Why should we hold the Olympics in a country with rampant sexism like Brazil?
Why should we hold the Olympics in a country with rampant sexism like Brazil?
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If only the sexism was the only problem. I can see the National Teams coming home with only the 60% of the team.
can you be sexist to a tranny?
Colonization was a mistake.
Because no one else wants to host them.
Only in Spain's case. You left too many natives alive.
>chiraqis still mad about
It was an orgy.
yes. brazika literally attacks vaginas
yea, for 33 of the 34 involved particpants
>everything has to have a "muh women", "muh race" or "muh feels" spin to it
I just want it to end already. Go fuck yourself with your identity politics bullshit.
Brazil is like a failed experiment of what would happen if you let all of the animals at the zoo out of their cages to run wild
The current average latino is a spanish rape babby. They not only left them alive, but raped the women.
At a least you had the decency of pushing them away.
I mean, this is a story of 33 men raping a 16 year old girl.
So there is a pretty strong "muh women" and "muh feels" spin to it.
Who gives a fuck you dumb faggot, there's hundreds of fucking rapes, murders, stabbings, or whatever the fuck else going on daily. No one gives a fuck until its time to make browny political points out of it.
No one will talk about some retarded dehumanization of men because its not politically viable, ie. can't milk it for progressive points.
"here everything is 0800 ($0), I'm not a prostitute, but I'm very crazy now, I'm giving it and they are fucking me. (...) they are eating me nice and I'm giving it"
That's bullshit though. Every single time there is sexism/big scandal (like an alleged gang rape by 33 women) to a man, it's a huge story, and everyone starts talking about how men are so neglected by society. What do you mean with dehumanization of men anyway, we have it pretty good.
Well, the story talks about rape, that's all I'm talking about.
This why did this shit not exist even a hundred years ago? I swear globalization is the cause of this.
Wait you mean talk about racism and sexism didn't exist a hundred years ago?
The only reason it wasn't more usual than it is nowadays is because people weren't as educated and didn't have as big channels to talk about it as they do now.
Everyone has been bitching all the time about everything always, now it's just easy to see because it's a """"""""journalist""""""" writing in a """"""""""""""""""news"""""""""""""blog.
Look nigger, it's not even about men or women you fucking retard. That was merely an example.
>and everyone starts talking about how men are so neglected by society.
The fuck are you on about you dumb fuck?
Point is shit happens daily, weekly, monthly, every fucking year and no one gives a fuck until its time to push a fucking agenda. What does this have to do with the Olympics or of "dehumanization" of women? Holy fuck, criminals do crime, psycopaths rape women, so fucking what? What point are you making?
Do I cry about the dehumanisation of men when 90% of murder victims are men? No I don't, because it has jack shit to do with sex.
>we have it pretty good.
White kinghting isn't getting you pussy retard.
i'm going to need video evidence to believe in this story
>you can't rape a prostitute
Holy shit you are mad calm the fuck down.
I'm not even saying that anyone is right, and I'm really fucking sure that I'm not white knighting. I guess there are a lot of women who are p mad because they've got their shit fucked pretty hard in the past, and many people in many places treat them as inferior people.
Also I'm assuming that there is no way that the article is saying gang rape = dehumanization of women. If there is an article that stupid, it should just be laughed at. My guess is that it goes semi-in depth about "institutionalized sexism" and "objectifying" without actually bringing anything to the table.
>no one cares until its time to push an agenda
This can't be news to you. It has been like this always, isn't just for stuff about women or brown people.
And yeah, 90% of murder victims being men hardly has anything to do with sex, but big time sexism and sexual abuse (which I'm guessing the article is talking about) definitely has everything to do with sex.
>White knighting isn't getting you pussy retard
Why are you so fucking angry, holy shit. Where the fuck am I white knighting?
she's saying she did it for free.
once the tape got leaked she claimed rape
Well, rapes happen everywhere, how is this a sign of sexism? We don't live in Equestria or some other magical land without evil people and criminals. If these barbarians were tried and acquitted or something like that, I'd agree that this is sexist and unacceptable, but if this isn't the case, I agree with the Slovene, even though he seems a little bit too butthurt.
I refuse to believe that this article talks about "dehumanization of women" and uses the rape as proof, there is no one retarded enough to do that.
>guess there are a lot of women who are p mad because they've got their shit fucked pretty hard in the pas
You are the typical retarded leftist thinking he's a moderate.
Look, idiot, women aren't a magical collective group that have connected minds and feel each other as well as their ancestors. If some women were "oppressed" 300 years ago it makes zero fucking sense that women today would be "p mad about it" as they never fucking experienced it to begin with. It's like me being mad at some fucking German because "we was oppresed n shieet" 400 years ago.
>Also I'm assuming that there is no way that the article is saying gang rape = dehumanization of women.
Except its in the clickbait title literally saying that.
>but big time sexism and sexual abuse (which I'm guessing the article is talking about) definitely has everything to do with sex.
