Post Uncle Tom Athletes reviled by the Black Community in this thread

Let's compare Curry's MVP speech to the other recent NBA MVP's
LeBron: About his mother and overcoming struggle.
Rose: About his mother and overcoming struggle
Durant: About his mother and overcoming struggle
Curry: About his millionaire father (who made around $19.2 million in his career) and overcoming nothing

There's a reason why most black people actively want Curry to fail. Fuck this coon.


The fact that blacks hate a guy because he didn't come from a single mom crackhead on welfare is everything that's wrong with the black community.

It's okay Steph, whites will select you in the upcoming draft.

There's a reason why most black people hate the Warriors. And this is it.The entitlement factor from what amounts to fucking rich kids

They listen to our music
They play OUR sport

And they have said nothing about our struggle

Fuck these coons.

You're not black so you don't get it

There's not one black person alive who isn't a complete uncle tom that doesn't revile these people

Maybe niggers should be concerned with raising a family themselves instead of being butt troubled when they see a black guy with a successful father in his life also become successful. You praise money and wealth but hate anyone who achieves it. Fuck you and fuck your retarded coon friends.

but his dad probably was one of the main reasons he made the NBA.. Sure he's had a lot of opportunity, but what is he supposed to lie and pretend that having a father who played in the NBA isn't going to help you as a kid in terms of having someone teach you proper fundamentals and such? Or was he supposed to just bullshit and make up a sob story about how he was so hard done by even though he wasn't?

>racists hating players because they are white, don't come from a broken home and are successful
go back to Sup Forums, kuntakinte

please use cornball brotha instead of uncle tom for maximum memeage


If what you call Curry's career is "successful", I have some bad news for you

LeBron, Kobe, MJ, and Durant are all richer than Curry and have the heart of a champion. Curry got lucky he had a great teammate like Thompson and Green

>heart of a champion

Alright you're just trolling now

>OUR sport

basketball was created by a white man

Go back to sucking SAS's cock, Bomani.

Yeah, Durant had less to work with than Curry and despite that, he's made an NBA finals and nearly eliminated a 73 win team were it not for insane amounts of refball

Sorry, when you think basketball, you think of white people? You're kidding, right?

Basketball is OUR sport. White people have nothing to do with basketball

>heart of a champion

So had the Warriors stood with a fist in the air at center court and prayed to the ghost of Malcom X Shabazz after every win, you would have accepted them?

>Sorry, when you think basketball, you think of white people?
>You're kidding, right?
>Basketball is OUR sport. White people have nothing to do with basketball
inventing the sport is definitely something to do with basketball

>they're all richer

They've also been playing the game longer and have been established a lot longer. Also all the guys you listed had all star teammates with them during their success (or in durants case during his failures)

>most wins in a season
>chance at back to back rings
>curry/thompson and the warriors as a whole literally breaking records every single game this year
>not successful

you're dumb

I'm afraid that with the way that Curry was raised, there is no way at all we would've accepted him.

He isn't like LeBron, MJ or Kobe, who had to overcome impossible odds to get to where they are.

He got BTFO in the NBA finals
OKC had more FTA than GS through the whole series


You could make the case that it was unintentional, which he did, which is why he wasn't suspended

Stay absolutely butt ravaged though faggot

>impossible odds

Kobe had a rich father who cared about him and played in the NBA just like Curry

>ITT Sup Forumstards pretend to be blacks that hate lighter skinned blacks
Don't you guys have anything better to do?

A handy list of black inventions:

Thank you for your time

>Impossibru odds

His dad played professional ball, including moving the family to Italy after he retired from the NBA. "Your people" still "accept" Kobe though. You said it yourself.

>Kobe's father

Yeah I don't remember him netting $19.2 million. Do you?

Are you an idiot? When did GSW get most of their FTA? Most were in crunch time, not in garbage time.

GSW's FTAs changed the game, while OKC's FTA's weren't.

The NBA is rigging it for their literal light skin golden boy. That's why I watch college basketball

>muh peanut butter

>the points we got off of free throws didn't matter
>the points they got mattered a lot
You know scoring in basketball is cumulative, right nigger?

Daily reminder curry scored 30 points with NO free throws in game 7 until the final minutes where he obviously got fouled

God you're such a little faggot. Cry more

How about when they change the flow of a game?

