>tfw the French national football team is filled to the brim with niggers and other shitskins. Frenchmen, how do you feel about this? How does France feel about it?
Tfw the French national football team is filled to the brim with niggers and other shitskins. Frenchmen...
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They ARE french, born in france and better than other french players white or not, that's the new french identity
Pick one
they are the ones with the biggest cocks so it makes sense to include them on the team
And you arrived at that conclusion, how? What do cocks have to do with football? Do you use them in Australian Football?
All depends on blackies
why dont they cross over to germany?
we have so few niggers. its really rare to see one.
>this will be the last tournament with a predominantly white German team
>this is another "France is black" thread
come on Nelson, don't tell me you didn't know that France has an obsession with cocks
France was shit at the game. When did they start being actually good? Once they introduced nignogs
>Team that won in 1984
>Team that won in 1998
>Team that won in 2000
They represent everything that is wrong with society.I honestly believe they pay them to play for France
>falling for the " Just because you're born somewhere you have to be patriotic for that country" meme
>not emigrating
but France is mostly black right? at least from a football point of view
nothing wrong with that
>south AFRICA complaining about there being too many blacks in other countries
Your opinion is irrelevant.
France was always good. They had Fontain and Kopa before that.
you're a big meme elitist
France wasnt good at all. Their sucess is super recent and football wasnt even that big of a support over there not so long ago, they prefered rugby.
That's why they had to buy all the blacks, to make the National team good and to bring awareness to the support because all the French love some black meat
Obviously as a big of a country as they are they were bound to have a couple of over average players but the team didnt have any sucess
You are just new. Better fuck off and stay on 9gag.
Why the fuck did i write support?
I meant sport obviously
lol you butthurt kukk
how mad do you get when you see muslims in the street
fat neet loser
They have been awful the last tournaments, and thats when they have had the maximum number of nogs
>Poor people are shitskins
>Poor people play football
>Better french players are de facto shitskins
Also the "muh physical nigger" policy led by the french football federation explain why the french team is full of them.
>tfw lived in France for 3 and a half months
>in Saint Raphael
>tfw the neighboring city (Frejus) elected a mayor from Front National
I was surprised back then, but in hindsight I get why people are increasingly upset there.
Because it's not just Paris, cities like Nice and especially Marseille have it just as bad if not worse.
I've seen ghettos there, that are way worse than anything I've seen in Germany.
nah they were always a top 10 NT, then they because top 5 in the late 90s.
I'm black myself so im pretty fine with it
Frenchmen dont give a shit because they dont live in litteral shitholes with the only thing preventing to kill themselves is being "white"
>mfw i see a litteral who country criticizing france on internet
France is the USA of Europe, not kidding. Paris has some of the wildest shit ever seen, to put NYC in shade. That's the way France is. Besides in Europe, everybody can educate themselves to proper careers. White good players usually concentrate on school, whereas nignogs just keep on playing to win in life.
White people usually watch rugby in France, but also the blacks/arabs playing rugby are much more patriotic than the ones playing football. Just check a youtube video of Yannick Nyanga crying while singing the Marseillaise.
Being from S.Africa you should know.
Blacks = footie
Whites = ruggie
How do you feel about Arab/Muslim immigrants in France tho?
See also Scott Spedding à South African player who cried when he was selected the first Time for french rugby team.
You just jelly that SA rapes you poms in rugby with a predominantly based white squad? It's going to be okay, just drink your tea like a good faggot and enjoy your black football squad.
When did Sup Forums turn into Sup Forums
we /spol/ now
Every board is Sup Forums property. Get used to it or fuck off to reddit/tumblr for your safe space.
Hey, I'm Portuguese and will be visiting Portugal next week until the end of June. How good are our chances in France this year? Where are all the fan zones going to be?
>Someone talking about blacks not belonging in Europe as he posts from Africa
Boers 'n shit.
Maybe white frenchies should get gud at soccer.
You do now that France ranked 3rd in the 1958 world cup, right? France has been consistently good for the last 70 years (with a low in the mid-60's though).
top 8 in 2014 WC and 2012 Euro. Could have been better, indeed, but a fucking lot of teams would be happy to be as awful as this.
2008 and 2010 were comicaly bad, though.
maybe white frenchies should just git gud instead of letting shitskins cuck them
Stormfront has effectively colonized this place.
Literally nothing wrong with not being a white country anymore. Inshallah brothers.
>Every board is Sup Forums property
even /lgbt/ and /hm/?
not true because they have Al Benzemawry and Le Alsatian Choking man up front.
All those "signes extérieurs de patriotisme" in rugby should be taken with a pinch of salt though, as they are more or less "mandatory" for their image. I've seen a lot of players singing their guts out during the anthem, without giving a single fuck about defending the jersey once the game started.
A bit like US basketball players all have to put their hand on their heart during anthem, despite them not giving a single fuck at their NT and considering international tournament as summer chores.
On the other hand, I've also often seen players not singing, yet spilling their guts once on the court, like in basketball or handball.
Im not wrong. I also blame the wave of Sup Forums kids that come with every big event (Olympics, World Cups). Sup Forums kids are basically Sup Forums.
>Paris has some of the wildest shit ever seen, to put NYC in shade
Absolute bullshit.
I live in Paris for years and there's absolutely no place i would be afraid to walk in at night.
Ribery doesn't sing it but he was always playing 100% depite being a shithead and not patriotic
You ever been to Paris m8? I swear I saw more black people than white.
