Is "meme chucking" really destroying professional basketball?

Is "meme chucking" really destroying professional basketball?

Basketball has become very boring to me since the past few year, not sure what it is, I rooted for the warriors last finals

now I'm more into Baseball, I dunno it feels comfy now, maybe I'm just getting old

Basketball doesn't do it for me anymore, I feel like I've seen it all already and this is coming from a dude who watches Baseball

what is up with all the steph threads in Sup Forums?? just keep it in /nba/ general faggot!!

wow, american sports sure are depressing

only when they miss

Kinda tbqh

More finesse memery, less two-handed gorilla dunks and not letting motherfuckers in your paint without drawing blood

is probably just me, maybe is a the SJW-cuckery going on in the media of sports like NO MORE that sucked my passion out of them

part of the reason I'm more into Baseball now is since is better on radio where is a local crew rather kikes running the show

Maybe if the NBA wouldn't make it so blatantly obvious that they rig games it would be more entertaining.

How about we fix the foul system so you don't automatically get free throws just for being in the paint.

How about an intentional foul is an automatic ejection from the game?

Steph curry banking a shot from 35 feet away is exciting to me, hack a x is not

Yeah. Teams are too samey now. It is cool when there is only 1 run and gun meme chucking team that occasionally gets upsets, but when you have the 2 top teams in the league who chuck at record levels facing off against each other, then it is hard to get exciting for the shoot the ball from far away play.

Not really, it's just Sup Forums being analy devastated.

For some reason, people love Westbrook, Durant, Melo, Lillard or Kobe isoballing and chucking an infinite amount of contested 2s with 3 defenders on them without giving a fuck to their teammates, and find this absolutely awesome.
But when it's 3s, it becomes disgusting meme chuckers.

Go wonder...

>now I'm more into Baseball


i kekked friend


Nope, it's the best thing to happen to basketball.
The Lebron/Westbrick/KD/Harden etc. style of

>travel down the court
>throw yourself into the defender and take a dumb shot with two hands in your face
>either get a 3 pt play or two FT's despite it really being an offensive foul

was what was killing basketball.

What kills my enjoyment of basketball is TOO MANY FUCKING FREE THROWS

>maybe is a the SJW-cuckery going on in the media of sports like NO MORE that sucked my passion out of them
Yeah. BLM bullshit and constant anti-white propaganda makes it really difficult for me to cheer for niggers. Unfortunately, they don't show /hoc/ in Asia.

how do we fix this "sport"?

You're maturing. Welcome.

Does "meme chucking" just mean "being historically great at shooting threes" or am I missing something?


No, I think you've grasped the sum of Sup Forums's argument.

What they need to do is make it so if you're going backwards and some faggot runs into you, it's not a foul. I honestly can't believe they let some guy just lower his head, barrel into the lane, and if the defender does ANYTHING but stand stock still like a statue and lets himself get bowled over it's a foul.

Even when they stand still it's a fucking foul about half the time. It's unbelievable that in a game with 100 points scored per team, people are okay with 40 of them coming from the ref whistle.

no it's made the sport watchable again

Despite this feeling I get that whenever a forward or guard touches the ball they might "chuck" up a 3, I'm more bothered by this shit

chucking up threes at least requires shooting skill

iso refball/bulldoze ball is infinitely worse as all it requires is the league willing to manufacture a superstar.

yes, I need my giganigs carrying the ball like a runningback and diving towards the hoop

now THAT'S basketball

Only when they go in.

Only if someone is good at it

Been watching NBA as my favorite league since 2000.

I don't think its destroying pro ball at all. What you see happening is everyone trying to copy the warriors meme success or ajust to it defensively which only makes the game better.
Soon teams will waste their high draft picks on meme shooters that won't come close to Curry's and the Warriors memeball.

Look at the Lakers, they could of had Porzingis, or a decent future pg in Mudiay but they opted for memeball'Angelo.

No. Superstar players leaving their teams early are ruining the NBA. No loyalty= No real rivalries. Also, no real superstar Centers have changed the game.

What the fuck?

>I-am-a-racist-faggot-but-can't-properly-explain-why-so-here-are-some-codewords-I-can-throw-around, the post.

This. Chucking the ball is just throwing it up at the rim. When you shoot a good to great percentage from a certain distance, its not chucking. "Meme" just got added to it because that is what 4vhan does.

>chucking the ball to the rim is boring and pointless

>"chucking" their entire body at the rim is fun and exciting

destroying it in the sense that there is no real counter to it because you don't want to risk giving out three FTs for playing aggressive perimeter defense. the jews gutted basketball with their ridiculous rule changes.