This is just bait, don't forget that.

>Yeah I don't remember him netting $19.2 million. Do you?

It's not a matter of how much money or how rich the Bryants were compared to the Currys, the point is that Kobe didn't overcome "impossible odds." His family was well off.

>Well off
>not to the tune of $19.8 million

Yeah, sure thing. At best, Kobe grew up middle class. He didn't have the prep school access that Steph did

So they didn't change the flow of the game early on, then? Face it, retard. You're just butthurt you bandwagoned the wrong team.

You mean like when Durant and westbrick turn the ball over? Like they did in game 6 and game 7?

Why would I be butthurt? It means that I get to see the Uncle Tom get stomped on the biggest stage of all

Dude, can you fucking read?

That's not "impossible odds." Middle class is not inner-city-parents-got-shot-impossible-odds. Kobe didn't have to "overcome" jackshit.

>implying this wasn't posted by a white person

Good show old chap, well played

it's just a much funnier expression

>Kobe's dad was well-off but not as well-off as Steph's dad
>We'll still keep Kobe and praise him
>LeBron drove a Hummer in high school
>Fuck Steph, entitled light-skinned Uncle Tom

That is your argument. Get fucked.

>Kobe grew up middle class. He didn't have the prep school access that Steph did
lel how retarded can you be

Kobe's dads 76's connections got him the adidas shoe deal. If he doesnt get that deal he doesn't enter the 96 draft, goes to college , probably doesnt end up on the lakers, nba history way different

he still had the genetics, which is the vast majority of it.

Like, I played hockey at a very competitive level when I was a teenager/young adult, and went further with it than 99% of people who play the game, but still wasn't anywhere close to good enough to make the NHL or even play professionally. My dad was drafted into the NHL though and played professionally for a bit. The amount of people you see in high levels of sports with very accomplished athletes for parents is staggering. Sure the money helps, but in my case (and other people I know who are playing pro hockey now, whether in the NHL or europe or whatever), I wasn't raised rich at all, I was low middle class at best. They had just enough to get exposed to scouts who can put you in a position to play for free (some boarding schools, provincial/state teams, junior, etc), along with winning the genetic lottery and basically being faster and stronger than the average person without trying as hard.

Sure its a different sport, but the point still stands, I'd bet that most of the people in the NBA had parents or a parent who were athletically gifted. Sure its the dream, but they aren't all little ghetto boys raised in the hood by a single mom with no advantages. Although being huge is basically a free ticket to a college team, where you could get a lot of specialized training, which doesnt really translate to hockey at all, Im more talking about the skilled guys, not the 7ft freaks who can dunk without jumping (which is definitely still genetics, but kind of off the point I think).

So Kobe was an American Eagle preppy like Steph was?

Steph represents everything wrong with the Black community

Wasn't that Rob Parker?

look mom, i'm trolling on the internet again


KEEEEEEEEEEEK wake the fuck off and step out of your victim bubble for just a fucking second.





White basketball fans are the worst


Wasn't LeBron projected to he the #1 pick in college? Fucking lazy niggers now Tom Brady there's a guy who beat the odds

>caring what a bunch of no good niggers think about their betters

top fucking kek

>Hard working man who is loyal to his family

No thanks

>Hooting, drug abusing, violent ape who abandons his family

Yes, this is someone I can respect. A true role model for the black community

>With the first overall pick in the 2016 Race Draft, Whites select...Stephen Curry!

>niggas face when

LeBron didn't go to college though.

>implying Whites would be a lottery team

Yeah man, I want to be on the user you're arguing against's side because fuck the warriors and draymond faggot green but literally thunder choked it, they were winning for most of every game except the blowout game 1, and turned the ball over and missed shots when it counted

Curry looks like the color of Curry not Black

>Lebron drove a hummer in high school that he earned himself
>curry probably drove an acura bought by dell
>Lebron grew up in the streets of shit akron to a single mother on welfare and no father
>curry grew up in a 4 bedroom home in the suburbs with a basketball court driveway
>lebron saw an opportunity to make money and go pro
>curry dicked around for 3 years at a private college and didnt even win a ship

Enough, you're missing the point. Its the source of your liftoff, its being self made, and not being an entitled bitch acting like you overcame so much adversity so you can relate to all the actual black people.

