NC sports thread

>Best Basketball player currently (steph curry)

>Best basketball player ever (Jordan)

>Future GOAT TEAM (Panthers)

>Best beaches in USA

>Mountains, beaches, natural forest, beautiful clean city with no smog.

>GOAT college basketball teams

>Future GOAT college football programs

>Fastest business development state

>Home to the largest military base on the planet (Fort Bragg)

>Dominating and will continue dominating sports

Seriously, how can one state be so GOAT? South Carolina need not apply, this is a NC sports thread. Get in here bros, feels good to be from the GOAT state that produces the GOAT athletes.

Other urls found in this thread:

Curry will lose the final.

NC has been getting blown out in sports championships all year

Cook Out is better than Bojangles

>zero super bowls
>zero world series
>zero NBA championships
>zero cfb nattys

They are equally great. Cook-out have the GOAT fries and burgers. Put 5 guys to shame.

Bojangles got dat crispy spicy chicken and dirty rice and all of those GOAT sides.

We will win a superbowl before the iggles or Browns do.

We got a baseball team?

Hornets will become good by 2020. We already pushing into the playoffs. Once we get a big name and decent coach we will be ECF bound.

Zero CFB nattys

Can't argue with that one, but alot of states don't have nattys with Bama being faggots.

I believe UNC can become a big name if we can ever reach the playoffs. We got a shit ton of football talent in this state but they would rather go play for schools like bama and Florida

In-n-out > Cook out >>>>>>>>>>>>> 5 guys as someone who's had all 3.

charlotte will win it when they get to the sec

NC will forever be a college basketball state. just stick with what you're good at

You must of never had extra seasoned Cajun fried with that double cheese burger and chicken tendys combo..

go JETS!!!! screw the panthers!

>best basketball player (steph curry)
is from akron, ohio. look it up

>best basketball player every (jordan)
from brooklyn, new york

>future GOAT TEAM (panthers)
one of the biggest chokers in this century of football

>best beaches in USA
subjective af

>mountains, beaches, natural forest, beautiful clean city with no smog

the only thing going for the state. which is p nice

>GOAT college basektball teams

>Future GOAT college football program
now were getting a bit delusional

>Fastest buisness development state
thats Atlanta, Georgia

>Home to largest military base on the planet (Fort Bragg)
get a nuclear submarine base, then you can talk about military power

>dominating and will continue dominating sports
you cant dominate when you choke on the only game that really matters m8

>implying NATO will ever allow those nukes to be used

>UNC will be a force in this decade

>Look up our business development son

>We will be back in the superb owl this year

>Panthers got beat by a elite defense when they was expected to not even make the playoffs this year

>Steph was born in Akron raised in Charlotte

>Jordan was born in brooklyn raised in Wilmington

>Best current baseball player
Mike Trout

>Best baseball player of all time
Derek Jeter

>Best defensive player in NBA history
Dennis Rodman

>Best center of all time

>Best actor of all time
Jack Nicholson

>We will be back in the superb owl this year
only to get BTFO by an actual team after another cakewalk schedule kek

>implying its about who will allow it
its about who has it m8

>this level of delusion

literally nowhere does it say that north carolina has fastest buisness development lmao what are you talking about

>predicting the future when you got exposed that hard, and one of those teams is in your own division

>>>>>>>>pats defense was elite that year

>Steph was born in akron and moved to charlotte
when he was a teen

>claiming jordan when his athletic ability has nothing to do with living there
i love how delusional they get

Flyover State kid is so mad

>implying NC isn't flyover

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>memeing when you get proven wrong

never change fedoralina

>Out of all those """''micro-aggressions""""" the one that triggered me was best beaches in the US


He thinks north carolina isnt flyover holy shit lmfao

why is your biggest city not on/near the coast? makes no sense

Jordan wasn't born there

Because of the carolina gold rush. And the Mint is located in charlotte.

WHo is nc wolfpack here?

Can't wait for Kelvin to pick up where he left off. Panthers will be back baby

not me

>Shit ton of tourist come ski # rocky mountains

>Shit ton of tourist RIGHT NOW in WIlmington beach for memorial day

>Shit ton of tourist come to our aquariums and museums

>Shit ton of kids try to play sports here

>Shit ton of tourist come here to surf

But we a flyover state tho..ayyyyy lmao

Hate us or love us. But we have everything you can imagine.

