June 2nd, 2016 (Thursday) - Game 1
>9 PM Eastern
Cleveland Cavaliers @ Golden State Warriors
June 2nd, 2016 (Thursday) - Game 1
>9 PM Eastern
Cleveland Cavaliers @ Golden State Warriors
Other urls found in this thread:
/nba/ was right as always
daily reminder that the boston celtics will be the next nba dynasty starting next year
2017 NBA MVP
Who's our guy?
Who /KD/ here?
Who /75-7/ here?
Who /lilbcursedontworkwiththespurs/ here?
There he is! Milanafag with the delusional post once again!
>post lebrons reaction when he realizes hes no longer playing against eastern conference teams
>NBA owners in pursuit of KD in the offseason are preparing a "Lil B Apology Clause" in their contracts to avoid the curse from transferring, a private source reports
>Its a /nba/ green texts the entire thread episode
Stay scared faggot lmao
You're legit pathetic
You're legit scared.
When are >we gonna get good bros
>tfw durant signs with the Warriors and California gets a 10 earthquake and the bay falls into the ocean
I go to New York twice a year, can I say >we now?
currently /nba/fying this pepe
lazy nezumi pro is a great tool btw if you use photoshop, steadies your mouse..i use the "smoothing pulled string" setting
I know this may be a pretty retarded question, but I'm new to NBA and have only been watching the play-offs.
But how does the final work? Is it just 1 match or is it like a best of 7 again?
Best of 7 again, 4 home games for GSW
>best of 7 again
this 2-2-1-1-1 again
Alright thanks. How is that determined btw? Who gets 4 home games and who only gets 3?
yea that is a pretty retarded question.
better over all record (presumably with head to head tie breaker if needed)
gsw was 73-9, better than whatever the cavs were so gsw has home court advantage
also if you are coloring, changing the layer from normal to "multiply," and using another layer from your ink layer is a lot easier than trying to do everything in one layer
>no more Inside the NBA for literally 5 months.
He is conning home lads!!!
Autism rivers
LeGod's getting one fo da land lads
in addition use of the magic wand tool's "sample all layers" will save you from having to manually fill in with a brush...fill with paint bucket, set layer to "multiply" and clean up the white near the ink linkes by drawing over them
da (Oak)land
Can you make a Knicks version of that m8
>such thing as happy, optimistic Knicks pepes
sure senpai
Thanks familia
That's a pretty retarded question m8
here's a webm showing that technique
This is actually gunna be a pretty good Finals tbqh. There's no need to rig it for either team because either one helps the NBA. If Warriors win they go down as the best team ever and if Lebron wins he has accomplished the impossible. It's a win win for that dirty ass jew Silver
>mfw porgod
I'm /all_in/ but if GSW wins and Thompson gets the MVP... Shit, will I have myself a chuckle.
oops, here's the png
the land would go crazy if it got a title from the memeiors
id become an instant fan too. my guy? delly of course
>tfw i gotta get a blood test tommorow
>tfw I'm 50/50 on whether I got diabetes
fuark mates, will Simmons ever develop a jump shot?
Make a Spurs one with a KD2016 patch somewhere
My guy is Kyrie tbqh. I liked him since he was a rookie. I hope he breaks currys glass ankles with his mad handles
He barely showed up in the last finals, I hope he shows up and breaks the 3 point record in a game this finals.
>tfw you cant spell choke without okc
Sweet! Thanks my man
>tfw you can't spel choke without Chris Paul
>חוזר לאירופה: דייויד בלאט סיכם בדרושפאקה
(He returns to Europe: David Blatt signed with Bdrosfakh)
this is where he belongs desu
>tfw we are holding photoshop classes in /nba/
delly is so likeable
can you do one for the Celtics?
Man you know it's all about getting one for da land
It's too early for this
I second the motion
>watching the NBA finals this year
It's a foregone conclusion. So, why even bother?
Yeah LeBrun has this locked up
is that girl greek
is this 3x3 /nba/-core?
is anybody running any classic games streams tonight? that would be dope
Nigga fuck your 3x3s. No one gives a fuck about your music taste. Fuck you
Will we ever have another true dominant center in the league?
Anthony Davis, KAT, DeMarcus Cousins
>can't even make an All NBA team
>can't even keep a coach
But can he do it at crunchtime?
We out here
>those thirsty white girls in the bg
>millennials getting so damn lazy they can't even type out background
How old r u grandpa?
>in the bg
anthony davis , kat , even demarcus arent true dominant centers he means centers who will dunk on u every chance and will always work in the post never taking 3 pointers or jump shots thats what he means
great centers know all the fundamentals. Just look at Olajuwon.
I hate both Cleveland and golden state. What the fuck am I supposed to do now
you should stop posting here
No u
kill yourself
I love both Cleveland and golden state. What the fuck am I supposed to do know
Continue posting
Durant isn't leaving