Let's laugh at the A-League again.
Let's laugh at the A-League again.
Other urls found in this thread:
>27:14 long
>longest video yet
How are we getting shitter every year?
fucking kill yourself, wog
holy crap i only lasted five minutes
im sorry this league is JUST
How does Australia dominate the AFC?
Didn't David Villa play for like, 3 games before he demanded to be sent back to NYC?
so can anyone play in the ayyy-league?Jesus
Because half decent australian players dont play in the shitty ayy league
Asia a shit.
It really does seem like anyone with mediocre athleticism can just walk into this league.
gotta make some time to watch this shit.
how much they get paid? maybe ill move down under and you guys can laugh at me in the bloopers
what was the keeper in the beginning even trying to do? weirdest fucking thing ive ever seen
Daily Mail compiled this so believe it if you want but it seems about right. I thought the median would be bordering on $100K a year
If there wasn't money to be made from it, soccer would be an obscure sport here
gay fc
It is obscure beyond the expat and faggot population tbqh
You sound bitter come on over I'll give you a hug mate
If the W-League is the only sports program in it's time slot, then by default it is the leading sports program in it's timeslot.
He was right
Defend this, Dimitri Papadolopolus
t. Benito Mandetti
t. Asmin Hadziomerovic
t. Yon-Than Nguyen
t. Boris Viskovich
is it our year next season lads?
kYs threadcunt you ugly pathetic piece of literal dog shit
Come on over, I'll give you a hug mate.
t. Alexander Karathanasopoulos
t. Borislav Stojanovic
Who /immigrantparents/ here?
t. Marku Vaduva
t. Dominik Kovačević
Most of these names and surnames aren't even real.
Literally point out a fake one
that's right, you can't you little bitch
Delet this
You sound insecure, come on over I'll give you a hug mate.
literally neck yourself wog piece of shit
execute all wogs
>Hyundai A-League
Why are they still sponsors? There are literally no gooks playing in this shitty league.
Why are they wasting money sponsoring something no one watches anyway? May as well put your name on the fucking baseball league.
ITT: we trigger wogs with photos of un-concreted outdoor areas
Wogs like nothing more than to mow their own lawns and weed the garden bed lad
I have literally never met a wog worth my time.
>tfw defending a championship next season
Defending your visa application too?
Kek, I hadn't realised it before but they literally all have concrete ""gardens""
Why is our league so shit?
How can our national team dominate Asia, but our national league is so far behind in comparison to everyone else?
>Why is our league so shit?
Asia is shit too, our league teams aren't really that much worse.
lol Australians will never be good at relevant sports
""Australians"" don't play divegrass
Literally top of the world in two of the three formats of the second most popular sport globally m8
>If "Australians" played they would be shit anyway
kys Shane
>Australia is anglo
My favourite meme. Literally no one outside of Adelaide is actually anglo.
You literally compete again poo in loos in one, I'll give you Rugby I guess.
Our national team is better than yours.
The only reason you think they're shit is because they're artistically obsessed with cricket. Every remotely talented curry plays nothing but cricket. People who play soccer are just the rejects who were too shit to make the cricket team.
They're not horrible by any means. Back when Pakistan liked hockey, they were almost undefeatable
lol this is the most globally relevant Australian sporting thread every year on Sup Forums
>avoiding my elite truth bombs
You sound upset, come on over I'll give you a hug mate.
Go cry to your nonna m8
Why are you so triggered by wogs?
You are in serious need of a hug mate.
lygon street m8?
>le wogball meme
so original, m80
whereabouts in carlton are you from lad?
didn't know your mother lived in Carlton, user!
hahahahaha! [spoiler]kys wog shit[/spoiler]
ayy lmao
>here, uh, sir. Your shipment has arrived
I literally want to punch every wog I see walking down the street
Yeah, free to air ratings retard.
Do some research on Foxtel ratings. Pretty sure A-League was getting higher viewer ratings than the Premier League. In Australia obviously.
> Pretty sure A-League was getting higher viewer ratings than the Premier League
>b-b-but people pay to watch the exact same thing they can get for free
What relevant sports are Russia good at my Communist brother??
what irrelevant sports are they good at?
You either don't understand, are retarded or trolling.
Either way have a good night m8.
Shhhhh, im baiting him dickhead. FFS :/ Fuckin newfags.
that would be "threadcunt", he is obsessed with cricket and holly, his entire gimmick is attacking soccer because he KNOWS cricket is dying and holly will soon be hooking on the street after her cricket career while Based Elise will be making millions going back to soccer
Can we just laugh at how shit the A-League is without getting into arguments about how nobody cares about it?
Bump for RoosterGOD.