Oh, you're guessing. Aren't you a smart fucking little shit.
>but big time sexism and sexual abuse (which I'm guessing the article is talking about) definitely has everything to do with sex.
You're here defending this shit and justifying it, not only that, you're literally imagining what the article says or doesn't say. You're a fucking retard saying shit like "we have it pretty good" and "women are p mad about past". Who the fuck are you to group people based on sex and attribute specific opinions and mindsets to them? That's the definition of sexism you fucking idiot.
Yes, I'm mad, I'm mad because of idiots like you perpetuating this and defending it. Kill yourself.
Apparently the police didn't react promptly enough and the victim "felt" she was being blamed for the incident by policemen. Then the writer goes on and talks about "rape culture", how Roussef's impeachment was also because of sexism, how there's not enough women in Brazil's congress, how the new PM didn't appoint any female ministers and so on and so forth. So, actual issues mixed with SJW bullshit.
She didn't have money for the drugs so she tried to pay with sex, but more guys came by and she couldn't handle them all. She wanted to have sex with 11 to pay for the drugs.
listen to the audios:
Your butthurtedness makes me uncomfortable Slovenia.
Guess these women in particular are p mad about being subjected to sexism in their daily lives.
>The Fight Against the Growing Dehumanization of Women in Brazil
Do tell me where in the title it says that gang rape = dehumanization of women. There is nothing in the clickbait title saying that.
And of course I'm guessing, what the fuck. If the article is saying rape = dehumanization of women, the article is laughably retarded and should fuck right off, but I refuse to believe that anyone is that stupid.
Are you seriously saying that your average white European doesn't have it a shitload better than an average Brazilian woman? You cannot be that delusional.
And believe it or not, I don't care if you see me as sexist. That's not a problem to me. I'm cool with being a sexist, that's just what some women have said to me. Do I think it makes sense? No. But there are women, wether you like it or not, who are p mad about the past. There are also pretty many women who seem to be p mad about things happening in this day and age.
Also proves that I was semi right. They are saying stuff, some that actually matter and some that are just fucking bullshit, like I thought they would.
Yeah, she was a slut nonetheless. They have a strict moral code, she is trying to get away with it, but it's proved that she wanted to have sex with them.
I just realized that I'm writing paragraph after paragraph on a Myanmarese rug-knitting forum arguing about something that I don't even agree with or like with a Slovenian that makes assumptions of me and wants me to kill myself and calls me a retard, a little shit, an idiot, all that jazz.
Jesus Christ, it's time to stop.
>mfw she wasn't raped, but agreed to fuck 3 guys, not 30
>mfw she has a child and is part of a criminal gang
>mfw they are now investigating the police officers who tried to dig in the history
>but agreed to fuck 3 guys, not 30
Then it's still rape.
Brazil has a problem with crime in general. Rapes, homicides, thefts, etc.There's no rule of law. Only 8% of homicide cases are solved. But leftists always try to particularize the problems. Like, the problem isn't that we have the biggest total of homicides in the world, much more than poorer and larger countries like India, or countries under civil war like Syria or Afghanistan, the problem is that BLACKS are being killed, or WOMEN are being raped, and we need to "fight racism" or "fight sexism".
No, rape isn't practiced by "sexism", it's practiced by criminals. And to prevent rape we need to fight criminals. Put them in jail. Build more jails. Invest in the police. But the left is against all of that, they prefer to use the money to buy votes and maintain the people in poverty as unproductive lumpenproletariat.
>Guess these women in particular are p mad about being subjected to sexism in their daily lives.
What sexism you fucking idiot? Just because they talk shit doesn't mean shit. These women can suck my dick, I couldn't give less of a shit.
It's about as legitimate as me claiming I'm being a victim of sexism daily. Give me attention.
>but I refuse to believe that anyone is that stupid.
I do, because people like you exist to buy up their shit.
>Are you seriously saying that your average white European doesn't have it a shitload better than an average Brazilian woman? >You cannot be that delusional.
Your replay was in context of men vs women you little fucking shitter.
> But there are women, wether you like it or not, who are p mad about the past. There are also pretty many women who seem to be p mad about things happening in this day and age.
>They are saying stuff, some that actually matter and some that are just fucking bullshit, like I thought they would.
No, nothing fucking matters, Jazzabel is some far left bat shit insane feminist click bait website. They're full of shit and you should feel stupid as fuck for falling for it and believing they have even a sliver of legitimacy.
Seriously, if you clicked that link I sincerely hope you get eaten by wolves, moose or polar bears or whatever the fuck wild animals you have over there.
Do you know what "agreed" means?
I'm actually sorry for all the good Brazilbros out there. You are really getting fucked by the corruption of your shitty government. I hope things get better for you.
If she agreed to fuck three and got fucked by thirty three, thirty people raped her.
What's a person who looks kinda white doing hanging around with drug dealers and criminals? I thought that was all nigger territory even in Brazil.
Do you know how does having 27 dicks that you didn't want in yourself still penetrate you feels?
