well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Is an Xbox an athlete?
no and it will never be no matter how much you fat neckbeards keep calling yourselves athletes
That fact that they sit on their ass ensures that.
>seven figure salaries
>seven figure salaries
like maybe 3-4 players make that much money, the median is more in the region of four figure numbers
>i lived to see the day rich neckbeards try to justify pressing buttons as a sport and compare themselves to olympians
fucking kill me
>Leicester sat on their ass and won a championship
>These guys do the same
Which sounds more likely?
>When I grow up I want to be just like Michael Jordan
>When I grow up I want to be like XxSilentKiller420xX
The second one, but with a real name, like "Pewds" or "TDM"
Sport: Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively
I guess it's a sport by definition, it would be in the same category as darts.
>Games dictated by a RNG
rmmtwsmhtbh (that's Really Makes Me Think While Shaking My Head To Be Honest for all you people who aren't 'with it')
Is darts a sport? It's just a competitive game. I'd call a sport something with actual physical stress.
This society needs to be purged.
I've seen the same for motivational speakers, but motivational speaking isn't a sport.
It never will be a sport. That's fine, you can be a pro gamer. It doesn't need to get involved in sports nomenclature.
Esports is only getting "big" because companies like Valve are making it so. $17 million dollar pots or whatever, they're artificially making it a big deal.
the leaf gets it
I'd call a sport any activity where injury are likely to happen and where there are substance abuse in order to get an edge against one or multiple opponents.
youre right, the hundreds of thousands of people watching them have nothing to do with it
>are you winning, son
It's technically a sport by definition, although it's not really seen as a well-respected sport. Chess is another example of a sport that's in the grey area, it doesn't require much physical exertion but it does require strategy.
>it makes a lot of money so it's a sport
Where the fuck is logic in this?
Alot of cs go players have been sitting out the past couple of months because of wrist injuries. Also adderall.
No get this shit off my board
it's a mental sport like chess, or nascar
Gaming is not a sport, it's a game.
>pro-gamers suspended because Monster was found in their blood tests
you know what I mean.
>allowing your self Xx xX befor and following your misspelled name....
sports are games tho
If Nascar and Horse Racing are sports then....
Would you watch E-Sports if they were all announced by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May?
Only because they would be ruthlessly taking the piss out of the 'athletes' the entire time.
Hate this idea of playing videogames somehow being a sport, but as we go on I think that's exactly what it will be classed as in the future.
I'd watch Pony Fucking if those 3 commentated it so yes
Why can't Americans speak English?
I don't play/watch a single e-sport, but I don't see why they wouldn't be considered a sport if things like billiards and darts are considered sports. Also, what's the problem with a growing market that helps a lot of people find a job and entertains a lot of people that don't necessary enjoy the most popular "real" sports? I see no harm in it, as long as they don't become an Olympic sport. Or at least have their own Olympics (that'd be cool, desu).
>After 5 minutes in they stop talking about the game and just start making fun of the players
No, it's a competition. When will retards understand it?
Then stock selling, music concerts and bank loans are a sport too.
legit question here. Is hosted the word you are thinking of?
I know, should be commentated
Well, as if TV Deals don't artificial raise the stakes for the football leagues (or any of your North American sports for that matter)
well then tell me which word is it you cunt
>Hammond, why is that player using a M16 instead of an AK?
>Because the M16 is more accurate than the Ak
>That's Rubbish.
I think the video game term is casted
E-sports are pretty interesting and easier than a lot of real sports to go and play at a competitive level after you see someone else do it. This is especially true as an adult. The problem I have with it is that they keep trying to leech off of the sports world and sports fans, who don't seem to want anything to do with competitive video gaming.
I remember when a League of Legends tournament made it to ESPN2 once, and a bunch of fatasses kept saying "lelelel get mad rednecks this is what sports are in the future xDDDD". No, it's not, and it's fucking stupid to put anything like it on ESPN. It's not the right audience. It's really not a sport, though you can twist the definition of that to suit your beliefs either way. "e-sport" is a stupid term for it. This meme of people trying to pretend it's the next NFL that everyone will watch with their families on Sundays is pathetic. It is its own thing, and interesting and worth being on TV. It just needs to stop being a cancer to sports and sports fans. No it is not a sport.
