i think he is right, there are only white aryan men in the france national team.
also it would not make sense if he would get excluded just because he tried to blackmail someone of the Natonalteam.
i think he is right, there are only white aryan men in the france national team.
also it would not make sense if he would get excluded just because he tried to blackmail someone of the Natonalteam.
Good morning.
>first name is Karim
too risky, might launch terrorist attack
Yeah of course.
It's not like the french team is full of niggers (some of whom are even muslim -> Pobbà), it's all ultraconservative christian white males selected from the german border regions.
Nevermind that the cunt is still under investigation from criminal conduct and his image in France is worse than Balotelli's in Italy, it must certainly be racism.
You guys are being ironic but all arab people in France (including celebrities) are saying there's not ennough muslims in the team because France is a racist country, it's like a big debate right now.
France please don't turn into SWEDEN YES
>not ennough muslims in the team
Ridiculous. How many are there?
There's not enough fucking Frenchmen in the team.
>there needs to be muslims in the team or else it's racist
Daily reminder that liberalism is a mental disorder
Did anyone even try presenting them with the reality of their being like 10% of the population tops, and as such not "entitled" to anything more than 2 players?
racist goy, muslims are frenchmen.
>Team is full of blacks. France is a racist country.
Arabs will ALWAYS say there aren't enough muslims. Until everything is 100% muslim. People never get this.
He's definitely good enough mind you.
It's exactly the same situation as the Oscar's one it seems. If the starting line-up was;
Sagna - Sakho - Varane - Clichy
Ben Arfa ----- Benzema --- Payet
I dont think there would be any controversy.
Dishonor on you, dishonor on Charlemagne
do these arabs realize how hard they are grasping on this issue when the entire team is black muslim?
Benzema was banned from call up by tge french fa, so it was out of deschamps hands.
The bigger problem is with all the fucking friendlies over the past 9 months why he never tried any new players like ben arfa or coquelin, but has no problem calling morgan replaced by 35 year old carrick schneiderlin and lassana unvisible for 4 years diarra
France will pay for this decision, same thing every year from France
Batsman is Belgian m8.
beligum is no country.
it is part of france, netherlands and germany.
Well that certainly would be controversial then
He's so right. Them evil racist frenchies would never let a filthy muslim on the national team, nor give him any acclaim.
Kevin please
It's a football team not a rainbow simulation
too many whites on England la, need more blacks and irish.
I think people are just salty that DD took Giroud instead of Ben Arfa which is understeable when you compare their seasons. However they are going full retards about it and it leads to shameful displays like what you said or when they booed Giroud during that last friendly.
He took Giroud because of his strategic profile.
Ben Arfa is a Payet and Griezman clone
I'm sure one of their Africans is a Muslim
Its not about muslim its about racist against those of north african descent ffs.
and it's a mute point anyway since benzema was banned by the FA of france, it's like he didn't get the memo.
the ben arfa point is dumb he could have easily taken out moussa shitsoko. him and cabaye always get a definitive spot no matter what the form. and even further gameiro doesn't get called up either.
if the maghrebis weren't blackmailing other team mates with sex tapes then maybe they would be on the team. MENA french seem to be the dindu nuttins of France. The blacks of France seem to be more mature and adult in their attitude in my view.
Ben Arfa deserved to be on the list desu
you had one job Didier
i imagine the arabs just want the white ethnic french players off the team replaced by their mohamadan brothers. thats my assumption or is there a conflict between arabs and blacks? I know arab women love the BBC and this may cause arab men jealousy.
Its not even a they thing its benzema being retarded. He was banned months ago and is only saying shit now because cantona was spouting shit.
they are absolute dindus and the blacks too tbqh
More than gameiro?
Why werent they called up before for friendlies?
No one is gonna call racism on "north africans" because all the big name players of North African descent like Zidane, Benzema and Nazri are fucking white. You can't play the race crd when you are the same damn race as the supposed suppressors.
In case you haven't noticedzidane and nasri retired, benzema is banned and cantona literally did just that last week and now benzema.
Its not racism just shit squad management from deschamps
>zidane has retired
No really?please tell me more oh wise one.
>>zidane retired
source ?
laws against blackmailing are racist towards sandniggers
You are talking about zidane and nasri as big players when they are retired, have nohing to do with the current french NT and your point of no one calling the racism card is completely wrong
So how is getting taped fucking a slut and being told about it Benzemas fault? It's like having toothpaste or food on your mouth, it's awkward to tell me about it but it has to be done. It's just a manlet getting drunk and making dumb decisions.
blackmailing for money is pretty much illegal everywhere.
>how is getting taped fucking a slut and being told about it Benzemas fault?
benzema acted as a middle man to get valbuena pay to recover the tape, you nigger
blackmailing infidels is halal
this is the most dindu post I have ever read on this site.
