>tfw have no life, just work and go to school to avoid debt

Not to mention both cities are going to get reamed by a giant earthquake soon

>living in ohio

why do you guys subject yourselves to such things?

Doesnt matter bro all of this is imploding in 10-15 years no matter what anyone thinks or wants.

Watch the movie "The Big Short" and you will understand why there is only ONE outcome to how the housing market has been set up, and that outcome is total collapse.

>43% of LEGAL Californians speak a language other than English at home.
And that's as of 2013.

Your state is dead. Bury it

>Live in Bay Area
>You unironically have to make $91,000 a year in order to rent a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment on your own

anyone that thinks this area will be stable is BEYOND fucking delusional

>Born in "The Bay"
>have opportunity to go back as an adult
>move to Texas instead

That IQ map is horseshit lmao.
Some assmad libcuck made that.

>gayest state
>least white state
>bluest state
>shit gdp and hdi per capita
>will soon be the first state to out right ban guns

Thank God I don't live there

>states with all the blacks and hispanics are the lowest
Not surprising


I think I'll be okay. I just need a modest lifestyle and I have well-diversified assets such that only a long-term (think 15+ years) global collapse of the economy would be do damage to me. I don't even give a shit about social security or pensions at this point because the government fucked up and spent all that money because they felt like it. Probably all on pointless crap too.

You should plan to only be able to live off what you have saved for yourself and what your company has added in your 401k. There will be some volatility in the future no doubt, but over the next 35 years everything will work out fine. Don't worry about it.

>least white state

This. Even places like Phoenix look white when contrasted to LA and San Diego.

See Flyover states (excluding some southern ones) are great to live in.

Yeah I didnt mean you wont be okay as an individual, only that the current concept of 'retirement' as we know it straight up will not exist in the future.

it doesnt have shit gdp per capita

also no way guns are banned in california, though i could totally see them being banned in san francisco

>Everything will work out fine. Don't worry about it.

I wish I was a willing idiot that was able to just turn my brain off and live in pure delusion.

Thank god I live in Orange County where there's no Mexicans.

The only good parts of California are the parts where nobody lives


35% of OC is spic.

Not even Jew York and Jew Jersey are this bad

>make 100k annually
>living check to check
literally how?

Phoenix is the worst part of Arizona. They should just bulldoze the whole metro area and turn it back into cattle ranches and copper mines

I have no idea bro, but it sure as fuck isnt going to last.

99% of that is in Santa Ana

He will return to his homeland

>those comments

At least people are waking up, the government is really overplaying its hand.

I keep hearing people bitch about Phoenix but so far I don't have a clue what is there to bitch about.

Bakersfield or Fresno senpai?
Bakersfield is literally a misplaced texas town. huge oil and ag industry and red as a cherry

or some qt who got BLEACHED in college and moved back to the family farm

Why does everyone ride Currys dick when Thompson saved that series?

>there are kids that will now think that people named stephen pronounce it "steffan"

SF has the shipping and maritime industy to help out too
poorfags will just move out and actually colonize real Nor Cal with all the forests and shit

San Diego actually

>texas fag thinks people want to live in Texas

top kek

>poorfags will just move out and actually colonize real Nor Cal with all the forests and shit



people have been saying this since fucking myspace

eventually people are going to realize you can pay someone to code from Austin or Buffalo and not have to pay them 200,000 a year to live in SF

Myspace got started less than 13 years ago retard.

>place gets expensive
>move to suburbs 20 miles north
>suburbs get expensive
>move to suburbs 20 miles north
it will happen senpai

NorCal does not represent California as a whole. Yes, the state it's pretty liberal but the Bay Area is filled with annoying SJW's and hipsters that go there only to take pictures. If the conservatives are right about one thing is that they have allot of people who represent the regressive left


people have been saying this since the fucking 90s

Its not the tech bubble bursting that is a problem, its the housing market bubble bursting that is propped up by the tech industry.

If Silicon Valley didnt skyrocket housing to utterly absurd levels there would be no issue.

There is a limit to that, and its already been reached.
You obviously don't fucking live here.

They actually do
Fucking retarded Califags brought their shit-tier driving to Texas.

