Please based Lebron, please bring it home for the land
Please win
Please based Lebron, please bring it home for the land
For da land
Do it for us
Literally inpossible for them to beat GSW
Inpossible? Good meme
Can't tell which country you are, Denmark?
I don't know why do you think it's funny not to know a flag.
It's sad.
Because it's a meme flag nobody cares about Norway or Denmark
Save basketball
Save us
Don't worry Norwaybro, everyone from Cleveland (and Ohio for that matter) are mentally retarded.
It's a side effect of rust inhalation and sports irrelevancy.
silver isn't gonna let an all-time nba record be forgotten on his watch. warriors sweep in 6, sorry cavbros.
wew thats some classy BTFO
>you can click the flag and it gives you a two-letter code at the end of the URL.
No excuses bruh.
>meme flag
You're a meme-person dumbo
Yeh my name is Cleaveland Brown and nana na na na
But really I don't think cleaveland has ever been relevant
>living In Brazil
>worry everyday that you might be kidnapped
>worry everyday if you are going to get food on the table
>worry everyday if that child is yours
>worry everyday if that rope you ordered to hang yourself was still coming
1990s mate
More relevant than Norway
It's funny because no knows or cares that Norway exists.
Stay eternally BTFO yurocuck
>living in America
>sick guitar solo
>not knowing anything about the world except from what Fox News feeds you
>a president gets shot
>bollywood explosions light the scene
>freedom intestifies
>massive coca cola commercial batman-style
>people yelling on loudspeakers of their phones while eating burgers
>Niggers r us
P.s. you're fat you fat cunt
>being relevant =/= good thing
You sure are the best country in the world, Merikka, you sure are..
But that's like being the best McDonald's burger flipper, it just doesn't matter.
Stay black butthurts
I'm 6'10" 260
Not fat
But of course a Scandinavian like you doesn't know what anything higher that 6 foot looks like
This is a great sports thread.
All the sports talk in this thread is so inviting.
Tbh that all sounds way better than yuropean squeeze bottle paste and whatever else it is you do out there.
Pretty sure Alaska is way cooler than Norway. Just sayian.
Except that you're shorter than me, but you're not that tall/big
You wouldn't feel insecure and you wouldn't bring it up
Pic related, I'm really tall
>just sayin
In other words, you're just guessing and blabbering bullshit because you don't know dick about anything in Europe, but since we hate you buttplugs so much, you gotta retaliate with something.
Well eat shit you uneducated piece of lard.
wtf nigga clean your shoes
You must be 6'11" or taller congrats your the tallest Scandinavian I've ever had to speak to over the Internet