Is racism a big deal in your country ?
France, yes, we have no arabs in our national team because this country hates them
Is racism a big deal in your country ?
France, yes, we have no arabs in our national team because this country hates them
We hate nigger too and NT is full of them.
Get over it momo, if every arab stopped choosing Algeria over French NT then we would have some in our team.
>France, yes
>team is nearly all niggers
Okay Muhammad
Yes and I'm fine with it. Racism and prejudice is a good thing. Niggers and muhamads can be racist against other races in their own countries too I don't mind.
black people get a pass these days
arabs aren't allowed, they'd rather have fucking GIROUD LMAO
>Racism and prejudice is a good thing.
What did he mean by this?
My country is 100% shit-tier Slav blood and flesh, no immigrants here.
In fact there are so few immigrants here, we treat each one of them with respect.
Because they are not here.
>get caught using underage prostitutes
>get caught blackmailing team mate with sex scandal
>not called on nt
>i-it's because I'm m-m-muslim
fookin subhuman
none of that is true
>being this delusional
I bet you think you don't have a job because french are racists too, not because you drop out of school at the age of 15
That analogy is retarded because Benzema and Ben Arfa are objectively the best players
t. Ahmed from the banlieu
>none of that is true
kek, it was all a made up conspiracy
t. mahmoud hammouche
The whore claimed to be 18 and he didn't blackmail the dwarf
those are facts
Benzema is the best 9 in France, what he did with valbuena, while it's not blackmail, is stupid enough to justify him not getting called.
Martial, payet and griezman are better than ben arfa. I would prefer him over coman but that's not a scandale.
Oh and Rami is arab too.
look how small it is
>The whore claimed to be 18
so it's true that he paid for underage prostitute lel
>and he didn't blackmail the dwarf
he took part in black mail, urging him to pay to recover the sex tape
both accusations are true, ahmed
bougnoul from la cité detected,
you must be wearing Algeria national kit with Mahrez on your back.
Benzema was a ghost in the CL final.
i'll cheer your defeat in 8e
he played?
For those that don't speak spanish:
>Benzema romps his silence
>Deschamps has pledged to the pressure of a racist party in France
>Zidane is like my major Herman
>The 23 of everything
Not really just against pakis but they dont play football anyway
you need to go back ahmed abou bakar
Yes, we don't want to be neighboring Jerome Boateng.
>Be French
>get shot by Muslim
>still feel guilty of being white
i can't afford a house neighboring Jerome Boateng
>we have no arabs in our national team because this country hates them
Selfhating arabs? That's new.
is this the attitude of the modern European male? "Not enough Muslims need more".
Not even Sup Forums but Europe is so fucked, lmao
Benzema isn't even arab. He is Berber and the white variety of berbers like Zidane.
Its not Europe but mostly Northern Europe. Northern Europeans are too altruistic for their own good. You will never see Spaniards giving up jamon or Italians prosciutto because it offends muzzies. In Germany however they already stopped selling pork sausages.
>Arab says there are not enough Muskims in the team
>the modern European male
Go put some more black people on your money, Americuck
>In Germany however they already stopped selling pork sausages.
lol wut?
Is this what your media is telling you?
jesus christ, americans have to be the most misinformed people on the this planet....
Can't you read basic spanish? Seriously nigger what do they teach you at the gas station.
>Is racism a big deal in your country
Yes. Feels bad man.
pre 2015
>haha the swedes are cucks of europe
post 2015
>ja its good we are multicultural in Germany. more refugees please. guten tag.
I love how deluded you germancucks are. At least it took minorities more than hundred years in USA to get some rights and all this dumb shit developed really slowly. On the other hand German national team was not long ago all white players and now it's full of kebabs and niggers. In no time you ll be minority in your country and trust me it ll happen sooner than in USA. First Hitler now Merkel. Instead of bullying Japan in WW2 Americans would do more good if they just flattened your whole shitty country.
Why are slavs always so mad at western Europe?
>public canteens in one state with few mudslimes
>story is confirmed bullshit
>now it's full of kebabs and niggers
5/23 = 21% =/= "full"
but yeah, minorities are overrepresented in football, because that's oftentimes the only way out of the ghetto for them
>In no time you ll be minority in your country and trust me it ll happen sooner than in USA.
top lel, no way
The US is only 60% white at this point, we are still at 90% white.
Now go back to being irrelevant, meme croatia
No, abos are shit at everything.
>a non-european country founded on Native American lands is 60% white so is a joke but a European nation homeland of white people is 30% more white than said non- European nation
Germancuck please.
None of this makes sense
Spanish journalism, am I right?
>"i-it doesn't matter, b-because our country was always supposed to be shit"
lel, you goddamn cuck
Also, I doubt your founding fathers planned to make white people a minority in their country.
America was literally a land for European settlers and was founded as such.
America was also 90% white in the 1950s.
To be fair to him, white europeans will disappear given a few generations. And germans will be amongst the first to disappear if not the first because their fertility rate is absolutely shit compared to the mudslimes.
France won't be too far behind though.
Racism is the biggest deal in the USA now. As opposed to the late 90s early 2000s when race relations were actually good.
Benzema said that Algeria is his country, and only is in France for sport purposes.
America was 87-90 % white from its founding until the mid 20th century
yep, pork is literally the base of our diet
>As opposed to the late 90s early 2000s when race relations were actually good.
Were you born after 1998?
What about those that speak English?
>"oy vey, those dirty racists dont let those poor creatures play football, this is worse than the holohoax, pls send more rapefugges, thx lol"
Just letting you know you made me burst out laughing lmao
>anything besides north Europe
Why are they dressed in togas and bath robes?
Whats in the box?
only one way to find out. open it.
>dude Vikings lmao
>dude we lived in mud huts lmao
>dude we lived like African tribals until Christianity lmao
How did Zidane play for you then
Jesus you make all Americans look fucking stupid. Arab's are defined by culture not by race, now please go kill yourself.
>Zidane is like my major Herman
Kek, good one.
Well, it exists, but its definitely a lot more passive and a "I'll put up with you to your face, but talk shit about you behind your back kind of way", and usually only used to express anger at people who did legitimately stupid things in the first place regardless of their race.
I dont think most people care that much, they just dont want to see what is the tiny pieces of existing canadian culture/identity disappear (canadian culture is shit enough already).
how come crossaints are too stupid to understand that niggers and arabs cant play soccer? they are low iq and can only operate on easy positions like striker or pacebabby winger, where u dont need a lot of vision to to shit. when it comes to filling a team full of them, you are left with obvious holes because there are no good defenders or midfielders. also arabs and blacks are shit tier bantz and are not fun people to be around
It is a problem! There isn't enough of it. Coming from the land that acts as a shining example of why living with these terrorist cunts does not work and never will. I implore you western Europe. sort your shit and get them out.