I think he means the banlieues, which I guess are not officially part of Paris, but practically belong to the city.
Is this accurate?
I'm not sure Ribéry is the best example. Or maybe it's a bait?
Sounds like you're the one who needs a safe space. Non-racists trigger you that much eh dietmar?
London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Vienna, etc are all the same. Conditionally replace black with arabs or asians where needed.
yeah like some finnish autist gonna up in seine saint denis
he's bsing
>France is filled to the brim with niggers and other shitskins
Ça craint le marais quand même.. Il doit y avoir une concentration importante de vih dans lair
It's accurate in the sense that those images are recorded in the 20th arrondissement which has a lot of african population.
However in most of the town white are a vast majority.
It's like going to harlem and say "Is this Africa?"
There are also lots of chinese (probably more than arabs) idk why it's never brought up by Sup Forums, maybe cause they never actually came to Paris.
I've been to London, Madrid, Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Prague... I didn't seem like there weere more minorities in Paris than in those cities.
I dare you to find a game where Ribery didn't play 100% for France
>poortugal talking
country is so fucking shit that they're like the second biggest group of immigrants behind north africans
maid, builders and building guardian absolute trash
Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Madrid and Copenhagen are DEFINITELY a lot more white than Paris.
Not sure about London and Amsterdam tho
Especially London could indeed be less white than Paris at this point...,
Broken record much
Still funny coming from an absolute shithole that is SA
Why don't you just fuck off and hang yourself?
better than having a 100% cigani team Milos.
Nah man I didn't feel like it. In Paris the airports iand train station are almost all in poor parts of the city where there are many blacks. So when you arrive it seems like you're in Africa.
There are also lots of blacks in the main metro stations and tourist places cause that's where the surburb trains all convey. But Paris is extremely expensive to live in and the vast majority is a white population, really
>Just fifty years ago, there was not a single European city that was more than 5% non-white
>Now people are bragging about how it's just certain parts of their capital that are loaded with millions of immigrants
This is the new slave trade. Europe is going to go the way of the Caribbean so that business owners can have cheap black labor and the lefties just fucking gobble it up because they're so goddamn deluded and self-loathing.
The only thing I saw in London is Heathrow, so I won't say it's an accurate representation, but I saw only 2 white workers here. ALL the others were Indians or Pakis, and most of them women burried under a veil.
Whites are not really south africans by your way of thinking. Why is the rugby team full of whites? Its
Says the country with more spanish speakers than Spain
We live in an era of globalisation and immigration, deal with it
I know a few french women, and they all chase the black cock. it's weird.
Heathrow is notorious for having a lot of muds. London itself is about 60% white
The problem with Ribéry is somewhere else. Especially, his commitment is much stronger towards some of his teammates than the others.
And when said teammates share the same characteristic of all being of the same religion, it becomes a problem as it's massively dividing the team and wrecking any kind of chemistry and solidarity in it.
>coming from a country where even the whites are niggers
my sides
I've seen a lot more of Paris than just the airport.
When you leave the city centre, you suddenly land in what seems like the fucking Bronx.
Then comes the Jewish quarter, which is quite white and then you are in Saint Denis, where every 2nd person seems to be unironically non-white.
Yeah, London is quite non-white at this point.
Some parts of the town just don't seem European anymore.
But it's still not as bad as in Marseille...
It's also important to mention that a big part of blacks in France are from Antilles or french carribean islands.
There are 400 000 people bron there that live in mainland France and that doesn't count those who parents emigrated.
People from these islands were french even before USA existed. Arguing that Martial who has origins from Martinique is less french than Koscielny whose parents emigrated from Poland in the last centuray is total non sense
at all
The reason why Koscielny is seen as more French than Martial is because Koscielny is European aka white.
Inner-European immigration has been happening for thousand of years
But immigration of non-whites into Europe is a completely new concept.
So far they only came as invaders (Moors, Ottomans) and failed everytime in the end.
>France will never be the proud smug white nation again
Not really related but I've realised that the french social media is mainly black. Or arab, whatever you call that. I mean, it's like the american one, with the race humour and laughing at the white french.
Captcha: France CARITA
Marseille is another story. It's a port open the the mediterranean sea. Marseille has always historically been the immigrat city.
Since the medieval times there has been waves of immigrants from Greece, Ottoman empire, north italians, Catalans. Later came ton orf Armenians running away from the genocide, South italians, Corsicans, Andalusian people and portuguese, Sardes, and even later people from north africa and Comorres. Lots of sepharade jews too
There are articles from 19th century that are already complaining about how Marseille isnt a french town
Yes but concerning Martial it's not even immigration. His family has probably been french for centuries
Any exemples?
Toastin' in ebin bread.
I don't consider myself "South African," because it is a general term that does not denote any particular ethnic group. It's a Jew's dream.
It's black men's burden to save every national team in europe
it's a known fact that the argentina/uruguay/southern brazil zone will be one of the few white majority settlements by 2050
Someone save that poor little white boy
Martial is far more French than Koscielny, got to be retarded to suggest otherwise
>2nd and 5th from left faces
Yep, and Pogba is Frencher than Griezmann
holy fuck. you dense motherfondler...
In any way or form.
they're far more banter between lelgerians and blacks in general on twatter
How can a black person be French?
Pogba and Martial are not the same, are you retarded?
Oh a spic, of course you are
>It's a "Sup Forums gets triggered" episode
When did I say they were the same? Why are you insulting me?
Donald Trump voter spotted