Handegg is still 3 months away

>Handegg is still 3 months away

Offseason life is suffering.

>1st round draft pick hasn't torn their ACL yet

I love the NFL, but one thing that I can't understand is the absurdedly short season length. 4 months? 16 games? It's ridiculous. The most successful teams play 23 max with the maximum cap being 24 if a wild card makes it. Every other NA league has 6 months and this only has 4, plus it's the most popular. I really don't get it?

I get that they could get injured, but if you pay them millions then its part of the salary, not this pitifully small amount of games.

Can an ameribro explain it to me? Sorry for the wall of text, it just makes me angry.

They can't physically play any more than they already do. Watch the injuries pile up in the last half of the season and you'll get what I mean

>18-1 is still suspended 4 games

why is the football seasion so short?

Because of the physicality

The sport is so physically demanding that you cannot realistically have a long season without pussifying the rules to the point of absurdity.

So either you can have flag football or a short season, make your pick.

Canadian meme league kick off soon. I'll be streaming the Eskimo's game

Linemen would die of exhaustion part way through the season and concussions would spiral out of control

Everyone wud be ded

>10 minutes of "physicality" per game

D-dont reverse curse Bosa senpai, its all we have

Believe me potato nigger, if the NFL could expand the schedule without suffering a gorillion injuries, they would've already done it.

ladies, not everyone can get a concussion week in and week out. That's the only reason QBs are the face of the league and why the season is so short. gg

Imagine if boxers fought 16+ fights a year.

How is boxing anything like lard collide?

Repeated blows to the head

>the clock isnt running that means nothing is actually happening

are yuros actually serious? Do you actually not see how stupid you sound when you claim this?

Good, handegg is cancer


Is this our year, Dallas gents?


About half since players swap out on defence/offense

>In 3 months, you will hear Joe Buck and Troy Aikman's voices again

>normalfag sports talk will talk football for 3 hours a day starting in July
this is why radio is dying and I just sub to sports podcasts I like

Boxing is less fixed

>lard collide

>his sport isnt played year round

>wanting Brady with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove
if anything Pats are almost confirmed to win the owl this year now that Brady's suspension was reinstated, other teams might as well stay home

As long as he isn't doing baseball I'm okay

that looks like tuukka rask