>bitching about driving
>not voting

Why are Califags moving in droves to Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Washington etc if California is so great? Not to mention exporting their faggotry. Your shit state should be spammed with neutron bombs to contain the cancer.

And people from all over the country continue to come here

Nobody wants to live in Texas m8, trust me

>mfw we will live to see all these Cali SJW cancer and holier than thou hipster faggots get completely rampaged as California implodes

Sure buddy
When Commiefornia figures out how to stop droughts, forest fires, high cost of living, fags, niggers, talk to me

Why are people moving in droves here? You're seriously retarded as fuck if you think people are moving out and theres no one moving in

They obviously do. The suburbs are exploding around Austin with Californian people who can buy a 3 story house for the price or a 1 room LA apartment and have their kids be surrounded by white people.

>Nobody wants to live in Texas m8, trust me

I sold my parents shitbox house in Oakland that was literally falling apart and with the money was able to buy a self sufficient homesteading ranch in Texas.

California is for people that enjoy having no freedom and living like rats. have fun with that $2000 rent for your studio though bro.

>Why are people moving in droves here?
Those are all beaners, user.

Sure will dude, let me know when south texas isnt completely Cartel controlled


California is straight up dead as a place to actually enjoy life for average people

Doing a better job than the police 2bh

Arizona here, can confirm it's the same here. Third of the people here are from the Midwest, third are from California and third from Mexico.

>all the people moving to autsin are all from california ive talked to every single one of them!!

you've never lived in california in you're life kek

fucking flyovers in here mad as fuck I swear

>im okay with spics taking over the southern part of my state

and yet you're here taking shit about california kek

My house cost 200k is 2 stories in a suburb and is right across the street from a high school where it's 95% white people with zero crime. The only reason to live in Cali is dude weed lmao.

Yeah, but Arizona has roaches, and I don't mean Turkish people.

I'm not the user you were talking to

Fucking retard
Whoops, did I offend you? I know Califags live in their safe-space

Born and raised around Lake Merritt in Oakland. You are obviously extremely asshurt that Im right though.
California is a dead husk of what it used to be.

California does too now. Immigrants brought in unprecedented levels of cockroaches, fleas, and mites.
My biology professor gave a borderline Sup Forums tier lecture about it.

You're right about nothing m8, people are still moving here, people are moving out, its called migration kek.

Enjoy living in your flyover state though :^)

lmao at this faggot thinking im an SJW

obviously California's superiority has caused some massive asshurt in here

Any places in the US that don't have roaches? Aside from Colorado, that is?

>greatest state in the Nation
Yeah, no. Cali resident here, Fresno. 80% of people here are utter human garbage. They're self-absorbed, arrogant, vapid, image-obsessed and believe that they'll become famous. Literally 8 out of 10 people are like this. Of the remainder, 1% are good people, and everyone else is batshit insane. Like tumblr/twitter, but in real life.

Want to pay ridiculous prices for food, clothing shelter and have to work like a dog? Come to Cali! Want to live on the dole, and eat like a dog? Come to Cali! Want to pay the highest tax rates on anything and everything for a crumbling infrastructure, and a bankrupt state? Come to Cali!

Suburb of Austin, Texas not Arizona forgot to mention

Note that in EACH of these states, the worst states to live in are Democrat-controlled. The reason being is that Kaynesian economic policy will lead to higher prices for basic necessities, and rent control and a ridiculously high minimum wage simply means that more people will live at or below poverty level.

Austin for 200k? That sounds low.

For your own sake Im going to assume you are like 13

If you ever move out of mommys house you will understand that the once great state of California is now shuffling zombie of corruption, crumbling infrastructure, and hilariously unsustainable economic practices.

My buddy pays $1,800 for a 500 sq.ft. apartment in Pleasant Hill which is on the outskirts of the bay area. It's ungodly inflated there.

>mfw all I have to do is say im from california and people immediately begin to foam at the mouth calling you a spic and an SJW and how you're single handedly destroying america

Ahahahaha, is there a more based state than california? Stay mad you cucks are too poor to live here lads. Maybe you should get a better job or something