Beautiful cities with no smog. Beautiful beaches. Beautiful mountains. Diverse wild life. Best southern cooking.

We literally have whatever the best of each state combined into 1.

Miami beach?

>SC got Myrtle Beach and we got Wilmington beach and our entire coastline is sprawling with beautiful beach cities.

Chicago suburbs?

>Raleigh have amazing suburbs so does Charlotte

Cozy California weather

>We don't see much snow here and its a comfy mid 80s degrees all spring and summer. Our winters are extremely short and don't get that cold unless you're a mountain fag.

Feel like the Sand niggers going to attack?

>Don't worry we have the largest military base on the planet. Sand niggers wouldn't dare attack us.

Like cheap affordable living?

>You can get a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom here right in the middle of Charlotte suburbs for less then 600/month.

Like good food?

>We got Bojangles, Cook-out, and home to the greatest soulfood feasts in the South. Only state that can compete is Louisiana.

Enjoy outdoors?

>Best scuba diving on the east coast. Best mountains on the east coast. Best trails and well preserved forest on east coast.

Hate filthy shitholes?

>Well in North Carolina we put those faggot inmates to work. Its rare to see trash on side of a highway let alone in the cities. We might have the cleanest cities in America.

Curry was born in Akron.

Shame the people who live there(outside of the college transports) are idiots who vote fo idiots and idiot laws.

Also, whens the last time a pro team in NC won anything?

Biscuitville has some really good egg and cheese biscuits tbqh

North Carolina has the best fast food chains period.

>We will win a superbowl before the iggles or Browns do.

THIS is your claim to fame? "At least we're not the Browns"? lmfao

Unless you're from Denver then any opinion you have is invalid.

Panthers got cap space, Panthers was projected to not even make the playoffs.

Panthers made the superb owl and lost to a better team.

Our QB is a top 3 QB. Our defense is elite. And we will only get better.

2017 we will be either playing in the owl again or winning it.

While whatever flyover state you're from root for the nearest football team.

Charleston in South Carolina was for a long time the biggest coastal city in the "South", and the North Carolina coast line was notorious for being pirate-infested due to the many coves and tucked away inlets. Charlotte had the mint, Greensboro/Winston had textiles/tobacco, and the railroad ran through both of those areas, not the coast.

You lose the best player on your defense, and avoided the pass heavy teams in the nfc. You wont make it to the second round next year. The nfc south reboots itself every year

>Panthers got cap space

"We got cap space" has to be the most overrated meme argument of all times. Yeah, shitload of teams had cap space in the last 20 years and most of them filled the roster with overpaid busts.

NC is a flyover state negro. It's that place you fly over when travelling from Florida to the Northeast.

The Hornets really got buttfucked in that Game 7 though. Like it was bad.

>Went Plat without features (J. Cole)

Coastal states are not Flyover states you fucking retard. Beaches attract a shit ton of people and alot of people will drive from Florida to NY just for the beaches and wild life.

Now states with 0 coastline like Tennesse for example are the true meaning of fly over states.

>SC need not apply

Because you don't want to get skullfucked by your GOAT brother?

>NC sports
>losing two national championship games

Fucking faggots, when the South rises again you and your band of fairies in Charlotte can fuck off.

You are flyover if you're not top 5 on this list.

Literally the only difference between Tennessee and NC is that beach.

>NJ holding strong at 7 and 8 all these despite being a tiny state

Based Pharmaceutical, Refineries, and Materials

>Entire state is only known for Wike week and Charleston

>0 NBA teams

>0 NFL teams

>0 Hockey teams

>0 Baseball teams

>Summers in SC is literally sitting on the sun tier.

>Terrible city infrastructure.

>Shark attacks increasing exponentially because incompetent governor don't know how to handle it

If it wasn't for Myrtle Beach you would have literally 0 tourist...your entire police force is at myrtle beach during memorial weekend.

"GOAT brother". My sides

North Carolina's beaches are awful though. They are filthy and full of fat rednecks. Best beaches on the East Coast are in Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, South Carolina, and Florida

t. Floridian whos spent time in every state along the coast

>0 baseball teams

Same goes for you retard.

>1 SC CFB, Clemson, skullfucks every NC team

>better party schools
Costal Carolina >>>>> ECU >>>> App State

>faggots aren't allowed
i.e (You)

>Panthers played in SC first and have training camp in SC

>cucked by SC
pick 2

>They are filthy and full of fat rednecks.