>benz wuz a gud boy. he dindu nuttin .blame the ebil midget for getting extorted for money.
It makes perfect logical sense to be discriminatory against muslims.
Ramadan starts next week and ends just before the euro's final.
portugal always low quality posts.
muslims don't have to fast, that is so great about the islam, they can do whatever they want under certain circumstances.
Well don't willfully fuck women on camera.
>France will pay for this decision
is that a threat?
sounds very terroristic. might forward this to french authorities 2bh
>black muslim
you wot ? the only non sandnigger muslim is Ribery
black french people are usually nonreligious like most french people, Benzema too desu, you can't fuck underage prostitutes and claim you're a true muslim I guess.
>muslims don't have to fast, that is so great about the islam, they can do whatever they want under certain circumstances.
>that is so great about the islam
I think you'll find that the rest of us can eat whatever we want whatever the circumstances
the fast is made from days before proper food storage, and only became a religious thing so people wouldn't be mad over the lack of available food
>devout muslim
hes probably one of those kaffirs that would rather drink a shot from a strippers bellybutton than eat pork
Is it because he's halal
>the only non sandnigger muslim is Ribery
Kante Pogba Giroud are muslims
I'm in espana at moment, my iPhone says UK because of three sim card, but no halal people here saw one woman in head scarf must be on holiday from Leicester
This is Sup Forums level of deflecting the truth. Benzema said that a racist part of France has had an agenda against him, pushing for him being out of the team, which is true. The Front National loved that story and used it.
Now about the "crime", still no judgement, and the people who were pushing for him to go out (politicians) are all known for being criminals. We have a serious problem in France when the "exemplary" criteria is pushed over athlets but put aside when it comes to the people in charge.
Brenzema isn't saying France, Deschamps or Le Graet are racist, he is saying that Him being out of the team was accelerated by a racist agenda.
Based Three Anywhere
>they can do whatever they want under certain circumstances.
You are talking about taquiya and it only allows you to so haram stuff if your health/life is at risk
Or, you know, him being shit at RM and getting subbed out in the final, but I guess we can all cling to delusions about muh racism (Islam is not a race btw) rather than admitting benzememe is trash
>murica in charge of talking about football
the guy literally just had maybe his best season in years, and the guys taking his place are a fat gypsie playing in liga MX and a sub in Arsenal. but I guess you only watched the CL final
this is like the 4th american post having no fucking clue wtf is even going on.
If he wasn't already banned, he would be in the squad, CL aside
T.Abdel Mabrouk
No Arabs in the French team. Feels good lads. They can't use it as a political shams to spread their multiculti bullshit "BLACK+WHITE+ARAB 2016 France" and shit like this.
It doesn't work anymore as there are no arabs anymore.
They are so pissed about it lol.
Fucking genocide them
He's a great player, the problem is that he blackmailed a teammate and might be facing jail time.
Yes man. Three network is good for abroad. I'll post some drunk qts from Veronica's strip later
He's fucking shit in NT you nigger yank. He played 1200 minutes (= about 15 matches) without scoring one goal. And he's a striker.
He never played well with the nt.
He was replaced in one day and nobody but kebabs are missing him.
Ben Arfa, Benzema, Ribery, Nasri and co are toxic elements in the national team. It doesn't matter how well they do in their clubs, it doesn't matter that they're muslims, they're just dumb cunts who have no place in the France team. Crying about a "racist agenda" (when the team is full of blacks!) is just avoiding the fact that they're entitled assholes that were badly raised by their parents.
Fuck them.
yanks should be banned from posting on the european spee threads.
our whole NT has been shit since 2006, reminder that our midfield was cabaye and valbuena
it's for the better
Don't want France to be a good team
Oz opinion into the bin... Mind you my cousin u are right when some of you say u will beat ingerlandd in future
Giroud is Catholic m8.
I am sure they started the shitshow in the Brazil World Cup right? Evra and African niggers did
well if they want more moslem players to be in french team
a) ban all north african football federations from luring players who were born and raised in france to play for their national teams
b) moslems should focus more on sport rather than killing kuffar around them
Benzema shouldn't be on the NT after blackmailing one of his teammates.
>ban all north african football federations from luring players who were born and raised in france to play for their national teams
The problem is that Africans in France don't really feel like they're French. So they're always going to want to play for an African team, especially if they weren't really good enough for the NT when they were teens (like Mahrez, Bentaleb, and Assou-Ekoto).
>Muslims try to bomb match in Paris
>Muslims kill Real Madrid supporters club in Iraq
It's about winning games, and they can't without him
I first thought benzema said non because he knew some terrorist shit was going down and didn't want to get explodered
Tbf with the way Gigniac is playing in Tigres he deserves the call-up