Would it be victim blaming if she got prosecuted for prostitution at the same time?
Not what I meant, there were only 3 guys involved, not 30, and she agreed to fuck those 3.
brazil is a predominantly mutt country, she's just a mutt who dyed her hair, nothing uncommon.
Definitely not, I'm not sure about prostitution laws in Brazil, but if she broke the law she should obviously get prosecuted. You know that though.
Ah, okay. Where are you getting this? Not that I'm doubting you, being a crack whore doesn't make her all that trustworthy, so wouldn't be surprised if she lied. Is this in the video you linked?
It's not nigger territory, most drug lords are either mulattos or whites, Brazil is really diverse and most criminals are mulattos, because there's a big quantity of whites and blacks around here.
A wire revealed that basically, the whole institution is made of criminals, like 99%, it's the biggest corruption scandal in the world. The amount of people getting fucked is absurd.
In the audio, people claim she was doped and wanted to bang not 30 guys, but 50. The guys agreed to stop when she wanted to sleep, her friends even gave her a bath and she came back there to get banged again. They even mention that rape is not allowed in the favelas, and the punishment is death (which is kinda of true from what I've heard, they sometimes raped the guy who did it).
>Everyone has been bitching all the time about everything always
>says the 20 year old
No, it wasn't always like this.
Prostitution here is legal in every single state.
>Where are you getting this?
From the police investigation. The "30 guys" hypothesis was because the guy who recorded said the lyrics of a song, in which says that a woman was fucked by "30 guys from the gang". But since people don't know about the song, they assumed that she was raped by 30 guys. Also, when she had her body under scrutiny by physicians the conclusion was that there was no sign of rape. Whether she was doped (or doped itself) and then raped remains to be seen, but my best bet is that there was agreement from her part, and after the video, she just surfed the wave.
>Is this in the video you linked?
I just arrived itt.
>Prostitution here is legal in every single state.
It's just "tolerated", there isn't much legal framework regarding it, specially regarding the protection of prostitutes.
People haven't always been complaining?
I find that hard to believe. And it's not like being 38 instead of 28 would make me magically know all about them histories and all that.
People are just so whiny that it is really hard to believe them not being whiny at any point in history. Maybe they weren't as vocal because there was no way to make your voice be heard/you got the living shit beat out of you if you complained, but I'm pretty sure people are naturally whiny cunts.
Well that's a cunt thing to do. Jesus Christ people are disgusting.
That happens everywhere worldwide, people hate rapists and pedophiles more than anything, so it's an easy tool in the hands of women. They can screw you easily, because people will hardly care if it was true or not, they will just assume she wasn't lying and even if you are innocent, your life will probably be damaged forever.
It reminded me of that danish movie: "Jagten".
>People haven't always been complaining?
Not like this they weren't. It's gotten completely out of hand in the past 10-15 years. Now everything, every little thing is a potential micro agression against someone somewhere.
If you're saying that people have always been complaining then yes I agree, but they weren't always so fucking sensitive and overwhelmed by their emotions as they are now.
Yeah, there has been a couple of false claims in Finland.
Actually there was one where a girl got her period while fucking a random guy, and then she blamed him for raping her so violently that there was blood.
Only problem is that there was no signs of physical trauma.
Well then I agree with you. With the blogs and tumblrs and everything that people have right now to complain about everything, it's fucking ridiculous.
I remember reading people complaining about stuff in my local newspaper as a kid. It was hilarious. But nowadays it's just too stupid to be real, and there is so much of it, it's overwhelming.
It's their culture and you're racist if you criticize it.
My bad, you're actually right. It's just so common, that I forgot that is "tolerated" like you meant.
>poor girl gets gangraped
>who cares about her, the issue is sexism not violence
Sickening indeed.
Does Robbie Mak still play for you guys or was that slovakia?
And I wholehearted agree, it shouldn't have any legal protection, because the day we say enough is enough, there is legal backing. Rampant prostitution (men, women and >trans) is a scar on the face of civilization.
I'm not saying it is a false claim, just that it looks like one. I may be wrong, she may have been doped then fucked against her will. What really pissed me off was seeing everyone just assuming that the accused was guilty without any further proof but a video that shows nothing. Justice must be blind, sex, race and nationality mustn't have part in the sentence.
That's Slovakia. Get it right fuckface.
>Murrika holds the Copa America Centenario
>Brazil can't even train because there was ANOTHER SHOOTING in a university
i would be more worry about zika
>this mad as fuck russian
chill out dude fucking hell
Poor José was relegated to guard duty and had to wank himself off to sleep.
Are we being ironic or has Sup Forums been invaded by SJWs as well?
Look at who's talking. It's not like US is a paradise.
Doesn't Brazil have a woman president?
Then why does everybody move here from third world shitholes like yours?
Cuckutxotulipatoca, are you Cortes' rape grandgrandgrandson?
It wasnt really a mass shooting but a murder though
Not anymore, commies got the boot