Not a Carolicuck but Florida beaches are full of niggers and 3rd worlders so that's hardly better. Moreover outside of southern Florida it's literally rednecktopia.

Ranked #9

>flyover tho

>NC ranked #9 GDP

>SC ranked #28 GDP

"GOAT brother"

Literally just a shit tier version of virginia...

Our beaches are full of human filth but the perfect water temp and crystal clear water makes up for it

>implying shark attacks are a problem

Motherfuckers got to eat too son

Jersey beaches really are great

For anyone who doesn't know. You need to pay money to get onto like 85% of the beaches in Jersey. So the beaches are always really clean and rarely crowded.

However NEVER go to the free beaches in Jersey. NEVER FOR THE GOOD OF YOUR SOULD NEVER GO

I sold my sould, so what do???

I moved here from out of the state I wlll object to you saying the summers are comfy.

>crystal clear water

>nfc south reboots itself every year
>panthers are the only team to win the nfc south in consecutive years
>panthers are currently on a 3-year nfc south champions streak

They're going to make the playoffs at the very least m8, you seriously expect the bucs, falcons, or saints to do shit this year?

How the fuck can you leave out another GOAT

>about coastal carolina

All shitposting aside, as a NC native I like SC. It's roads are shitty, the only good universities are small as fuck and nobody has heard of them, and in general it's much more poor than NC, but it has nice beaches and Charleston is a pretty nice city.

I like you SC.
But you're definitely inferior to NC.

Where did you move from m8?

I met a girl in NC who moved here from southern Michigan recently, it was mid 70s and she couldn't handle herself, said it was way too hot. Is mid 70s really seen as "uncomfortable" to Northerners? It's like perfect weather.

North kids get Canada weather during the winter.

>best beaches in the USA

No, just no

Don't the Carolinas have more Steeler fans than Panthers?

Curry will win in the final. Men's and Women's lacrosse at UNC just won the national titles for both. Get fucked. NC = GOAT sport state.

South Carolina, but after last season the Panthers have taken over most of NC

>0 championships in any professional sport


Connecticut here. 80s is absolutely fucking hot (like I need a wet towel on my head, a bucket hat, shades, and sun screen.) mid 70s is hot/uncomfortable but not unbearable. I prefer 50-60s with a little overcast and a nice breeze.

Living in a shithole where 80 degrees will literally kill you.

You would hate South Carolina in July. It reaches up to 105...You would probably literally die.

But you don't actually pay. You gotta weasel out of it

115 here in Southern Arizona

No humidity, though. It is a bit odd when it's 3 am and still 100+

Not him but I prefer my weather to be in the 60's

PA here. Mid 70s is perfect

Nah it gets up to 90s here. The difference is, up here, the humidity is absolutely horrendous. 80 in CT is not like 80 in Myrtle beach. I've been to Myrtle Beach in May/June and its absolutely gorgeous. I would probably not go in July though.

>paying to go on a beach

Fucking lol

Myrtle Beach is full of fat rednecks

I'm from out of state and trying to get a job in Charlotte.

This shit is hard as fuck.

>paying actual money

>To explore FREE land

My sides

I don't disagree with that notion but I avoid everyone and just go on the beach/in the water by myself, then go get drunk at celeb square.

btw the strip joints down there are fucking weird. it must have been some special night because they let all the patron women get on stage and strip with 30 rack boxes to collect the money with. It was the most redneck shit I have ever experienced in my life.

Duke basketball will be able to beat many NBA teams next year, including the warriors. Harry Giles...he's your next superstar.

>tfw you can't even find a jersey from your own college team

G-Go Elon

>GOAT college basketball teams
But North Carolina isn't Kansas

Low 80s can be pretty comfortable tbqh, I don't understand Northerners. 50s is not comfortable shorts and t-shirt weather.

>he didn't go to UNC
A fucking travesty tbqh

>tfw moving from the north to Charlotte, North Carolina to work at Ernst and Young in a week

If 5 guys was priced closer to the other two, it would be best. An $8 fast food burger is a bit steep. For what you can get, cook out is the best. A burger or spicy chicken sandwich with some sides its overall better. But in n out is still bomb as hell. At their current cost, in n out is the best burger, cook out is the best meal.

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