This. The only reason they named it e-sports is to gain attention and have dipshits want it to be considered a real sport. It is why they are campaigning hard as shit to get it on ESPN.
It is a competition, like chess, fishing, etc. As someone who watches it, I can tell you this isn't 1/5th of what a real sport is.
I believe 70% of my friends watch LoL matches consistently on the weekend, I see no reason why they would stop doing it when they have kids and et cetera, specially since it's only going to become more accepted in our society.
It's like people's distaste of streamers, people give them a lot of hate because they're only people talking while doing nothing out of the ordinary, but they forget that their grandpas would do the same with radio hosts.
A lot of our future entertainment is going to be made with the online public in mind. How many people below 25 still watch TV? Now look at how many of those watch Netflix, Youtube, streams.
People already knew the answer to this question before CNN started tweeting about it. An experienced shitposter like yourself ought to realize that if this is being discussed in the MSM, then any doubts about whether or not it is a sport have already been resolved in any fora of consequence. Indeed, you are just making the discussion recursive by posting this tweet in a forum where the underlying discussion is already over, and in fact, caused this issue to come to the attention of the same people who can't tell the difference between pepe and the Grinch and believe in the existence of "the hacker known as Sup Forums."
But to answer your query, yes; it is a sport. Furthermore, discussions on the topic belong in primarily Sup Forums, or /VG/. It may also be discussed in /asp/, but it probably won't, because it won't have much of an audience with that userbase. In as much as it relates to other board topics, such as Sup Forums, or boards that have no defined topic; Sup Forums and the like, you can discuss it there as well. Talking about it on Sup Forums is just shitposting, but you already knew that.
That's all that can be said on this topic, you can collect your (you) on the way out.
>>I believe 70% of my friends watch LoL matches consistently on the weekend, I see no reason why they would stop doing it when they have kids and et cetera, specially since it's only going to become more accepted in our society.
no it never will be
and our society collapses before it does
Americans are too conservative. A lot of people would say the same about gay marriage or women voting in their respective ages (of course e-sports are nowhere near as important, but still).
Except our economy is collapsing and people will have real shit to worry about not retarded fucking esports
Well, thank God we're not the entirety of the western society then. I hope other countries will be able to enjoy the LoL Final in 2030, the biggest sporting event in the world, while we slave away in our failed communist utopia.
>t. Cletus McReynolds who lives 20 miles from his closest neighbor
Nobody is speaking here. We're writing, Nigel.
women's suffrage was a mistake, so don't be surprised if we make another one, like putting league of legends on tv.
>t.another useless suburban piece of shit
>tfw like 90% of our society's ills can be traced to womens voting patterns
really though how the fuck do we fix this
>you have to be a redneck to recognize that this economic system is going down in flames
video games are not sports
neither is chess
>Is he going to get Manchester City and Wolfsburg in the draws?
not so subtle catalan or madrid thug
ZIKA virus more like halalwagonner virus
well to be fair golfsburg almost kicked them out
>I see no harm in it
From what I hear, e-sports is the most cancerous environment in the world. It's like american high school on roids. Sending death threats just to try to bully people out of the industry is on the daily agenda there.
QL was never RNG, but ofc was too skilled based so people stopped playing it.
>Sup Forums unironically enjoys these 3 muppets it seems
Great thread
i know
A sport isn't defined by player salary or the size of the audience.
When did competition become synonym with sport?
>considers it a sport
>says it's not allowed to be discussed on a sports board
nice logic there
War requires physical exertion and strategy
War is a sport now. Another sport America dominates is a plus i guess
>people still don't refer to this chart to settle these dumb questions
as you can see it's clearly not a sport, and belongs on the video game boards. likewise chess isn't a sport and belongs on /tg/ and motor racing isn't a sport and belongs on /o/.
its a sport like day trading is a sport
its not
Solid chart