If your state has fewer than three major pro teams, it's an irrelevant state

If your state has fewer than three major pro teams, it's an irrelevant state.

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Funny enough the purple ones are the only ones known outside the US so there's that.

>Maryland is less relevant than Missouri

People outside the US don't know shit about Pennsylvania

Everyone knows PA is the Alabama of the North

>Everyone knows PA is the Alabama of the North

nah that's michigan

Philadelphia and hershey bars, what more is there to know about fampai

Maryland should be yellow. Orioles, Ravens and Redskins.


Not even remotely comparable

Amish, pretzels, and sandwiches

Do you think Nebraska could support an NFL or MLB team?
Like they do with the Huskers.

you forgot heroin addiction

Pittsburgh and steak and cheese

New York has 8, New Jersey has 3

That's West Virginia

desu I moved from PA to California and the only thing I reallly miss is Heinz Field and Sheetz

Missouri has both St Louis and Kansas City

West Virginia and Pennsylvania are the same

Sheetz is the shit for 3AM drunken food binges.



now go ahead and tell me how pizza is american....

Martainsburg is the junkie capital of the mid Atlantic.

Ease up, Adolph. Pennsylvania is infested with Germans.

>Blue Jays


Who /relevant/ here

not Canadia

Pennsylvania was pretty much all founded by Germans, brah

It's why we have the best beer and baked goods

Except for the two major cities in Pennsylvania, yeah pretty much

Both of which are garbage cities

So....is there any reason why California has 16 sports teams?

New York City has more people than LA.

Still, two fairly large cities. MD has Baltimore.

Oh look it's this meme again.

When your State has a GDP higher than most countries come talk to me

What other cities of note does Cali have that isn't a glorified LA suburb like Anaheim or San Diego?

San Diego
Los Angeles
San Francisco
San Jose

NY has NYC and Buffalo


San Diego is a four hour car trip from LA

Soccer isn't a major sport in the US

Americans know about the muh heritage meme, but they just can't help themselves. If you're born in America you aren't German. You aren't Irish. You aren't Italian. Oh and give up on the 1/64th Cherokee shit, it's embarrassing.

Most of those places are either LA suburbs, have something to do with LA or are within an hour flight of LA

Literally nothing. Well done

Philadelphia is a 40 minute flight from Washington DC, therefore Philadelphia is a suburb of DC.

>city 2 hours away is a suburb


>within an hour flight
That's a bit broad don't you think? Aren't all those north east coast cities within that range? Like NYC, Baltimore, DC, phillie, Boston?

different states.

State lines in America mean something. There's a drastic cultural difference between New York and New Jersey that doesn't exist between San Diego and San Francisco

Jesus God, New Yorkers are self important pricks.
>mfw when only Texans are more fucking annoying

Please don't speak on things you know nothing about

Most Americans aren't more than a couple generation removed from immigrants. They brought their heritage with them and maintained it. PA is German as fuck. Minnesota is Swedish as fuck. New York is Italian/Jewish/Puerto Rican as fuck. Florida is Cuban as fuck. Why is that so hard to understand?

Of course you are. "American" isnt an ethnicity, its people that hold citizenship in the US.

If I have a child in the US with my Swedish girlfriend that child will be Swedish by ethnicity, and only american by citizenship.

>implying that New Jersey is any different than New York. Or Philadelphia for that matter

Sven gets it.

That's not Californians

Pizza was invented in New Haven, Connecticut you mong. its American.

is a list that there is a city that has only soccer at a professional level

The City (or State) Of Soccer


7/10 if trolling

Nah, Washington County Pa had 73 ODs in 3 days.

New Yorkers and Texans are the worst. Californians aren't even close.

Yeah and the Jersey Shore guys are real live Italians right? I'm talking about culture.

I have Scottish grandparents, does that make me a Scot? No, I didn't grow up in Scotland, and I have no real cultural connection to the land. If I were American I'd be running around in a kilt talking shit about brave William Wallace and how the English are bastards.

>Virginia has no teams

The fuck man, we should have at least, we gotta be the biggest state with no team. I guess DC counts as our team in every instance.

I didn't say that they were real live Italians, I said they brought and maintained their heritage. If you go to any major city in the northeast, Philly, NY, Boston, Baltimore, they have an Italian section, a German section, a Jewish section, an Irish section, a Hispanic section, a black section, with all the cultural color and flavor that goes with it, it's just the way it is. Even Scottish people in Scotland don't wear fucking kilts.

Look, Aus, I know you don't like to think about your ancestors' criminal past, but some people in America are proud of where they and their family came from. Many of them brought their culture with them.
Around here, we don't have a serial problem of criminal scum in our family trees.

>cultural difference
>doesn't exist between San Diego and San Francisco

Finally Arizona is relevant!


>Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio

Virginia has no big cities.

>Even Scottish people in Scotland don't wear fucking kilts
That's my point, you might think you're ''preserving the culture'', but that ''culture'' would be completely alien to people from that country. If you think being Irish is about drinking green Guinness and having a shamrock tattoo then you might want to go to actual Ireland. Ask mexicans if they think chicanos represent authentic mexican culture.

Too bad there is not a city (or state) in USA, which only have soccer at the professional level

The City (or State) Of Soccer

your cities don't reach the population density required to have a major league team, VA has a shit ton of small-medium cities, this of course is if you're not counting DC, which let's be real. DC is totally VA territory

That's called globalization my friend. Japanese women don't go to the supermarket in Kimonos anymore. They wear western style dress. The only places that still wear traditional garb are third world shitholes like the Middle East, Mongolia and Africa. Do you think that heritage only comes down to the way people dress? It's religion, food, morals, language, family dynamics, music, sports, etc. I live on the East Coast where all this shit comes together. It's part of my everyday life. I go in to peoples homes everyday. They have bits and pieces of their ethnicity all over their houses. The embrace it. It's part of them. Just like the way you worship kangaroos and Mel Gibson and AC/DC. Jesus fucking Christ you're thick.

That vast swath of nothing between Washington and Minnesota

holy fuck, kill yourselves.

When did I mention my heritage? I just said that Pennsylvania was originally settled mostly by German immigrants

Please have sex, you autist

Thank God I can post in this thread

That's why college sports is so big in places like that. Virginia and big parts of the South included. They got nothing else going.

That's why college sports are so big in those areas. Including the South.

Georgia is getting an MLS team, so theyre at 4 now


Literally no one lives there

It's all oil, coal, farms, and Injuns

Some day when I'm modestly wealthy, I wanna buy a cabin up in Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming

Maine, CT, Vermont, and New Hampshire all have 1 retard


>2 of the 5 biggest metro areas in the US
>4 of the top 30

Bay Area

I agree.

>It's fine to be a 'muh heritage' fag if you're not chicano
get the fuck out my country


>counting CFL and MLS

Holy fuck California. Give back the Lakers please.

If you're going to do it by area represented, all of New England needs to have 1. The Patriots represent all of NE.

this is literally what flyovers believe

Shut up

>Californians aren't even close


...and Baltimore isn't?

>my little sawker

Into the trash it goes


That's WV or Indiana.

Hoosier here, it's us and I'm damn proud of it. We're very redneck/hick but we aren't southern, we're still Midwestern.

West Virginia on the other hand is like Kentucky. Neither of them were confederate states, but they are southern for sure in this day and age.

Do the Nationals count? And the Wizards?

Only two of those cities are in Southern California. Northern California has a completely different identity than SoCal. Also the Bay Area has the best teams ;)

You want to know how I know you're retarded?

Have you ever been outside your basement?