Yes it's like when you throw someone while they're blocking in street fighter 2: technically within the rules but takes the fun out of playing the game


fuck freethrows, every foul should result in taking the ball out of bounds. A shooting foul resets the 24. Suddenly u must play basketball to win. Also kills the end of game foulfest

>muh athleticism!!!!

Fuck that.

Always nice to see when a team is down to some team with 20+ free throws and just start making those 3s and eclipse them.

apehoop just isn't a very interesting game

Once you get a whole bunch of guys who have mastered it fairly well it just becomes two teams exchanging 3 pointers

OP is autist.

Yes. It used to be epic when players hit a nice clean three pointer but now the Golden Meme Warriors have made the league into a chucking contest it just isn't as exciting anymore.

LeBron has a dog shit three pointer now, but at least we get to appreciate how GOAT his mid-ranger jumper and drives are.


*yawns* I haven't heard this argument a million times before! :rollseyes:

I didn't hate this style until I started really watching Harden.

In a game against the Cavs last season, Harden has the ball when he hooks his arm around LeBron and then asks the ref for a foul. He did this twice. Made me wonder if he was legitimately retarded.

Meme chucking to the level of the warriors makes other parts of the game like getting out rebounded or losing the turnover battle irrelevant. Its anti fundamentals. Basketball purists will never accept it

>neo Sup Forums


I... what? If throws didn't exist in fighting games, they would be insanely boring. The guard would be completely overpowered, as you'd have no way to attack a defending player.
Throws are here to give a rock/paper/scissors possibility: guard breaks hits, throws break guard, hits break throws.

I'm sorry, but are you retarded?

It will gradually ruin the nba because you will need to shoot threes almost exclusively to win games as time goes on. Everything else will become obsolete because three is higher than two.

Stop tuning into E!S(jw)PN. It rots your fucking mind. Only stay for the games you want to watch, then right back into the trash it goes. Keep your SJW pseudo-political race-baiting bullshit to yourself. I hate what the worldwide leader in twitter coverage has become.

>inb4 shitty teams are literally going to attempt the Grinnell system in an NBA game.

Then it's simple, we add a four point line.

>dude who watches Baseball

Neo Sup Forums is busy rooting for LeBeta right now

Nice try spic

when do you get into football? can you make a timeline of the right sport to follow based on age?

You're growing up user.

The corner three needs to be eliminated, you could just have the line run to the out of bounds lines on either sideline with threes only extending from the elbows to the top of the court. The fact that NBA players make the corner three at such a high rate fucks everything up.

>implying neo Sup Forums aren't the meme lovin' casuals like yourself
>mfw america only knows one insult
you must be a trump supporter ain't you pal?

>how to stop meme shooting
>make help/assist defense illegal again like the 90s

problem solved

>"meme chucking"
>shooting the basketball
>the most fundamental part of basketball

Sup Forums in general

/Espee/ is basically reddit and newfags its just the world we live in

Probably the worst idea I've ever heard

"meme chucking" isnt a problem

The fact that the NBA isn't even TRYING to hide that they rig games anymore is the problem.

>mfw Steph is still 35% from 4pt

you're underestimating him Reminder that Curry was almost shooting 36% earlier this season from 39 feet and beyond (4/11).

This. The NBA is unwatchable because of its officiating.


How? Magnets?

During the regular season I didn't really have a problem with it, but this Playoff's series has shown how luck-based it truly is, Golden State have only lost matches when they forget that you can shoot inside the paint, and have a low memechuck % while forgetting what an offensive rebound is

Make the 3 point line a 4 point line and make a regular field goal worth 3.

Problem solved

I think you are on to something. The problem is not the 3 point line itself, the problem is the 3 pointer has a 50% higher value than 2 pointer.

If it was a 4 point line, and FGs were only 3 points, the value difference would only be 33%, which is much more in line.

This. I was tired of seeing monkeys body slamming each other dunking the ball.
Curry's 3pt throws has a climatic suspense to it.

Exactly . Now instead of curry being a possession ahead after chucking 2 3s, it would take 3 3s to be on the same pace.

Cucks on here are mad that their bulls are getting stumped by skill and not retard gigganigger genetics.

>watching baseball
Do the nurses at your retirement home wheel the tv into your room for you too?

Yes. Delete the three point line.

Should be teams choice to either shoot or inbound with a new 24 when in bonus.