Don't even get me started on Klay, who's dad was the number one overall pick. But at least Klay is humble and not an arrogant retard like draymond or curry

its 100% a white guy who makes these threads right?

He grew up in fucking Italy as the son of a professional basketball player, that's not fucking middle class.

>so much adversity so you can relate to
>all the actual black people


Rich dark skinned people aren't actually black.

Only dark skin poor people are really black and know the struggle

they will be soon if SJWs have their way

Is being hated by niggers supposed to be a bad thing?

ITT: Shitposting is life

So if I'm understanding this guy right, then

>being racially black isn't enough
>only poor black people are black
>that's something to be proud of
>being raised properly and taught to be an upstanding member of society is a bad thing
>having a shit life is good
>having a good life is shit

Yup, smells like a false flagger

>our game
You're a jew from Indiana?

Kek. Tell that to the entire black population who disowned Charles Barkley, Prince, and the great Dr. Ben Carson. You must not know many black people. If you make it from nothing then you get credit. Listen in rap, "Ain't nobody give me nothing" etc. Hence, why curry is a bitch to the black community and bron is the new hero


And here we see the prototypical "Crabs in a bucket" mentality of the African-American community.

That wasn't George Washington Carver, that was someone else. Carver did invent other uses for peanuts though.

So what if LeBron's kids end up in the NBA?Will you hate them?So if you get rich, you're not allowed to have kids?


if you've guys never read Uncle Tom's cabin, you won't understand why Curry is worse for the black community than a police officer shooting young black men

>"Ain't nobody give me nothing"
It's one thing to not know how to speak english because your education sucked ass and you dropped out of middle school, but you can't seriously be proud of this. It's like being proud of intentionally using square wheels even when you know round wheels exist. Civilization had that shit figured out thousands of years ago. Now that you've learned better, you should try to keep up.

>Sup Forums fell for the bait once again

Where on that scale are niggers who murder other niggers?

Don't deflect

ask Steph curry and his silence that

I actually haven't read it but it sounds like a good idea in principle. Black people who understand how niggerish other black people are being should go tell those niggers to stop acting like it and actually be civilized. Self-education from motivated members of the minorities, in the interest of eliminating undesirable traits, which in turn will lead to less mistreatment of their kind. Very good stuff and those people should be commmended. If anything, calling someone an Uncle Tom is a top-class compliment.

>Black community

We won't hate them but it will be the same as the Curry situation, and we'll choose to support self made players.

No, its not at all like that. It's more like being proud of your own science project vs your parents doing the whole thing for you. It's more like beating missions on grand theft auto without using money and gun supplement cheats. Its more like growing up in the ghetto with nothing and working so hard that you actually make it out and become something bigger than a crime statistic, and influencing so many other people's lives by saying you, too can make it. It's not that we don't like curry, it's that his life doesn't correlate with most of ours, he hasn't struggled to find food or anything like that. It's nothing to do with his skin, its his socioeconomic status and privilege, and still expects black people to identify with him. Lebron is real. Curry is a silver spoon millennial.

At this point, i can't tell if posts like this are sarcastic or if you really are that fucking delusional and out-of-touch with society.

Jesus Christ niggers are actually worse than animals. They CHOOSE to be violent apes.

The idea that you're not a real nigga if your life doesn't suck or hasn't sucked for long stretches of time has done more to fuck over the black community than Ronald Reagan, AIDS, and crack put together.

posting the GOAT uncle tom

What can you say, niggers gonna nig.

case and point, this guy:


>nearly beating a 73-win team is a greater achievement than being a 73-win team

He's even raising his gf's son top kek

Stop culturally appropriating our sport, pls


I'm not OP, that was my first post. SJWs are making it harder for being normal to be acceptable though. Muh privelege and shit.

There's a way to do that without coming off as a caricature

Unfortunately, Steph is a caricature. He's the modern day version of a black person doing jigs for the white man for coins

You're not black so you don't get it

Neither are you though.

Ok I call bullshit

Do most black people know the word "caricature?"

>SJWs are making it harder for being normal to be acceptable though. Muh privelege and shit.

This is objectively incorrect. SJWs are boogeymen that haven't affected anything in any meaningful way - yes, even forms of entertainment.

Yeah because it's that idea and not the police gunning down young black men in the street

I agree. Even if he is a black guy, the kind that knows that word would be the kind of guy he's pretending to hate.